beacon ( redone )
* news channel live *
Ironwood:* walks on stage * now
I know Commander sigma has turn to the evil side but due to these two
* As pics of you and zera appear on the screen but ironwood can't see it *
Ironwood: we where able to defeat sigma and his mavericks
* It cuts to axl watching TV and zera walking in *
Zera: ugh turn that shit off axl
Axl: oh come on you guys are hero's !
Zera:* grabs the remote and turns it off *
Axl: hey ! I was watching that
Zera: don't care x should be back with papers we have to fill to go to a academy
Axl: you mean your boyfriend ~
Zera:* blushes * he's not my boyfriend ! { In mind}{ at least not yet }
* Door opens *
X: sorry I'm late guys I had to get something
Zera:* nods *
Axl: x you miss the news
X: again didn't they play that ten times already ?
Axl: yeah but your hero's
X:* smiles * I got the papers * walks over to zera and hands hers then axl his *
Zera: where's yours x ?
X: I finish mine just need you two to finish yours
Both:* nod and feel out their papers *
Axl:* gets up * I better go or red will get mad
X: bye axl
Axl:* leaves after giving x his paper *
X: oh zera
Zera: hm ?
X:* hands her a gift * here
Zera:* takes it and opens it her eyes widened *
It was a new saber
X: I saved some lien to buy it sense your old one was destroyed
Zera:* smiles and activates it * thank you x ~
X:* smiles innocently * no problem zera
X pov
Me,zera and axl get onto the bullhead as I see one girl in yellow hair and the other with black with red tips
Zera: is something wrong x ?
Those girls look familiar but I can't put my finger on it
Zera pov of view flash back
???: Wake up zera
I opens my eyes to see a man with a white beard
Who are you
Light: my name is Thomas light I got a important mission for you don't let x remember those two * pull out a pic of tai and yang * they abuse him to the point of death
I won't let you down mr light
Dr.Light: I know you won't * close the capsule *
Back in reality
I'm sure they nobody that we don't know
X: yeah your right
As a hologram appears
Hologram glynda: hello and welcome to beacon
Yellow: who's that ?
Hologram glynda: Hello I'm glynda goodwitch
Yellow: oh
Hologram glynda; you are among a privilege few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestige academy out world is experiencing an incredible time of peace and as future huntsman and huntresses,it's is your duty to uphold it you have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task and now it's our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world * turns off *
Red: oh,wow * gos to the window and puts her hands against it * you can see signal from up here!
X: I can't wait you zera
Neither can I
Axl: I'm here you know
X: sorry axl I forgot you were there
I smile
Axl: oh come on x !
X:* smiles *
* A time skip *
No one pov
Yang: great the gang is all here
Ruby: not if I can say something about it ! * Runs to the deathstalker *
Yang: ruby wait!
Ruby try to fight the deathstalker but fails then true to run back to the others as yang runs to get ruby
Nevermore:* sends it feathers at ruby as one pins her cape and blocking yang *
Yang: ruby get out of there !
Deathstalker:* prepare to strike her with it's stinger *
Suddenly the tails gets chop off
Deathstalker:* screeches in pain *
As a familiar blonde with a lightsaber was on the other side of the deathstalker
Nevermore:* see and trust to help is comrade only to be blasting into nothing by a lazer *
As a boy in blue armor and another with black armor to it down
Then a another one jumps over the deathstalker from behind wearing light blue or teal armor with brown hair as he shoots a small black orb as it start pulling the deathstalker apart
????: That was close
As they all walk over but one walk over to the rune
As the Boy in blue armor walks over to ruby and gets the father out of her cape
Boy: there you go * as he throws the thing to the side and runs to join the others *
R,y,b,p,n,r,j,w: what just happened
- Timeskip to ceremony -
Ozpin: Russel thrush, cardin winchester,dove bronzewing,sky lark the four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces from this day forward, you will work together as team CRDL, led by cardin winchester
Everyone claps
Opzin: Jaune arc,lie ren, pyrrha nikos,nora valkyrie the four of you retrieved the white took pieces from this day forward, you will work together as team JNPR
Everyone claps
Nora:* hugs ren *
Ozpin: led by Jaune arc!
Jaune: huh?led by?
Ozpin: congratulations, yong man
Pyrrha:* punches his shoulder*
Ozpin: blake belladonna,ruby rose,weiss schnee,yang xiao long the four of you retrieved the white knight pieces from this day forward, you will work together as team RWBY led by ruby rose
Yang:* hugs ruby * I'm so proud of you !
Everyone claps
Ozpin: x,zera,axl,jelan you four have collected the white queen pieces together from now you work together as team XZAL led by x
Team XZAL:* nods *
Ozpin: it looks like things are shaping up to be an interesting year
Ruby:* pulls yang aside *
Yang: woah ruby what wrong
Ruby: It's that x guy
Yang: yeah what about him
Ruby: right before y/n went missing he made me this * shows a megaman x figure * he said he didn't exist now he does
Yang: ok so ?
Ruby: I'm suspicious of him like he's hiding something
Yang: Ruby your probably being paranoid
Ruby: no I'm not and I'm going to get to bottom of it
Yang:* rolls eyes *oh brother
As the screen cuts to black
Author: alright I finally I did the remake of it to let you guys know the first one will be deleted so let me know what you guys think of this chapter
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