Vol. 1: Origins (Issue #4: Great Responsibility)
In an apartment, Miles is seen sticking to his ceiling in his room as he did some homework. Then his mother, Rio, calls out to him.
Rio: "Miles! It's time for bed! Don't stay up too late!"
Miles: "Got it, Ma!"
Miles calls back before he drops his homework on to his bed. He then drops from the ceiling and lands besides his bed before hopping on top of it.
Miles: "Aaaaah... Today was a good day."
Miles' phone ring. He turns to it and grabs it to see who was calling him. He answers.
Miles: "Hey, Pete! What's up?"
Peter: *over the phone* "Hey, Miles. Have you seen... any more Spider-People recently?"
Miles sits up, curious about what his mentor was talking about.
Miles: "What? More Spider-People?"
Peter: *over the phone* "Yeah. There's been some reports about some guy in a costume was swinging around the city. Some even said he was spotted at an underground fight club. Have you seen anything?"
Miles: "N-no, I haven't. This is insane..."
Peter: *over the phone* "Yeah. And the bad thing is that we don't know who's side he's on. We need to bring him in."
Miles: "Got it. Any idea where he could be?"
L/n Residence...
The beeping of an alarm clock is heard before it is swiftly quieted by a hand slamming down on it. The alarm clock gets shattered to pieces as Y/n slumps over in his bed. Then he sits up and looks at his now destroyed alarm clock.
Y/n: "Shit..."
Y/n shakes his head to get rid of his sleepiness and then hops up to his ceiling before pushing off and to his room floor. He then goes around his room as he gets dressed into today's clothing. Today was Sunday, so no school which meant more time to himself.
For the past month, Y/n had participated in underground fights with the help of Mason. He's even gotten some tips and tricks from Adrian Toomes, aka the Vulture, who was also the first guy Y/n had fought. He was a pretty cool guy once you get to know him. And ever since their fight, Y/n had remained the champion of that underground fight club.
Yep. Undefeated, baby.
Sometimes Y/n's opponents would get off easy with normal beatings and whatnot. Others got a more... severe loss. A lot of fighters left bloody and bruised, and some even had broken bones in multiple places.
Yeah. Y/n gives zero fucks about who he hurts and how he does it. He tries not to kill, so he has to hold back. But he doesn't hold back to the point where just anyone can challenge him. He's feared and respected in the fight club. And it felt good.
And ever since Y/n and Mason started with the whole spider thing, they've gotten better at it. Mason has been keeping his secret locked tight all the while making ideas for his best pal. Y/n had also gotten used to his new powers and had gotten better at using them. And with every fight came a win, and with every win came money he and Mason split. Mason used his money mainly on himself or to buy things to make his little chaos creations, and Y/n used his to help his grandpa with their money problems. Rick had grown curious and concerned about where his grandson was getting all this money, but he hasn't questioned it... yet. He was going to confront his grandson soon, but it wasn't the moment to do so right now.
After finally changing, Y/n walks out of his room to see Rick at the dinner table eating a bagel. He was reading the Daily Bugle, and the front page was the usual.
Y/n rolled his eyes at the front page. He never thought that the Spider-Men were menaces and that J. Jonah Jameson was spewing nonsense. However, he did think that they could do better. Sure, Spider-Man had been around for eight years and has been a great hero to almost everyone, but he's never deterred crime. Maybe if he gave someone a good beat down, then the criminals would get scared. Shit their pants, even.
Y/n: "Mornin', Grandpa."
Rick looks up from his newspaper and to his Grandson as he walks up to the cupboard. He grabs a bowl and places it on the counter.
Grandpa Rick: "Heya, champ. Sleep well?"
Y/n: "Yep. You?"
Y/n asks as he walks over to the pantry and gets out a box of (favorite cereal). He brings it over to his bowl as he begins to pour it.
Grandpa Rick: "I slept well."
Y/n nods as he stops pouring his cereal and then goes to the fridge. He opens it and reaches for the milk.
Grandpa Rick: "So... is there something you wanna tell me?"
Y/n freezes at this before he grabs the milk and takes it out.
Y/n: "Uh, no. Why?"
Grandpa Rick: "Just curious as to why you're bringing in so much money."
Y/n: "Like I said before, I got a good paying job. Nothing wrong with that."
Y/n says as he pours milk into his bowl of cereal and then goes to put it away into the fridge.
Grandpa Rick: "I'm just checking. You're gone most days now. I just want to make sure you're not doing anything... illegal."
Y/n puts the milk in the fridge and closes the door as he processes what he was just told.
Y/n: "Illegal? Grandpa, do you think I'm turning into some kind of criminal?"
Technically, he isn't. He's been beating up criminals in secret and is getting paid for it, so he's technical doing nothing wrong. Sure. Superhuman underground fights are kinda illegal, but only if you get caught.
Grandpa Rick: "I just want to make sure. You're a bright young lad. You go to Horizon High. The world is literally in your hand. You can take it and make it into something better than it already is, or make it worse. It's your choice."
Y/n: "Look. I don't care what happens to anyone else. You and Mason have been by my side since forever. I'd kill to make sure you're safe."
Grandpa Rick: "And that's the thing. The world is a place of black and white. Right and wrong. But you? You see grey. While you have a good heart, you'd do anything in your power to finish what you started. And that scares me sometimes."
Y/n: "So what? If I'm helping you, then that's all that matters!"
Y/n was starting to become agitated. Why couldn't his grandpa see that he was just trying to help?
Grandpa Rick: "There are more people in the world than me! And a lot more people need your help! More than I do. You have the power to change the world and--"
Y/n: "What? When there is great power, there must come a great responsibility? Peter and May say that all the time. I know! The world has enough people doing good. I just want to help you because you've done so much for me!"
Grandpa Rick: "And I know that. But I'm fine. There is always a choice between right and wrong. One decision can and will forever change you. It's up to you to decide which side you end up on."
Y/n began to breath heavily from his growing anger. He wanted to retort and yell back, but he knew Rick was right. So he began to take in some deep breathes and calmed down.
Y/n: "You're right... You're right. Sorry for yelling."
Grandpa Rick: "It's fine, Y/n. We need a good yell every once in a while."
Y/n laughs a bit at this and agrees with his grandfather. A good shouting session is well needed sometimes.
Y/n: "Thanks, Grandpa."
Grandpa Rick: "No problemo, kiddo."
Y/n smiles as he grabs his bowl of cereal and brings it over to the table to eat.
After breakfast, Y/n went outside of his apartment and made his way to the roof. He then walks over to the edge and crawls on to the wall on the side where the alleyway was. There he had an extra backpack webbed there. One that contained his "Spiderling" costume. He was still working on the name.
He grabs his bag and rips it from the webbing. He goes back on to the roof and, after making sure no one's watching, he changes into his costume and runs to leap off the rooftop. He then begins to swing through the air as he made his way to the nearby mall. Why was he going to the mall? He was going to hang out with Mason for a bit before his next batch of fights later that day. The champion needs to keep his title away from the kiddies, doesn't he?
Anyways, after some quick swinging, Y/n had arrived near the mall. He's only a few blocks away as he perches on a water tower.
Y/n: "Okay. Just gotta change out real quick and--"
"Hey! H-hey! Let me go!"
Y/n's head started to lightly buzz and he turns to look down into the alley next to him. There he sees two men and a woman who was pinned against the wall by one of them. It looked like they were trying to mug her... or worse.
Thug #1: "Look, lady. We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way."
Thug #2: "So which one is it gonna be?"
The second thug asks as he pulls out a gun and aims it at the woman. Y/n looks down at the scene before him and sighs
Y/n: "I can't let them just do this. Time to be "Spiderling"... as a hero? Whatever."
Spiderling drops down from his perch and descends down to the woman and the thugs via a web.
Woman: "Okay, okay! You can have my st--... Spider-Man?"
Thugs #1 and #2: "What?"
The two turn around to see Spiderling hanging upside down behind them.
Thugs #1 and #2: "Spider-Man?!"
Spiderling: "Do I look like Spider-Man to you?"
The second thug aims his gun at Spiderling whose Spider Sense goes off and he web-zips to a wall to dodge the bullets fired. He then fires a web at the man's gun before yanking it away and then pushes off of the wall and knees the man in the face, breaking his nose as he flies back.
Thug #1: "You little bug!"
Spiderling: "Arachnid! There's a difference."
Thug #1: "Don't care!"
The thug says as he takes out a pocket knife and swings at Spiderling. However, he misses as the teen dodges his attack and grabs the man's arm.
Spiderling: "Seriously? A knife? Do you honestly know how stupid that is?"
Spiderling asks before snapping the man's arm, breaking it in two which makes the man scream in pain. Then he gets knocked out with a swift punch to the face. He falls to the ground and the other thug recovers from his hit and grabs Spiderling by the arms. Though he just rolls his eyes before he fires a web shot at the man's face which makes him let go of Spiderling. Said underground fighter grabs the man by his face and then slams it into the wall, knocking him out as Spiderling lets go of him and he falls to the ground.
Spiderling: "Jeez, you guys are lame. No wonder Spidey finds guys like you annoying as all hell."
Spiderling clicks his teeth and turns to the woman.
Spiderling: "Are you okay, ma'am."
Woman: "Y-yeah."
Spiderling: "Make sure you stay safe--!"
Spiderling stumbles back a bit as the woman hugs him gratefully and tightly.
Woman: "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I though I was going to die..."
Spiderling couldn't process what had just happened. This woman was hugging him. Why? Just because he saved him?
Spiderling: "Uh, y-yeah. It's no problem, miss."
He awkwardly pats the woman on the back before she lets go of him. She gives him a grateful smile.
Woman: "Thank you again."
Spiderling: "Yeah. Just stay safe."
Woman: "Will do."
With that, the woman runs out of the alleyway and on to the bustling crowds of people walking by. Spiderling watches this before he shakes his head and swings back up to the roof to change.
Inside the mall, Y/n and Mason are seen in the arcade. Y/n was leaning against an arcade machine as he watched his best pal play a random game. However, Y/n wasn't paying much attention. His mind was still on what had happened only half an hour earlier. That woman was so happy to be saved and when she thanked and hugged him. It made Y/n feel... nice. Was that why Spider-Man helped people?
Mason: "Hey. You good, man?"
Y/n snaps out of his thoughts and looks at his friend.
Y/n: "Hm?"
Mason: "Is something on your mind? You've been rather quiet. Well, quieter than usual."
Y/n: "I-I'm fine. Just... yeah, something's on my mind."
Mason looks back at the arcade machine's screen as it flashes.
Arcade Machine: "Y-Y-You're DEAD!"
Mason: "Welp. No time like the present to tell me."
Y/n just sighs before speaking.
Y/n: "I... I saved a lady from getting mugged just earlier."
Mason: "What? Dude, that's great!"
Y/n: "I know, but there's something weird I'm feeling."
Mason: "Maybe it's your conscious telling you that you did something good and that you should do it more."
Y/n: "I mean, of course I should. It's the right thing to do. But there's already enough heroes. I don't need to get into the mix."
Mason: "That's not what it looks like."
Y/n: "Look. I'm just gonna stick with the underground fights, 'kay? Besides, I need something to take my mind offa this."
Mason: "Okay. If that's the case... here."
Mason pulled a notebook from his hoodie pocket and tossed it at his friend. Y/n catches it and sees that it was already opened to a page with a blueprint design for webshooters. Well, more specifically something for his webshooters called "electro webs".
Y/n: "What is this?"
Mason: "A new web design idea. Electro webs! It's something like your normal webs, but they send an electric current through them. Gives people quite a shock."
Y/n: "You did not just say that."
Mason: "I did. Anyways, if you need something to occupy your mind right now, use that. It's an experimental blueprint, so there isn't a big success rate. If you wanna start on getting the parts, there's an electric store right across from us."
Y/n: "Alright. Thanks, Mace."
Mason: "No problemo. Now time to beat the shit out of this level."
With that, Y/n walked away and left the arcade. He then walked across the long mall corridor and into the electric store. He started to browse around as he looked for parts for his webshooter upgrade Mason thought of. After a few minutes, he found a few of the parts. However, he couldn't find one which was starting to agitate him.
Y/n: "Goddammit...! Where are you?"
"Is there something I can help you with?"
Y/n stopped his searching and turned to see a girl that looked about his age that was a bit taller than him with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a uniform with a name tag on her chest, meaning she was an employee at the store. The name tag said her name was Toni B. Wonder what the "B" stands for.
Y/n: "Uh, yeah. I'm trying to find a capacitor that can handle a big amount of voltage."
Toni: "How much voltage?"
Y/n: "A, uh... couple thousand?"
Toni: "What? Are you trying to make some kind of taser or something?"
Toni asked with a smirk as she crosses her arms. Y/n didn't know why, but he got a cool vibe from her. He liked it. The girl also seemed new. Y/n hasn't seen her around before.
Y/n: "Kinda. I go to Horizon and I'm working on a project."
Toni: "Horizon? Isn't that a school were geniuses go?"
Y/n: "Uh, yeah."
Y/n was a bit shocked. Usually people would call him a nerd for going to a place like Horizon. Sure, he and Mason joked with the word by calling each other nerds and whatnot, but this was the first time someone other than his best friend called him something other than that.
Toni: "Do you not have the proper supplies at your school?"
Y/n: "I do, but I like guerrilla science more. Hands on, you know?"
Toni: "I see."
Toni then turned around and began looking around which confused Y/n. She then walked away, but only for a moment before she came back and handed Y/n an electrical part. He looked at it to see that it was a small capacitor.
Toni: "It is not much, but it should help with your project."
Y/n: "Wow. Uh, thanks."
Toni: "It is no problem. Is there anything else you need help with?"
Y/n began to think for a moment. It wouldn't be too bad to have some help looking for parts, and he only needed a few more. Why not?
Y/n: "Sure."
Toni nodded with a smile and the two spent the next few minutes searching the store for the parts Y/n needed. After finding them all, Toni went behind the counter and to the cash register as Y/n payed for the parts. As Toni took and properly counted the money, Y/n spoke up.
Y/n: "You, uh, new here?"
Toni looked up from the money.
Toni: "Pardon?"
Y/n: "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before."
Toni smiled as she opened the cash register and began to put the money away.
Toni: "I am indeed new here. Arrived only a fortnight ago."
Y/n: "A fort-what?"
Toni: "Uh, apologies. I mean two weeks." *mumbling* "I seem to keep forgetting that Midgardians don't speak as we do..."
Y/n: "What was that?"
Toni: "Nothing."
Toni says as she pushes the cash register closed and hands Y/n his receipt which he takes with a "Thanks".
Y/n: "Right. Anyway... If you ever need a guide, I can show you around. If you want?"
Wait, what? Since when did Y/n offered tours? Or even hang outs for that matter? Oh, God, why was feeling so nervous?
Toni: "I would greatly appreciate that. If you have the time, that is."
Y/n: "Pssh! I have all the time in the world. Have a phone?"
Toni: "I do. Oh, is this the ceremony where a boy and a girl exchange phone numbers?"
Y/n: "Yes...?"
Toni: "Wonderful! I have never done this before."
Y/n raises a brow. He's never seen a girl like Toni before. It's weird, but she seems nice. Just confused and curious. She also has an accent. Eastern, maybe.
She's hands Y/n her phone and he does the same to her. They then put in their numbers before giving back their respective phones.
Toni: "Thank you. This has been most enjoyable."
Y/n: "We've only spent only, like, ten minutes together. And that was just looking for parts."
Toni: "Yes, well, I still enjoyed it. I have not talked to someone my age in some time. Not since I moved here."
Y/n: "You don't go to school?"
Toni: "I am homeschooled."
Ah. That explains it.
Y/n: "Well, it was nice to meet you, Toni."
Y/n said as he offered a hand shake to the blonde.
Toni: "You as well, Y/n."
She takes Y/n's hand, but a small spark of electricity zaps him. He pulls his hand back from surprise.
Y/n: "Whoa!"
Toni: "Ahem. Apologies. The carpet here builds up quite the amount of static electricity."
Y/n: "Heheh. It's fine. I'll, uh, see you around, Toni. Bye."
Toni: "Farewell, Y/n!"
Toni waved goodbye to Y/n who gave a small wave back before he left the store. Toni watched him go with a happy smile on her face.
Toni: "How wonderful. I wonder what Father would think of this."
That night, Y/n was sure to stay up as long as he could to assure that his grandfather was asleep. When he was sure, he changed into his costume and put his big black jacket over it to conceal his looks. Then he made his way through his home before arriving at the door and leaving through it. However, the bathroom door slowly opened to reveal Rick. One who felt curious about where his grandson was going, but angry that Y/n had betrayed his trust.
Grandpa Rick: "Now where do you go every night?"
Rick asked before following after his grandson. However, he wouldn't find him. Y/n was already swinging through the night sky as he made his way to his "job".
Grandpa Rick: "Hmph. Seems like I'm on a manhunt."
With that, Rick went to his car to track his grandson. He couldn't bare the thought of him going somewhere where he can be hurt.
The Underground Fight Club...
Spiderling gets punched in the face as the ten men, the remains of the previous twenty, surround him. The costumed fighter easily recovers as he flips around before firing a web at the man's face and slams him into the ground, knocking him out.
Spiderling: "Nine left..."
Up above, Mason watched his friend fight the remaining nine men as the crowd around him roars in glorious praises. They all enjoyed watching Spiderling fight. He's become a fan favorite. Probably because they were mostly criminals and are happy to finally see one that won't throw them all in jail. Plus, watching his beat the shit out of other people was entertaining.
Mason looks up at the wall opposite of him to see a timer going up.
Instead of a usual fight, Spiderling had to take down twenty fully grown men in five minutes or less. His reward would be three thousand dollars, which was more than enough for both Mason and his best friend. He just hoped Spiderling would win in time.
Back with said costumed fighter, he sweeps a man's legs from underneath him and landed a strong lunch to his stomach. He gets sent flying as saliva and vomit fly from his mouth. Spiderling then flips over another man who had tried to punch him and kicks him in his back, sending him stumbling forward.
Spiderling: "You guys are lame. Why couldn't they have given me opponents more my style?"
Spiderling asks as he fires a web at the man's foot and trips him with it. Then he pulls on the web and throws him at a wall. A man tried to attack Spiderling from behind, but the (H/C) haired boy ducked underneath as he turned to give the man a brutal uppercut to the jaw. Teeth and blood fly out as the man gets lifted into the air. Then Spiderling grabs one of his legs and spin him around before throwing him and the last remaining men. They all collapse to the ground as Spiderling dusts off his hands.
The last three men push the fourth off of them before charging at Spiderling. One swings a knife at him, only to miss and receive an elbow to the gut. He staggers back as the costumed fighter spun around and roundhouse kicked a man in the face, making him fall to the ground unconscious. Then he grabs a man's arm and breaks in in two, along with one of his legs before he threw him into the man he elbowed in the stomach. They fall to the ground, but the man pushes the broken man off of him and wobbly stands to his feet.
Spiderling: "Well, you're persistent."
The man growls in anger before charging at Spiderling. He, however, only jumps over the man and grabs him by the back of his shirt collar. He gets slammed into the ground before Spiderling headbutts him, breaking his nose before he gets a final punch to the face.
The crowd cheers as Spiderling stands to his feet and looks at them all with one of his goggles cracked a bit. He smiles under his mask as he takes it in.
Spiderling: "They love me."
"Three hundred dollars?!"
Inside the office of the man who ran the fights, Y/n and Mason were told that instead of three thousand dollars in reward, they were only getting three hundred.
Mason: "The hell you mean only three hundred?!"
Underground Boss: "Look, you're job was to defeat twenty men in five minutes, right?"
The boss asks as he points at Y/n who had his hood and goggles down with only his mask on.
Y/n: "Yeah, and that's what I did! Now pay up, you old geezer!"
Underground Boss: "No, you defeated twenty men in five minutes and two seconds. You failed. But since you bring in the most people I've had in a while and you're the reigning champion, I'm still paying you. Now take the fucking money."
The man said as he slid the three hundred bucks across his desk. Y/n could only clench the desk's edge in anger as he grits his teeth.
Y/n: "This is bullshit! I need that money!"
Underground Boss: "I forget the part where it's my problem. Now take the money, and scram. Before I lose my patience."
Y/n growled in anger as he fingers dug into the wooden desk. His eyes flashed bright red for a brief moment before Mason places his hand on his pal's shoulder.
Mason: "C'mon, man. Let's get outta here."
Y/n looks at his best friend for a moment before he clicks his teeth and swipes the money off the desk.
Y/n: "Whatever."
With that, the two walked out of the office without noticing the man in an armored suit standing in the shadows in the hallway next to them. Then the boss lets out an amused chuckle before he leans back and begins counting his money. He stops when he notices claw marks where Y/n held on to his desk. And then a large shadow makes him look up in fear.
Back with Y/n and Mason, they were walking to the staircase that led down and outside. Mason was counting the money as the walked.
Y/n: "This is still bullshit. Only two seconds!"
Mason: "Ah, but rules are rules, my friend. The world works in cruel ways. At least we still got payed."
Y/n scoffs as he stuffs his hands into his jacket pockets and looks away. He was still pissed off, but he couldn't argue with Mason. He's not the one whose throat he wants to rip out.
"Hey! Stop him!"
A loud crash makes Y/n and Mason stop and turn to see a man in green armor running away from the fight club owner with a duffel bag full of money. Mason and Y/n immediately knew who he was. He was the Scorpion.
Y/n: "Holy shit."
Mason: "No way!"
Scorpion: "Move it, brats!"
Mason and Y/n jump out of the way as Scorpion runs by them and aims his tail at the wall. He blasts it, creating a giant hole in the wall which he leaps out of. The underground fight club owner runs up to the hole and looks out of it before he turns to Y/n.
Underground Boss: "Why didn't you stop him! He took most of the money!"
Y/n: "Tch. I forget the part where it's my problem. Let's go, Mace."
Mason: "Uh, y-yeah. Okay."
With that, Mason followed Y/n to the stairs. The man that owned the fight club just watched them leave as he ponders on what to do.
In the street nearby, Rick was in his convertible car driving down the street as he searched for Y/n.
Grandpa Rick: "Where is that kid...?"
Rick asks himself as he drives down the street. Then he hears screaming and running, making him slow his car and look to see Scorpion running in his direction. He sneers at the villain as he attempts to do the unthinkable.
He changes gears and right as Scorpion nears his car, he presses down on the gas pedal and right drives at him. Rick rams into the Scorpion and drives him into a wall.
Scorpion: "You little--!"
Rick puts the car in reverse before he puts it in drive and rams Scorpion into the wall again. He falls limp this time as Rick smirks a bit.
Grandpa Rick: "Man, I missed this."
However, Rick was unaware of the scorpion tail aimed at him by his window.
With Y/n...
Y/n and Mason exit the building and walk outside into the brisk night air. The chill air calmed Y/n a bit as he closed his eyes and took in a breath.
Mason: "Calmed down?"
Y/n: "A bit. Still cheesed, though."
Mason: "Hey, I'm pissed off as well. We both need that money. But sometimes you just gotta roll with everything that's thrown at you."
Y/n: "Yeah, I guess so."
Y/n's Spider Sense suddenly goes off. It wasn't buzzing like he was in danger. No. It was trying to tell him something. But what?
Mason: "What's happening over there?"
Y/n and Mason stop as Y/n turns to whatever his friend was looking at. His eyes widen in surprise as he sees some police cars. A crowd of people were around them.
Y/n: "The hell happened here?"
And why was his Spider Sense telling him to go near?
Mason: "Dunno. Maybe it has to do with that Scorpion guy--Y/n, where are you going?"
Y/n: "Just getting a closer look."
Mason: "Y/n? Y/n, wait!"
Y/n didn't listen as he walked towards the crowd of people. Mason chases after him as they both near the crowd of people, the police, and the ambulance. When they join the crowd, Y/n's eyes widen in horror when he sees who was bleeding on the ground.
Mason: "Y/n, wait!"
Y/n didn't listen as he ran forward to his grandfather on the ground. A police man tries to stop him as he holds him back.
Police Officer #1: "Don't! Young man, stay back."
Y/n: "Let me go. Let me go! That's my grandpa!"
Y/n used his strength to pry free from the officer and ran over to kneel next to Rick. He takes his grandfather's hand as he looks down at him.
Y/n: "Grandpa? Grandpa, look at me. Please!"
Rick opens his eyes and weakly raises his head to look at his grandson.
Grandpa Rick: "Y/n...? Kiddo...?"
Y/n: "I'm here, Grandpa. I'm here."
Mason turns to a police officer.
Mason: "What happened?"
Police Officer #2: "The Scorpion. Man tried to stop with his car. You can see who won that fight."
Y/n looks at the officer in shock as tears begin to form in his eyes. The Scorpion? Could he have prevented this?
Grandpa Rick: "Y/n...?"
Y/n turns back to the man who raised him.
Y/n: "I'm here, I'm here! Please, stay with me, Grandpa. Stay with me. Help is on the way."
Grandpa Rick: "Y/n..."
Y/n: "Y-yeah?"
Rick uses his other hand to hold Y/n's.
Grandpa Rick: "I know... you'll make... the right decision..."
Y/n: "Wh-what? Grandpa, what are you...?"
Y/n had no time to finish as he feels his grandpa's grip on his hand loosening.
Y/n: "Grandpa?"
Rick smiles at his grandson, the boy who's been like a son to him, as he lays his head back on the ground. Then his hands slip from Y/n's as he takes his final breath... and dies.
Y/n: "Grandpa? Grandpa, please! Wake up! Don't leave me! I'm sorry!"
Tears begin to flow down Y/n's face as he mourns. He sobs for his grandfather's death as he rests his head on his chest. Mason walks up to his friend and kneels next to him as he rests a hand on his back in an attempt to comfort his brother figure.
Mason: "It's okay, Y/n. Everything's gonna be okay. It's not your fault."
No, it was his fault. If Y/n at least tried to stop Scorpion, his grandfather could still be here. If Scorpion never even existed, his grandfather wouldn't be here.
If Scorpion never existed...
Y/n raised his tear stained face as he gains an idea. It was a very bad and irrational idea, but Y/n's mind was far from making rational choices right now.
Police Radio: "Scorpion spotted heading south of Fifth. In pursuit now."
Y/n looks back at the officer as he finally knows what he's gonna do.
Mason: "Y/n?"
Y/n looks at his friend, only for him to recoil back a bit as he sees his rage filled red eyes. He stands and backs away as Y/n stands up as well and walks off.
Mason: "I got a bad feeling about this..."
With Y/n, he's seen running through an alleyway as he strips from his black jacket and raises his mask over his mouth and nose before placing his goggles over his eyes. He then leaps up and latches on to a wall he climbs up on. He then reaches the roof and leaps off, firing a web which allows him to swing forward and towards Fifth Avenue.
In an abandoned building, Scorpion is seen in a basically empty room with barely any lights. The duffel bag full of the money he stole sat before him on a table.
Scorpion: "Heheh. Big success. That old fart wasn't predicted, but oh well. Boss is gonna be happy either way."
Unknown to Scorpion, though, someone was watching him from the broken window. Y/n, with his eyes glowing red in anger, crawls inside and sticks to the shadows.
Y/n: "Hello, Scorpion."
Said criminal quickly spins around to face Y/n, but couldn't find him due to the darkness.
Scorpion: "Who's there?!"
Y/n: "Call me a... person interested in you."
Scorpion: "What? You wanna make a deal with me or something?"
Y/n chuckles as he looks down at Scorpion from the darkness.
Y/n: "Let me rephrase that. I'm someone who's interested in your death."
Scorpion spins and fires an energy blast from his tail right where Y/n was. However, he misses as Y/n flips away and sticks to a wall.
Scorpion: "What do you want?!"
Y/n: "Remember Rick L/n? The old man you attacked only minutes ago that you left on the street?!"
Scorpion: "What's it to you?"
Scorpion quickly spins around to fire at Y/n, only to be met with a kick to the face which sends him and Y/n through the ground. They land on the floor below which cracks it a bit, and Scorpion looks at Y/n.
Scorpion: "You! You're that brat from the fight club!"
Y/n: "Damn right, I am! Now I'm gonna watch you bleed."
Scorpion growls before he uses his tail to smack Y/n away. He slams into the wall and lands on the ground, but quickly jumps back on to his feet as Scorpion stands as well.
Scorpion: "You wanna play hero, little spider?"
Y/n: "I'm not here to play hero."
Scorpion: "You'll die either way."
Y/n: "You're the one dying tonight, Gargan!"
Scorpion yells as he activates his claw arm and charges at Y/n. He swings his claw at him, but Y/n only jumps to the ceiling to avoid it. Scorpion gets his claw lodged into the wall and he struggles to pull it out. Y/n fires two webs at the wall and pulls at them, slamming his feet into Scorpion's back as he sends him crashing through it. Y/n walks up to him as the criminal stands up and shakes his head. The costumed fighter throws a punch right to Scorpion's face before he slams his knuckles into his skull again. Scorpion retaliates with his own punch which shatters one of Y/n's goggles. Then he goes to pin one of the high schooler's feet with his own, only for his Spider Sense to warn him and he moves his foot. He then webs Scorpion's foot to the ground, making him look down at his own foot before his helmet finally breaks with another punch.
Y/n: "You took the only father I've had in my life. Now... I'm gonna take your life."
Scorpion: "Try me, you brat!"
Scorpion swings his claw at Y/n again who only dodges and then grabs it. He breaks off the claw pieces before tossing away the big one aside before using the smaller one to stab into his arm. Scorpion screams in pain before he fires a blast from his tail, but Y/n only flips back from it and then webs the tail to clog it. Then he grabs it and rips it in half before stabbing it into Scorpion's other leg.
The armored man swings his good hand at Y/n who just catches it and twists it back. Then he punches it, breaking his arm's bone which makes him yell in pain once more.
Y/n: "How's that feel, you green pile of shit?"
Scorpion: "I'm gonna kill you...!"
Y/n: "Already did."
With that, Y/n started to brutally beat Scorpion. He didn't hold back, using almost all of his strength to tear his foe's armor apart and beat Scorpion bloody. Y/n didn't care if he was killing Gargan. He wanted to. He wanted him to hurt. However, before he could get one more hit in, a web attaches to his hand and pulls it back.
Y/n: "What?"
"Sorry, but I don't think I can let you do that."
Y/n turns as Scorpion falls to the ground to see the Spider-Man in black and red. Or as he's dubbed him, Kid Arachnid.
Y/n: "Go away, Arachnid. This doesn't concern you."
Kid Arachnid: "Sorry, but it looks like you're doing something wrong. That means it does concern me."
Y/n clicks his teeth and twists his arm to wrap the web around it and yanks at it. He pulls Kid Arachnid towards him before grabbing his suit and throwing him through the hole he made by slamming into Scorpion.
Y/n: "Stay down. Only warning."
Y/n turns back to face Scorpion, only for Kid Arachnid to pull him back with his webs. He rolls across the ground before landing in the signature spider position.
Kid Arachnid: "Sorry, but Scorpion is a no-no on touching."
Y/n: "I will break you if you don't move."
Kid Arachnid: "You know, if I had a nickel for everyone someone said that to me....I'd have two. It isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice."
Y/n clicks his teeth before he charges at Arachnid. He swings his fist at him, only for Arachnid to roll underneath it and he kicks his opponent in the back of the leg. He stumbles forward and lands on a knee before he turns and fires a web at him. Kid Arachnid moves aside to avoid it before flipping on to his feet, as does Y/n.
Kid Arachnid: "Look, I don't wanna hurt ya, pal. I mean, we're both spiders, right? We should be friends!"
Y/n: "Hmph."
Y/n web-zipped to the ceiling before pushing off and into Kid Arachnid. They crash through the floor and crash on to the floor below. Y/n then begins to assault Kid Arachnid with punches to the face before one of them get caught and Arachnid webs Y/n in the face.
Y/n: "Gah!"
Kid Arachnid: "So much for a friendly conversation."
Arachnid then punched Y/n off of him and he flips to his feet. Y/n rips the webbing off of his face and glares at the wall-crawler.
Y/n: "Why won't you let me finish him?!"
Kid Arachnid: "It's not the right thing to do. No matter how terrible he is, no one deserves to die."
Y/n: "There are so many people that deserve death. Why? Because they don't care for life or who gets in their way. You throw people like Gargan back in prison, he'll just break out again and kill more people. He'll just keep killing and hurting and stealing. And if you can't see the bigger picture, then you don't seem to care for life either."
Kid Arachnid: "What? No, me and Spidey care for all life! That goes for the criminals."
Y/n: "That's not how I see it."
Y/n fires a web at Arachnid's chest and pulls him forward. He rolls back on to his chest and kicks Arachnid behind him. However, he doesn't hear the sound of impact and turns to look at his opponent... only to see nothing. Kid Arachnid was gone.
Y/n: "Where did he...?"
His Spider Sense suddenly went off and he turned to kick an invisible Kid Arachnid. He gets sent out of his invisibility and flies out the window, only to web-zip himself back inside and kicks Y/n back.
Kid Arachnid: "Y'know, for someone who only appeared recently, you're pretty good at this whole fighting thing. And I love your costume. Why don't you ever help out?"
Y/n: "The only man that I ever wanted to help is gone. Why should I care?!"
Y/n fires two webs at either side of Arachnid and slingshots himself forward. He slams the bottom of his feet into his chest and they crash through the wall and outside. Then he fires another web and swings Arachnid back into the building, both of them crashing back into the building as Arachnid rolled across the ground and Y/n landed.
Y/n: "I'm doing this world a favor by getting rid of him. So get out of my way."
Kid Arachnid: "What you're doing is revenge. It's not gonna fix anything." *stands up* "It won't bring him back."
Y/n: "I know. But he won't be coming back either."
Kid Arachnid: "Then I'm gonna have to stop you."
Y/n: "Then step it up."
The two charges at each other and begin to trade blows. Y/n gave harder hits while Kid Arachnid threw quick ones. However, it soon ended as they punched each other in the face and knocked each other back.
Kid Arachnid: "Not bad. Taught yourself?"
Y/n: "I pick up things as I go along."
Kid Arachnid: "Same. How about we finish this?"
Y/n: "Love to."
Y/n charges at the hero and swings a fist, only for Arachnid to flip over him and web his foot to the ground.
Y/n: "Crap!"
Kid Arachnid: "Sorry about this, pal! This ain't gonna kill ya, but it sure as hell won't tickle either."
Y/n turns to see Kid Arachnid with a clenched fist covered in electricity.
Y/n: "Shit."
Arachnid throws his fist and it connects with Y/n's chest. The power behind it burned a bit of his costume and completely shattered his goggles. He falls back and crashes to the floor, knocked out from the attack.
Kid Arachnid: "Aw, geez. Did I overdo it?"
Arachnid asks himself as he rubs the back of his head. He walks up to his fallen opponent and crouches down in front of him.
Kid Arachnid: "Now, lets see who you are."
Arachnid then pulled off Y/n's hood and shattered goggles before pulling down his mask. Then he gasps as he takes a step back in shock.
Kid Arachnid: "Y/n...? But how...? What?"
Y/n's eyes suddenly snap open, revealing his crimson irises. He grabs Arachnid's calf and digs his nails into his skin, making the web-slinger cry out in pain before kicking Y/n back. However, the costumed fighter lands and latches on to the wall as Kid Arachnid looks at him in surprise before he suddenly feels woozy.
Kid Arachnid: "What did... What did you do to...?"
He suddenly collapses to the ground with a loud thud as Y/n looks at him. He tries to move, but was only able to move his eyes and mouth.
Kid Arachnid: "W-why can't I move...?"
Y/n looks at his paralyzed opponent before looking down at his hand. For the first time, he noticed his nails were rather sharp. They also had some blood dripping from them, along with a light green substance that shined in the moonlight.
Y/n: "That's new."
Y/n studies his hand for a moment more before flipping off the wall and walks up to Arachnid. He already knew what he was going going do: finish what he started.
Kid Arachnid: "Y-you can't... do this. It's w-wrong..."
Y/n: "I don't care. He killed my grandpa."
With that, Y/n web-zipped back to the floor where he left Scorpion and landed on the ceiling. He drops to the floor and walks through the hole in wall to see Scorpion on the ground bloody, bruised, and broken.
Scorpion looks up to see who was near, only to widen his eyes in terror as he tries to crawl away. But he couldn't. The web was still holding him down, and he had only one working arm.
Scorpion: "L-look, I'm sorry...! I'm sorry! I won't e-ever do it again... I-I promise!"
Y/n: "Your promises mean nothing to mean, nor do your pathetic apologies."
Y/n pulls the other Scorpion claw from the floor with a web and takes it into his hand. He approaches Scorpion who was now crying in fear.
Scorpion: "Please...! I'll d-do anything... Anything! Y-you want money? Take it! It's all yours!"
Y/n: "I don't want your filthy money. What I want... you can't give back."
Scorpion: "Please...! I just wanted out of the suit!"
Mac Gargan's pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears as Y/n yells, bringing down the claw piece on Scorpion and pierces through his chest. Scorpion gags a bit and sputters as he coughs up blood, and Y/n watches as the life leaves his eyes before he finally slumps over and lies on the ground. It was over. The deed was done. The Scorpion was dead.
But as Y/n's breath finally became even and calm, and his anger dwindled down to a small flame as his eyes returned to normal, he had begun to realize what he had done. He had killed someone. With his own hands. His mind went to what his grandfather told him not too long ago.
Grandpa Rick: "I know... you'll make... the right decision..."
Y/n ran out of a window with tears in his eyes and began to swing away, not caring about what he was leaving behind. The man who he grew up with taught and raised him to never take life, but he had just done so in his blind rage. He didn't make a mistake. He knew exactly what he was doing when he did it.
What Y/n did was make the wrong decision, and he hated himself for it.
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