Jenna woke up the next day as early as ever, but there was an emptiness in her heart that no matter what she did, she couldn't wash away.
She went down to the kitchen and poured herself some milk and cereal, but couldn't get herself to eat anything and so just left the bowl full on the table, staring at it blankly.
She hated how she had left things with Sirius, but there was the mission she had to focus on, which seemed impossible at the moment.
Around two hours later, she was snapped out of her daze as she heard footsteps and when she looked up, Jenna saw her mother walking into the kitchen, still in her old-fashioned long nightgown.
"Morning," said Mrs. Potter, yawning lightly, but before she could get herself her morning coffee, she caught sight of her daughter. "You okay?"
"Yeah." Jenna nodded briskly, trying to act normal. "Why shouldn't I be?"
"Well, for starters, your hair is silver."
"Damn it!" Jenna muttered, turning it to her own brown color.
"Okay, what's wrong?" Mrs. Potter asked again, sitting behind the kitchen table before Jenna. "And don't give me that 'it's nothing, I'm fine' crap. Because I won't buy it."
Jenna let out a small chuckle, but it faded into a frown quickly.
"Let me guess," said Mrs. Potter before Jenna could even open her mouth and explain, "it's about Sirius, isn't it?"
"How — how did you know?" Jenna raised her brows slightly in surprise.
"Because that would explain why you're here instead of your own home with your boyfriend."
Jenna sighed in defeat, playing with her fingers as she looked down. "Sirius and I — we — we had a big fight last night."
"About what?"
Jenna paused for some while. "That's— that's not the point..." she mumbled.
"Did he... er... tell you something that you didn't agree on... was there a disagreement of some sort?"
"What?" Jenna blinked a few times in confusion. "Well... I guess that's what most fights are about, aren't they? Disagreements?" She then huffed, shaking her head. "I might've been too harsh on him. But he was at fault too!"
"What did he do?"
"He thinks that I'm weak! He can't boss me around! I'm not like the kids that worshiped the ground him and James walked on back in school! I have a mind of my own and I can decide for myself! I don't need neither his protection, nor his permission to do stuff."
"Okay... I see what he did wrong." Mrs. Potter nodded scantly. "And what did you do wrong?"
"I — well — I might have said something I didn't mean," Jenna muttered, looking down again.
"I told him that I wanted him out of life," she mumbled.
"Oh, Lord..."
"It was just out of anger!" Jenna tried to reason, looking miserable. "I didn't mean it. I — I don't want to break up with him. What if he thinks that's what happened?"
"Being dramatic runs in this family, I swear." Mrs. Potter sighed, shaking her head in disappointment.
"Thanks for the flattery, Mum," said Jenna sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "But I could really do with some advice here."
Just then, they started hearing footsteps walking down the stairs, so Mrs. Potter got quickly to the point and turned to face Jenna, saying quietly,
"You want advice? Well here it goes: we're at war, Jenna. You don't know when it's going to be the last time you see someone. So you have to go make it up with him before it's too late and you regret it for the rest of your life."
Jenna opened her mouth to reply, but she was cut short when the next moment Mr. Potter walked into the kitchen, his morning hair as messy as ever.
"You know what I think was the one thing missing from the wedding last night?" he said the moment he stepped inside the room.
"Good morning to you too," said Mrs. Potter mockingly, but Mr. Potter wasn't listening.
"Ice-cream," he said as he poured himself some coffee. "Why not serve ice-cream at weddings instead of cake? I should probably have a word with Florean Fortescue. Charming man, he was. Best ice-cream in London, I'm telling you."
"Fleamont, aren't you a bit old to get this excited over ice-cream?" Mrs. Potter said teasingly.
"Excuse you, but who are you calling old?" Mr. Potter retorted angrily. "I'm perfectly young, thank you very much."
"Uh huh..." Mrs. Potter pursed his lips together. "And how old are you exactly?"
"Er... twenty-five?"
"Let me get this straight," Mrs. Potter started, "so you're saying that you had James and Jenna when you were six?"
There was a small pause.
"I don't know what you're taking about," said Mr. Potter, acting oblivious.
But when he turned around, he came to a halt as he saw Jenna at the table, as if spotting her for the first time.
"And what are you doing here?" He asked, blinking in confusion. "I thought the whole point of moving out to a new house was that you wouldn't sleep here anymore."
Jenna chuckled, but didn't answer, because she didn't want to worry her father by saying she was having problems with Sirius, mostly because her father wasn't feeling too well lately and today he looked exceptionally healthy.
"She just missed her mamma," said Mrs. Potter, winking at Jenna.
"Oi! How about me?" Mr. Potter raised a brow at her. "Didn't you miss me?"
Jenna laughed. "Of course I did, Dad."
"Yes, yes. But who did you miss more?"
"Oh, for Godric's sake," Mrs. Potter mumbled, getting up to her feet before facing Jenna again. "Jenna, we're off to your brother's house. They sent us a letter this morning and invited us over for lunch. Sirius will be there too. You coming?"
Jenna had to think twice about this. She didn't want to have that awkward moment with Sirius yet. She needed to fix this problem in private.
So she shook her head. "No, you guys go on. I'll check up on Lily and James another day. I — er — I've got stuff to do."
But that wasn't a lie either.
She needed to start practicing on turning her face into Alecto Carrow. After all, her mission could start any moment.
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