Vas POV:
That was the only thing I've heard for the last 10..15-ish?..minutes or so. I don't even know how long I've been here. I was just..dumped here to say the least. Dumped here after what happened at Door 100. I don't even remember what happened at that door and before. What I do remember are my friends,I guess we were friends for the little time we knew each other.
But I do remember their names,I think..
I begin to list off their names on my fingers.
There was Midnight,who I considered an unrelated sister,in blood of course. There was Tallishi,tall yet fragile,firm yet soft,guess I see why Ant called her mom. Speaking of Ant,she was also there,Noob too. There was also Fandy,Blossom,the twins,Tyler and Taylor,and a few others I think. Crystal,Dreamscape,uhhhh I think Sallie was the name of the last one.
As I lay on the floor of a seemingly endless grey void,thoughts wondering aimlessly.
And those...things,the Entities. There was Rush,simple enough to survive,hated the noise he made. Then there's umm..Screech I guess? Whenever I looked at it just screeched and left,I guess being entities they can also see the dead with them being supernatural and all. Then there was the spider,named Timothy. Bit of a nuisance but not a threat,little guy bit me when I found him when I was looking for coins. Then there's Seek,that big black goopy cyclops,we survived him the first time,but he got Fandy the second time. Then there was that thing...Ambush. That bastard took me away from them!
I adjust my glasses and wipe the few tears that ran down my face before continuing.
He's like Rush's unwanted cousin. Just as loud,but double the danger. He always unnerved me whenever I was doing my shift here. The whole damn place unnerved me! Never was one for loud shrill noises and stuff after all. He'll go once then come back for seconds,maybe even thirds. At least that's what I heard from the other guys at work. Then there's Glitch,he's kinda neutral in hindsight. He only really makes sure you're with the group,even if he forcibly takes you to them. I wonder how he's doing after that scrap with Noob. Then there's Dupe,he's new,and honestly I'm glad I didn't open the door with the weird sounds. Then there was the Figure,that bastard killed Midnight! No,Fandy did!
I sit up,a wave of fresh anger coursing through me before I calmed down
But again,I should've been more's my fault Midnight died...
Taking a few deep breaths to recollect myself,I continue.
No eyes,but an extraordinary sense of hearing. How he got out of the library and to Door 100 I'll never know. Never questioned the manager about the hotel. And I guess it was better that way. The manual at least taught me how the damn entities worked. And finally,there's the only good entities. Jeff,he's a nice guy,got some good wares you can buy for the road ahead. Guess he's trying to go to whatever college exists for supernatural beings like him. And there's El Goblino,he's just there,existing. Don't know how far back he and Jeff go but they seem to know each other well. And finally,there's Guiding Light. He,she,they,whatever, is the one that helps you if you're lost or need help finding something. They pointed out which doors we needed to take when Seek chased us,and they greeted us after death. Were they the ones who dumped me here,who knows. Are there more? Hell if I know.
How much longer will I be here is up for debate,but I hope it won't be much longer,not a whole lot I can do when I'm stuck in a grey void with only my thoughts.
As I continued to ponder and look back,at both my time working at this hellscape and with the others,a bright blue light appears,if it weren't for my glasses dampening the light I think I damn well may have gone blind.
Guiding Light POV:
Entering this dimension,I appear before the dead soul,and begin speak with him,an idea in mind
"Hello there,Vas if I remember correctly?"
"Yeah,that's my name,Guiding Light I presume?" He replies.
"You are correct. If you are wondering as to what this..mundane dimension is,it is essentially limbo. You're currently on the line between life and death. And if you're wondering why I'm here,it's because I come to offer you a second chance. But of course there is a caveat to this. Are you ready to listen?"
I continue after I see him nod in confirmation
"Very well. For you to come back to life,and rejoin the living,you must go through a test. I'm sure you'll be familiar with this already as you've been through most of it. You must go through this hotel once more,survive and escape. Do this,and you will be given a second chance at life. Fail...I'm sure you already know what'll happen. So,are you ready for this run?"
As I finish telling Vas my proposal,I hold out my hand
"Once you shake my hand there is no going back from this. It's all in the moment you do."
//Hey! I'm back from the grave and with this new little story. This is based off another story written by a friend of mine, N1ghtFight13
The story in question is Doors AU,so I recommend you go read that one first if you want a basic understanding of where this story comes from. And as you can tell this is a spinoff,so not everything will be canon. But other than that,I hope you enjoy this short starting chapter ^^
(Minor grammar fixes and re-worded a few things)
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