Stage 9 (Game time~!)
Confirm selection?
Angels PoV:
She nodded with that pretty smile of hers. I took her hand and walked to Snuckie. "Look who wanted to join us!" He blushed a bit but nodded as we headed outside. I hummed a tune while looking around.
"So, what is this game we are playing?" Y/N asked. Me and Snuckie looked at each other. "I wouldn't really call it a game, we just do it for fun!" She just stared at me before shrugging.
The shack came into view as Snuckie took out a key and unlocked the door. We walked inside and I flipped the switch, smiling widely. Y/N screamed, before stopping. "What the fuck is this?!" She yelled, waking up our victim. "Our game!"
They stared at me with horror as Snuckie grabbed a hammer and nail while laughing. They shook their head as tears fell from their face. Snuckie then slammed the hammer down, the nail going through their hand. He then did this to the other hand.
"My turn!" Snuckie nodded and backed away as I grabbed some burning metal before opening their mouth and placed it in, keeping it shut. They struggle to open their mouth as I giggled. "Hey!" I looked at Y/N and opened their mouth.
"My turn!"
Your PoV:
It has been a while since I've done this..
I looked around before grabbing some Pliers and waved it around, the female stared at me in horror. I walked over and forced their mouth open, she let out a scream. I put the pliers in her mouth and pulled out a tooth.
Her eyes widened before looking up at me, spitting blood in my face. I growled and glared at her, licking my lips and wiping the blood off. "Why don't you guys leave for a bit? This is going to get messy.."
They nodded and left, closing the door behind him. "You messed up big time!" She shook violently while sobbing.
<Gore warning! (I think)>
I took a knife off the wall and grabbed a random pen. I used the knife to taken off her shirt and shorts before marking lines over her limbs and stomach. "W-w-what are y-you doing...?" She spoke.
"Marking you body so I know where to carve the knife.." Her breath hitched as I rubber the knife across her cheek, before stabbing it into her leg. She screamed and begged for me to stop.
I just titled my head and followed the line up her leg, before going down. I did the same with the other leg. "Now you can't run~!" I untied her before placing her on a metal table, strapping her down. I then grabbed her arm and sliced down, she bit her lip while glaring at me.
"Trying to act tuff huh..?" I dug the knife deeper, hitting something solid as she whimpered. "Is that your bone~?" She stayed silent, that is until I stabbed her shoulder and sliced my way down. She screamed again, her voices sounding scratchy.
Blood splattered and dripped everywhere, I frowned as it got on my shirt. She looked like she was going to pass out. I smacked her and she gasped, coughing afterwards. "We aren't done playing!"
I grabbed a scalpel and started slicing open her stomach, she choked on some of her blood as it dripped down her mouth. I took out her heart and sighed as it still pumped. "If only I had one of these.." Her breathing slowly down, but she was still alive some how.
"Ooo~!" I reached in and took her intestines, she then stopped breathing. I emptied her body while throwing all her organs out and placing rice and feathers into her body. I then stitched her body while humming a lullaby.
<Gore over>
"You guys can come in!" I shouted. The door opened and their eyes widened. "Are you guys the secretly the insane ones?" They nodded. "Cool! Now help me throw her body out!"
We then headed back while laughing. I ran to my room and took a quick shower, changing into a large shirt and shorts for pj's. Someone then knocked on my door. "Come in!" It opened, revealing Delicious. "Hey~!" I nodded.
He closed the door and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "You missed dinner, so I snuck you some!" He held out a bowl while smiling, which I thanked him and ate it. When I was done, he took the bowl and left, leaving me to finally fall asleep.
What a day!
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