Bold means it's the voice Harry hears.
Italics means it's Harry's response.
Harry's POV
The guys screaming is so quiet because it's being muffled by the walls. If I turned on a tv or music you wouldn't be able to hear him.
But my house is silent.
So I can hear it.
It's so fucking annoying.
I get up and go to my room. I change into all black clothes, even black tennis shoes.
I walk to the room, opening the door instantly makes his screams so loud. So so loud.
I don't kill because I want to.
I kill because I have to.
It makes me feel and it stops the voices.
God the voices.
He stops screaming when his eyes land on me and I clench my jaw shut. I don't know what he wanted to do with Louis but I'm glad I stopped it.
He's disgusting. He doesn't deserve to lay his hands on Louis.
I know.
I walk further in the room and shut the door behind me. His eyes watch my every move as I move to the little metal cart in the corner.
My eyes scan over the different stainless steel knifes. They're arranged in order from largest to smallest. So beautiful and clean.
That one.
I grab the third to last one meaning it's small but not the smallest. I walk over to the man slowly, his eyes following me.
"What do you want man? I have drugs at home. Or money. I don't have a lot but you can have it." He says quickly.
"Such things don't interest me." I say simply. He watches me step closer until I'm standing right in front of him.
"I'll get you anything you want man. Anything." He says. I scoff and I drag the blade down his leg softly.
"What did you want with that boy in the alley." I ask. He stares at me in disbelief like I'm crazy.
I point the knife down on his leg, slowly adding more pressure.
"Stop! Stop!" He screams when the blade starts to cut through his jeans.
"I'll stop when you answer my question." I say.
I don't usually play with my kills like this but something about that boy.
Just looking at him gave me the same feeling I get when I kill.
Almost like a high.
My pupils dilate, my heart beats faster.
"I-I just wanted to play with him a little!'" He screams. I continue pressing down and he screams, meaning I've hit his skin.
"Be more specific." I say calmly. His jeans start to turn red and he screams. "Just answer the question." I say.
"I don't know man! He was hot okay! I just wanted to fuck him!" He screams.
I knew it.
I press the knife down quick and swiftly. I feel the tearing of flesh under the blade and hear his agonizing scream.
"You said-" he starts but I cut him off.
"I said I'll stop when you answer my question. I didn't say what I'll stop. So I stopped going to slow." I say. He stares at me, tears ready to spill from his eyes. I wiggle the knife and he screams again.
He's so fucking loud. Shut him up.
I pull out the blade and stare at the bloody thing. His breathing his shallow and rapid.
"Hold this." I say. I stab the knife into his leg in a different spot and he screams again. I get up and walk to the other side of the room.
I scan the different choices and decide on my favorite one.
Long but not too long. Probably as long as my hand from thumb to pinky, stretched out of course. I sharpen it after every kill, and sometimes just because it brings me joy.
I love the 'shing' sound it makes. I love the way it enters ones skin so easily but painfully. Elegant and beautiful yet terrifying and deadly.
I walk to the man and he's lost a lot of blood.
He wanted to touch your Louis. He wanted to violate your Louis.
The air smells metallic-y yet so familiar. I walk so I'm standing behind him. I lean into his ear, his shaking more evident now that I'm inches away.
Make him pay.
"Don't touch what is mine." I say before bringing the knife up and quickly sliding it across his neck. He lets out a strangled scream before the sound slowly turns to gurgling.
Louis's POV
Being home, in bed, and drugged up on pain medicine is actually quite delightful. Nothing really matters, or hurts, and it's amazing.
I stare at my ceiling with my hand raised and I draw shapes. I'm quite good if I say so myself.
I end up drawing the mans face that saved me. He had some beautiful hair.
And lips.
And everything.
I liked his voice a lot. It reminded me of a big oak door. It was strong and full yet smooth. I should've gotten his number. Or name at least.
I check the clock by my bed and it says 10:30 in big bright letters. They said I could sleep. Just can't do a lot of reading or anything that makes my eyes have to focus.
I roll on my side and close my eyes, pictures of the mans face popping up behind my closed eyelids.
He looked like an Alexander. Mmmh. That name sounds very pretty.
I awake to silence.
The light coming in the curtains means it's at least 8 o'clock. I slowly sit up and my head starts pounding.
It's not too bad.
I want to go out today so I'll just take some Advil.
I swing my legs over the side of the bed and am met with chilling wood floors. I sigh and wrap my comforter around my body, slowly walking to the bathroom.
I get 4 Advil and take them with a small glass of water. I then walk to the kitchen, sitting at the table with my eyes closed.
I hear knocking on my door and I quickly look up. I check the time and it's 10 o'clock. Did I fall asleep?
I shuffle to the door and open it slowly.
Oh Liam.
He gasps instantly and steps in, making me almost fall.
"Your face." He says softly. He touches my cheek bone and I flinch back. "Who hit you?" He asks, his protective side totally showing through.
"Yesterday when I was walking home." I say, bringing my hand up to touch my cheek myself. I wince and pull my hand away.
"What did they want?" He asks, bringing me over to the couch and sitting me down.
"They didn't have time to say. Some guy helped me. He drove me to the hospital and I have a minor concussion." I say softly.
"Who's the guy who saved you?" He asks.
"I'd like to know too. I'd have to hear his voice or see his face. He didn't give me his name." I say. He nods and looks down.
"Well, are you feeling well enough to go out?" He asks. I nod excitedly. "You're not leaving without me for awhile." He says, raising an eyebrow.
I laugh and shove his arm.
I laugh and walk next to Liam.
"Where do you wanna go?" He asks, eyes scanning around.
"Well I went to Adidas yesterday but I dropped my bag in the alley way when I was attacked." I say. He nods and we head there.
Harry's POV
Head of light brown hair. Small but curvy build. Beautiful eyes.He had an Adidas bag in his hand.
Then let's check there.
I walk in and people instantly look at me. I don't look like I shop in here.
That doesn't matter. Find Louis.
I go to the jackets and pretend I'm looking at them. I flip through them quickly, glancing around.
Head of light brown-
"Stop!" He giggles, shoving the guys arm next to him. I smile and pull my phone out, pretending to text as I walk over. I lightly bump his arm and he turns around to look at me, as do I.
"Sorry," I say, and his eyes widen.
He's gorgeous.
He's mine.
"You're that guy!" He shouts, skipping over. The guy he's with follows closely, eyes scanning my body.
"That guy is Harry." I say smoothly. He smiles and he looks to his friend.
"Liam, this is Harry! He's the guy who saved me yesterday!" He says excitedly. Liam's eyes instantly soften and he smiles.
"Oh, nice to meet you mate! Thanks for helping my friend here!" He says. Good. They're only friends.
"No problem. He is very lovely." I say, my eyes locking with Louis's. He blushes and giggles.
"To thank you, I must take you out to lunch." He says.
"Oh, no you don't have to." I say, putting my hands up in protest.
"Please." Louis says, reaching out to touch my arm.
Oh wow.
That's nice.
I haven't had this feeling since that one time that I strangled that girl while we were having sex.
"I guess for you I could." I say, smirking at him. He grins and Liam looks at him happily.
We all decide on a place to go after Louis bought an adidas jacket. It's cute really.
Especially on him.
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