Epilogue: Remember me?
"I love you."
"Merry Christmas Matty!" Billy says as Matty slowly opens his eyes. Before him is a grey and black carry cage with a cute pomeranian snuggled inside.
"Oh my GOD! he's gorgeous!" Matty shrieks with delight.
"He's actually a she." Billy says with a smile.
"I don't care, I love her!" Matty says, as he watches Billy open up the small cage to take the cute little creature out.
"She is gorgeous! Thank you Billy." Matty gushes as the puppy dog licks Matty's face like crazy.
"My present to you feels inadequate now." he adds, thinking about the sweater and cook book he had bought him, though he did seem pleased.
"I'm glad you like her." Billy says "We can't take her for long walks, but she can still play in the garden."
Matty looks out at the small patch of grass that was outside of their one bedroom ground floor flat. "It's plenty big enough," he comments.
They had only been in their place for 6 months. Ignoring the judgement that they were too young to settle down. Love happens when it happens and it just so happened to Matty and Billy at the age of 18. Now three years on, they had their first place together and were going to get married in the summer.
"We have a little family now." Matty says, leaning across to kiss Billy on the lips. "My mum will die when she sees her. I swear she will be all over her."
"What time are we going over for Christmas dinner?" Billy asks.
"She says it will be ready for two." Matty says, getting to standing with the small dog still snuggled in his arms.
Billy looks at Matty as he showers the puppy with affection. He hopes he has done the right thing. He had already had to fight off one jealous blanket. Had he inadvertently created a new rival?
As their beat up citroen pulls up outside Matty's mother's house, Matty takes a thoughtful sigh. "I guess this is how it will be from now on."
"What do you mean?" Billy asks, switching off the engine and applying the hand brake.
"Well, this year we are at my mum's, then next year it will be your mum and dad..."
"One day Matty, we'll have a bigger place I promise and we can stay at home and invite everyone over. They will spoil the grandchildren like crazy and you can complain about how my mum interferes with your cooking." Billy laughs.
"Hey! You're the cook in this relationship." Matty reminds him. he couldn't cook for toffee. He looks over to Billy who is smiling at him. "I love you." he says, taking his hand in his.
"I love you too Matty." Billy replies, kissing the top of their connected palm. "Now let's go in, I'm dying to eat."
Christmas dinner was all it had cracked up to be. Everyone was stuffed and there was still enough left to last well into the new year. "Mum, Billy and I will do the dishes." Matty offers as he gets up from his seat.
His mother looks at Matty with shock. "Well I never thought I'd see the day you would offer to lift a finger in this house." She jokes.
Matty rolls his eyes at the comment as he begins to gather up some used glasses. "Does this mean I can take this gorgeous thing outside with me?" Matty's mum now turns her attention to the pup, which has been curled up on an old pillow.
"Yes mum. She probably needs to go and exercise anyway." Matty says, as his mother gets off her seat to approach the pet, which was getting excited already with the prospect of attention.
A few minutes later, Matty and Billy are watching through the kitchen window. His mother was bouncing around the garden like a Sprite after the puppy. "Maybe your mum could do with some company." Billy suggests as he puts a clean plate into the cupboard. "She's on her own now.
"Mmm." Matty agrees still in thought, a little distracted by what his new pet was getting up to in the garden.
The puppy seemed to be showing a particular interest in a certain patch of land. Matty stills his dish washing a little, now focused on what he is seeing. He watches his mother walk over to the puppy and look at what the pet is doing, before bending over and pulling something out of the ground.
The puppy begins to bark, wrestling with it in Matty's mother's grasp before the pup seemingly wins and pulls the find towards the kitchen door.
Matty hurriedly drops the sponge into the soapy water, catching Billy's attention. "What's up?" He enquires, as he watches Matty quickly open the kitchen door.
The puppy heads inside, with something in its mouth, which it seems to drop at Matty's feet.
Now Billy also freezes on the spot. They both look down at the charred remains of something, but Matty knew deep down exactly what it was.
"Is that what I think it is?" Billy asks a little nervously.
Matty nods. his heart rate quickening as the charred material begins to twitch, edging closer to his ankle.
"My blanket."
Well this little tale of wonder is all done. If you made it to the end, thanks for dropping by.
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