Possessed Love Chapter Fourteen
I am not going to put up with this. Leo is in danger and no offense, Mr. Davenport, but I seriously don't think his probe will be able to take on Adam or Shadow. I am going to go myself and save Leo. Whether he likes it or not.
I peered into the living room. There were no signs of life so I made my move and made my way to the door. I pressed my lips together as I opened the door, trying not to make any noise. Before I left, I kissed a sleeping Bree on the forehead and silently waved goodbye to a focused Mr. Davenport. He was programming the robot to the location he got from my chip then returned.
I took Mr. Davenport's fastest motorcycle and sped to Leo's location. My plan was to save Leo, turn Adam good or at least knock him out and bring him back, and find Shadow's weakness and get rid of him. Not kill him, get rid of his abilities. I really have to start being more specific.
In approximately ten minutes, I was there. If you're thinking it was a short trip, it wasn't. I was just really fast, avoiding any stop lights to get in trouble, yet going as fast as possible.
Shadow's lair was very deep and dangerous. I could tell there would be traps all around, but nothing I couldn't get passed. I searched the rooms for any cameras, but found nothing. I found that weird. Wouldn't a villain want survaliance? Especially when he knows someone is on the search for them.
I ducked pass a series of wires to find that was only one small task after another. Pressure plates, wires, the traps came one after the other. My last obstacle was to hack a metal door open. I succeeded, but once the door was open, I knew things were about to get ruff.
And I was right, because once I stepped in the room, the door behind me closed and Adam charged at me. I couldn't react quick enough and I was soon struggling against him as I was pinned to the wall.
"Surprised you made it, Chase," Shadow's familiar voice spoke out towards me. "Finish him, Adam."
Without hesitation, Adam threw a powerful punch at me. Luckily, I moved my head just in time as his fist drove into the metal door behind me. It was a good distraction so I fought free. Shadow was gone and Leo was no where to be seen.
Leo? Where are you?!
Adam gained focus once again and he shot lasers at me. Not ones that knock you off your feet. Ones that kill you. I was able to dodge all of the deadly lasers, but he never stopped shooting them.
Go to the far left corner of the room. Wait three seconds then you'll drop down. I'll be there.
I followed his commands, but first needed a way to distract Adam. If I was cornered he would kill me, without a doubt.
As I ran away from him, I used up lots of my telekinesis power to keep throwing objects at Adam. A metal beam, large pipe, concrete wall, even the metal door. It left the room in pieces, but it was enough time for me to find Leo. I dropped down hastily yet quietly.
I saw Leo in a box, similar to our capsules, yet made of full metal and what I think was... Unidentified glass. He actually yelled as I came to him.
"Shhh!" I cried. He nodded and quietly apologized.
I could tell he had already tried to escape by the dust and black markings inside his capsule, so I didn't know if it was going to be easy to get him out. I tried to disable it, literally. But it wouldn't budge. So I decided to try to hack it, which worked more successfully. Leo stepped out and took deep breaths.
"Thanks," he said and I nodded.
He walked behind me as I searched any coordinates for an escape route. We were on the third level underground and there was only one way out. I had to get to the top floor, get past Adam, drop off Leo, turn Adam off, bring them both back home.
I led Leo into the elevator only reaching the top floor and gave him the directions. He agreed with every word I said. If only everyone was like this.
The elevator doors opened and Adam stood facing the opposite of us. We silently walked behind him and to the automatic doors holding our freedom. The door opened and I pushed Leo out for the sound gained Adam's attention.
Leo successfully made it out. Then the door closed.
I was yanked back by what I knew was Adam, and was thrown onto the floor. I landed on my back then rolled backwards, tucking my head in to avoid any real pain. I stood up as quickly as possible, but soon ducked down, avoiding Adam's powerful fist.
He activated his heat vision and tried to slice me in half. I jumped out of the way and tried to get behind him. All I had to do was knock him out.
I yanked large metal pieces off the walls and aimed them at him, but they were either broken apart or dodged. I found a good sized pipe and was about to throw it at Adam, but his hand made it to my face before the pole crashed into his.
My head was knocked backwards and I lost vision for a second. I stumbled backwards and tried to gain sight on him. The pain wasn't that bad, but it was enough to stop me from any other attacks.
I finally had my vision focused, but it wasn't for long. Adam sliced a metal bar over my head and it came crashing down. I tried to escape it, but it fell on my leg and I was forced down. I wasn't quick enough to catch myself and I banged my head.
"Poor Chase," Adam said. The way it came out told me he was smiling. "You always were the weaker one."
I closed my eyes from the confusing world and managed to lift up the pole. I got up and found Adam simply starring at me. The fact that he was smiling really disturbed me.
I broke a large piece of the wall off from behind him. It came out like a big rock. However, Adam sensed it and charged at me. He grabbed my wrists, causing the kenetic energy to stop, and pinned me to the wall.
"You're no hero," he hissed. "Once I'm finished with you, Leo will be captured again."
I looked into his eyes. They were the normal color, but somehow filled with the sensation of evilness.
"And you'll be back at square one."
I lifted the rock I had once and blindly aimed it at Adam's head, hoping for it to knock him out. I squirmed out of his grasp and onto the floor. The rock banged his head forward and his head smashed into the wall, where my own head would've been.
He lay still there, as he slumped down onto the floor. I thought I'd done it. Finally got what I wanted when his hands grabbed my shoulders and threw me backwards. I flew in the air and crashed into a wall. I didn't even have time to make out what was happening for my mind went blank as I was smacked in the face.
I fell onto the floor and Adam was about to punch me again, but I grabbed his fist in time and hit him instead. The blow he took must've been a hard one because he stumbled back, grabbing his cheek.
I stood up painfully and tried to use my telekinesis once again. Adam made sure I did not and tackled me onto the ground, knocking the air out of me. He punched my face powerfully once. Then twice. Then three times. My face stung and I figured it was his turn.
I put my knees under his chest and flipped his over me. He landed loudly on his back and it was the opportunity to smack him with a pole. The pole was about to crash into his head, when he grabbed it.
My eyes widened and I knew my plan had backfired 100%. He jabbed the pole right into my chest. If it wasn't for my suit I would've been dead. I stumbled back into the wall as he charged at me with the pole. The more he stepped closer to me, the more pressure applied. I felt something smooth running down my face. I knew it was blood once I licked my lip and tasted the metallic liquid. The pressure was unbearable and I started to slump down.
"Oh no you don't!" I heard Leo say. Leo?!
Smoke filled the room and the pressure came off my chest. I almost fell forwards but instead I landed on Leo's shoulder.
Through the smoke, my cloudy hearing, and loud pipe noises I barely made out what Leo said, "Let's go home."
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you had a wonderful day and still are. Sorry for the late update, but I hope this whole action scene made up for it. Love you all, bye.
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