8 | Champagne Talks
I HAD DECIDED TO wear a black dress to the Winter Wonderland. It was completely out of the event's color scheme but that is why I had picked it, to stand out. I'd rather stay home with some hot guy but the only reason I had decided to go was because a little birdie told me that today was the end of Klaus Mikaelson.
Of course I, the genius, knew that wouldn't and would never happen because his ego is too big for someone to break it. But what I did know was that the night was going to end with fresh blood and little old me wasn't going to miss any fun.
So, I wore a black dress that hugged my upper body and flowed down to mid thigh cause ya girl needs space for some action.
Twenty minutes after getting ready, I arrived at the town square where the event was being held. Children were running around and playing in the fake snow, which brought a scowl on my face. I headed towards the Mystic Grill where everyone was.
I stepped inside and the warm air wrapped around me. The door shut softly with the chime of the little bell. My eyes scanned the place, studying the women who all wore shades of white and the men who wore black tuxedos.
I was the only one who dressed up in black and I was not ashamed of that.
I stepped further into the room and grabbed a glass of champagne from a pass-by waiter. I took a sip, my red lipstick imprinting on the rim of the glass.
I came across a painting that had familiar looking strokes, painted by the one and only. I studied the painting, tilting my head as I tried to understand what the heck he painted.
Sensing his presence behind me, I spoke up, "What the heck did you draw? It looks like paint just splattered on a white canvas."
He chuckled lightly, "If you pay close attention to the painting you'd see the giant snowflake." He leaned closer to me, "Painting aside. How are you, Princess?"
I turned to him, "I was better before I saw you, thanks for asking."
His eyes sparkled in amusement before his eyes wandered down, "You look – "
"Amazing? Ravishing? Sexy as fuck?" I sipped my drink, "I know." I shrugged with a smirk.
"I've always had a thing for confident women." he hummed with a smug grin.
"Yeah well, they don't seem to have a thing for you." I muttered, walking past him.
I stepped outside the grill and inhaled in the cold fresh air. I threw my champagne class on the ground carelessly, the fragile glass breaking. The broken glass crunched under my heels as I headed towards a group of people, I was starving.
My steps came to a halt when I passed the grill's alleyway. I walked back a few steps still I had a clear view of the alleyway. Stefan, Caroline, and Tyler stood in the middle while a large number of hybrids surrounded them.
"Well, my my my, what is this?" I walked down the steps, shoving the hybrids that stood on them from my way.
"Shit." Tyler cursed under his breath as I walked towards him.
"Gotta say, Tyler, I'm kinda hurt I wasn't invited to the party." I said, my eyes scanning the hybrids.
"You better not tell Klaus about this." Tyler growled.
"Oh," I paused, "Klaus doesn't know what exactly?"
"Tyler!" Caroline exclaimed, furious about what he slipped.
"Well, things just got interesting." I smirked, "Tyler Lockwood managed to break the hybrids sire bonds, guess you're not a fucked up failure anymore."
"If a word about this reaches Klaus, I will kill you." Tyler growled.
"Cute." I pinched his cheek before lightly slapping it, "You should really think twice before you threaten me, Tyler. Now I just want to tell Klaus even more and maybe – just maybe – I'll help him shred you guys to pieces."
"What so you're on his side now?" he asked, chuckling humorlessly.
"I'm on no one's side, Tyler. I'm on my side and if I have the opportunity for some heads at my feet, then I sure am jumping at it." I smirked.
"We have a chance to take Klaus down, Emilia, forever. Don't you want that?"
"Why would I want that, Tyler?" I chuckled humorlessly, "Klaus doesn't scare me anymore and he knows that. I've got him wrapped around my little finger and I'm not done playing with him."
"I'll do anything, Emilia, just please don't tell him."
"Oh, I won't." I shook my head, "He'll kill you all either way, I'm sure of that."
"Emilia." Stefan stepped forward, exhaling. "Please don't ruin this."
"Awe Stefy," I placed my hand on my heart, "You look like a lost puppy. I kinda miss the ripper, he was fun." I stepped closer to him, "But I will ruin this, Stefan, because I ruin everything."
"And you're proud of that?" Caroline exclaimed.
"Indeed, I am. It's one of my best traits."
"It's crazy how a switch can change you." Caroline muttered under her breath.
"Awe honey, don't beat yourself up for it." I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Kill yourself for it."
Caroline sneered and slapped my hand from her shoulder, "Leave."
"Oh, you don't have to tell me twice." I smirked, "Tootles." I waved before I turned around and walked away.
It had struck midnight when I sat on the edge of the fountain, my champagne glass dangling from my hand as I placed my elbows on my knees. The party was dead with only Carol Lockwood walking around with a bottle of champagne in her hands.
My champagne was done and I grabbed my own bottle from beside me, moving to pour another glass. Deciding against it, I gave up on the glass and instead drank from the bottle itself.
I threw my head back and gulped down the drink, its bubbles sizzling in my throat. I pulled the bottle away and wiped my lips using the back of my hand.
Soft footsteps padded against the pavement and I turned to watch Stefan walk around the fountain, his hands stuffed in his pockets as his eyes studied me. I narrowed my eyes at him as he came to a stop in front of my seated position.
"Is this the part where you tell me how much I've changed?" I asked, looking up at him.
"No, this is the part where I sit next to you and pretend that you're...you." Stefan replied, plopping down next to me with a sigh.
"Do you need a glass of champagne for that too?" I asked sarcastically, narrowing my eyes at him.
He looked down at the bottle in my hands before he grabbed it and pulled it up to his lips, taking a gulp of the drink.
"Didn't your mom ever tell you to never steal a lady's champagne bottle?" I scolded, snatching the bottle from his hands.
Stefan laughed, his head hanging low as his body vibrated with laughter. He turned to look at me, his eyes twinkling as he licked the remaining champagne from his lips.
"God, men these days." I muttered under my breath, taking a gulp from the champagne.
A surprisingly comfortable silence fell over us and normally I would've took my stuff and walked away from him, but he was eerily quiet to the point where I didn't know if he was really sitting beside me.
But I spoke too soon, "I shouldn't feel guilty for Klaus, but I do."
I chuckled, "You feel guilty for Klaus?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "He's done horrible things, true. But so have we. That's the thing, we've all done horrible things. I mean, what makes us better than him."
"Okay, I'm not gonna sit here listen to you ramble about how guilty you feel for him."
Stefan instantly shut up and I sigh, taking another gulp of the champagne.
"You know what makes this experience even worse?" he asks, more to himself. "You."
"Awe, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
"You were so pure back then." he said quietly.
"Oh no, I'm not having this conversation again."
"You were this confident, charismatic, girl who held so much integrity. You were cracking jokes all the time, sometimes even at the wrong moments. But what was so special about you was your fierceness. If it was for your family, you'd fight an army and that's what I loved about you. You'd do anything for Elena and Jeremy – "
"If I didn't know better, Stefan, I would've said you have a crush on me."
"I did." he confessed, "For a while."
"Well, yikes." I snorted.
"But I couldn't do that to Damon. He was finally happy and I wasn't going to ruin that. Your presence made him smile, Emilia, I couldn't take that away from him."
"Funny how he's doing the complete opposite but he's a jerk." I shrugged, "Actually, you're both jerks...he's just jerkier than you."
"That's what Emilia would've said if she were here." Stefan smiled at the sky.
"You're talking as if I'm not Emilia. But I'm not complaining, it's already bad having the same name as her."
Stefan hummed, obviously not focused as he stared up at the sky. I stared up at them took, taking another gulp from my champagne. The stars twinkled in the sky, brightening it up.
And that's how the night ended, me sitting beside a jerk as we both started up at the sky.
Hey, I'm back with another chapter!!!!
Can we talk about Stefilia for a moment? If hes, thoughts on their moment.
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