2 | May He Rest In Hell
STIRRING MY MARTINI WITH the toothpick, I place my left cheek on my palm, bored out of my fucking mind. It was early morning and the bar was empty with no one but me and the bartender.
Not Mark though, don't worry.
I watch as the bartender moves around the bar, wiping glasses with a towel. He stacked the glasses and arranged the alcohol bottles, his back muscles flexing while doing so.
It was definitely not a surprise that I wanted him right here right now.
And no, I don't have a thing for bartenders.
I step down from the bar stool and walk around it, standing behind the bar where the bartender worked. I slowly walked up to him, making sure he doesn't notice my presence.
Still oblivious to my closeness, I stand behind and watch as he professionally cleans the bar. Swiftly, I grab his neck and instantly bites into it, earning a loud scream of pain from him.
I ignore his weeps of pain and him trying to push me away. I pushed him harshly against the wall and continued sucking, the blood flowing deliciously into my mouth.
Finally, the dude falls unconscious and I use my arms to carry his heavy weight. I ravish him messily, not caring if anyone walked in on us right now.
Soon enough, his unconscious body fell to the floor and I fell with him. I held his body close to mine as I drink the fresh taste of human blood directly from the vein.
It felt so delicious that I just wanted to drink him to death.
"You're going to kill him." a familiar voices says from the bar.
I roll my eyes and pull away from the bartender's neck to look up at my sister who sat on the stool, watching me. Her eyes widened slightly when she studied my blue hybrid eyes, the scary bloody veins under my eyes, my sharp fangs, and the bloody mess on my face.
Elena took a sharp breath and averted her eyes from the guy, not having the ability to stand the sight of human blood.
"Want a sip?" I ask, smirking as I grab the guy by the neck and show it to her.
"N-No, I'm good." she stutters, shaking her head and I knew that she did want, but someone was stopping her. "I'm going to stick to animal blood."
"Let me guess. Stefan?" I ask, pushing the bartender to the floor and standing up.
Elena nods and watches as I drag my finger on my cheek, collecting the blood before I slip my finger into my mouth, licking the blood off.
"Sorry. I look indecent." I tell her, smirking at her as I continue wiping the blood off my cheeks and licking it off.
Elena gulps and looks away, tapping her fingers anxiously on the table. I chuckle, jumping up to sit on the bar.
"A sip of human blood won't hurt, you know." I tell her, enjoying the sight of her writhing in her seat. "It's who you are and that's what vampires do. Don't let a jerk like Stefan stop you from doing that."
"I don't want to be like you." she snaps.
"Ouch, sis." I say sarcastically, placing my hand on my heart in mock hurt. "Go ahead, take one sip from him." I tell her, nodding my head towards the unconscious bartender.
"Come on, Elena. Just one sip." I say, repeating the same exact words that were said to me back when I was a werecoyote in bloodlust.
"Don't you dare use Klaus's words against me." Elena says, clenching her fists.
I chuckle, "Cute."
I step down from the bar and turn around, placing my hands on the bar as I stare her down. A smirk is plastered on my face and I felt so evil.
And it felt so fucking good.
"Okay sweetheart, this is how it's gonna work." I say calmly, "It's either you drink his blood or I will kill him."
She snorts, "You won't."
"Watch me." I whisper, pulling away and grabbing the guy off of the floor. I hold him by his neck and I swiftly shove my hand in his chest, my fingers grasping his heart.
"Emilia, don't do this." she whispers, shaking her head as her eyes well up in tears.
"Awe, are you gonna cry?" I ask with a sickening voice. "Sad." I say sarcastically, pulling my finger down my cheek resembling a tear.
Elena gulps and wipes her tears from her face. She blows out a breath and looks up at me, her gaze averting to my hand that was ready to pull out his heart any moment.
"You're running out of time." I whistle, my heart clenching the bartender's heart. "Okay then." I chuckle when she made no move, I slightly pull my hand out of his chest, acting like I was pulling his heart out so she could give in.
"Okay fine!" she exclaims, standing up and slamming her hands on the bar.
I smirk, "Thought so." I push the bartender to her and she grabs him with tears in her eyes. "Go on. Drink." I tell her, nodding my head towards his open neck that had blood oozing out.
A sob breaks out of her and I roll my eyes with a sigh. She slowly pulls his neck towards her face, her face transforming when she sniffs the blood. I watch intently as she digs into his neck, groaning in delight.
I sigh, leaning forward and grabbing a whiskey bottle. I grab a glass and pour myself a drink, my eyes on Elena ravishing him the whole time. I smirk as I take a sip of my whiskey, leaning back against the wall as I keep my eyes trained on them.
"Cheers." I mutter, raising my glass to Elena who ignores me and continues digging into him. I chuckle and watch shockingly as the bartender's body turns pale, like it was empty of blood.
I knew I had to stop Elena now before she dried him of his blood.
"Okay, that's enough." I jump in, placing my empty glass on the bar and walking towards them. Elena makes no move to pull back and rather continues ravishing him.
"Elena, that's enough!" I push her back but she digs back in and I groan. "Elena, you're going to kill him!"
If she killed him, there's no doubt that the people would get suspicious and someone would come after us once again.
As much as I loved the idea of Elena killing someone. I didn't want to put myself in danger and keep running away from a vampire hunter.
"I said that's enough!" my voice blares through the empty Grill and I push Elena forcefully away. She practically flies back and hits the table behind her, falling to the ground with a groan.
I sigh as the bartender falls limply to the floor. I kneel and wrap my fingers around his right ankle, dragging to the back door with blood trailing behind him.
I push open the backdoor and step out into the sun, leaving the bartender out behind the Grill. I step back inside the Grill and walk back to the bar, closing the backdoor behind me.
I spot Elena on the floor with tears streaming down her face, sobs escaping her. I sigh with a roll of my eyes, averting my eyes from the cry baby and bending down to clean the blood off the floor, not wanting any evidence of an unconscious bartender in the back.
"How could you make me do this?" Elena exclaims, sobbing as she stands up.
I groan and stand up, turning around to look at her. Before I could utter a word, Elena swiftly throws a punch to my jaw causing my head to snap to the side from the impact.
"Now, why'd you have to do that?" I clench my jaw before I harshly blow a punch to her jaw. Elena falls weakly to the floor from the impact and I glare down at her.
"You should be thanking me." I spat, "At least I'm not forcing you to drink disgusting animal blood." I stand up straight and stare down her with a glare.
Elena looks up at me with tears streaming down her face and I sigh annoyingly.
"You're such a cry baby." I chuckle dryly, "Grow up, Elena." I snap before I walk over her laying body and head over to the exit, not giving her a second glance.
Stepping into the church for the memorial, I purposely walk past the holy water, not wanting to dip my hand into it and make a cross.
The only reason I attended the Pastor's memorial was because I wanted to speak up and give the dead man a piece of my mind.
I walked down the isle and sent a smirk to Stefan, Damon, Elena, Matt, and Jeremy who sat in a row together. They all looked shock to see me and they watched as I walked to the first row of seat.
I sat down beside an old lady and sent her a small sarcastic polite smile. The lady eyed my white jean shorts and black crop top in disgust.
At least I wore black.
I ignored the lady and flipped my hair over my shoulder, leaning back in my seat.
Mayor Lockwood stepped on the podium, preparing to start the podium. Everyone went silent and waited for Carol to speak.
"Before we begin the Mass, we'd like to open the floor to anyone who would like to share a memory about our late friends on the Town Council." Carol starts, smiling. "I know that April Young wanted to say a few words about her dad. April?" When April didn't show up, she said, "April, are you still here, honey?"
April didn't show up or announce her presence. So Carol Lockwood sighed, "Is there anyone else who would like to share a recollection or a memory about Pastor Young?"
For a moment, no one stands up or volunteers. Until my dear sister stands up slowly, catching everyone's attention.
"Come on up, Elena." Carol says softly, smiling at Elena.
Elena trudges towards the podium, her face pale and looking like she's going to throw up any second. I smirked and watched as she went up the stairs and stood behind the podium.
"I uh — when I talked to April earlier she was kind of nervous about coming up to speak. And now that I'm up here, I'm kind of nervous too." Elena stutters, clenching the sides of the podium.
"The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them." Elena says, gulping.
A sniff of blood hits my nose and I sit up straight, curious as to where it was coming from. Elena seemed to smell it too to which she stiffened, her face turning pale.
I don't make a move to turn around knowing that it must be a trap. Someone placing blood and probably waiting for a vampire to turn around so they could make their move.
"I um..." Elena stutters, gulping as her veins start crawling towards her eyes. Stefan comes up to the podium and wraps his arm around
"It's okay, it's okay. I got you, I got you." Stefan says softly, leading Elena off the stage and back to their seats.
"Please turn to page forty two in your hymn book. Let us join together in a song." The priest speaks into the microphone.
Everyone stands up and begin to sing. I stay seated and stay silent, sighing in boredom. The old lady sends me a disgusting look and I send her a sarcastic smile, rolling my eyes.
Ten minutes later, they were still singing and my ears were practically bleeding. I groan and stand up, walking up the stage and standing behind the podium.
"Excuse me." I smile sarcastically at the priest as I push him away from the podium.
The priest glares at me and everyone in the room turns silent as I turn to look at everyone. They all sit down and I tap my fingers on the podium, smiling brightly like I had just won the lottery.
"I'd like to say a few words about Pastor." I say, my voice loud due to the microphone. Everyone listens intently and stares at me in different emotions due to my very inappropriate attire that I decided to wear to a memorial.
I ignored their stares and spoke, "I hated Pastor. I still do, actually." I chuckle as everyone in the room gasps. "I just never liked him." I shrugged, "He ruined my life and I actually planned to kill him with my bare hands but too late now."
I snort, "He chased after me — he chased after my friends to but I don't really care — he even tried to kill me. And for that, I will forever hate him. I'm not here to grief because I don't give a single fuck about him."
Everyone gaped at me in fuck at my choice of words which had me smirking proudly.
"May he rest in hell." I finish, smiling brightly.
I made a move to walk off the stage but suddenly a stake is shot at my chest. I groan loudly in pain and I fall back on the ground, the vervain from the stake burning my skin.
Everybody starts screaming loudly and runs out of the church. Elena, Caroline, Carol, and Tyler all run up to me as I lay on the floor groaning with a stake in my chest.
"Oh, my god!" Carol gasps, looking down at me.
I wrap my hand around the stake and pull it out, the air coming back into my lungs. I inhale a large portion of air before I blow it out. I sit up and sneer, my jaw clenching.
"I'm going to kill whoever did that." I growl, getting up to my feet.
"Damon's way ahead of you." Stefan says, appearing behind Elena.
"No!" I exclaim, "He's mine to kill." I growl, running down the stage and out of the church.
I burst out of the church doors and spotted Damon fighting off who I figured is the man who shot me. Steam was basically blowing furiously out of my ears as I speed over to the two of them.
"Leave him alone, Damon!" I say loudly, "He is mine!" I growl, kicking the man off of Damon.
I bend down and grab him by his jacket before I carry him up and slam him back on the floor, my blue eyes flaring at him as I growl.
The man groans and suddenly shoots me with multiple wooden bullets. He pushes me back and I fall on the floor on my back. I groan loudly as I watch him get up and rush to his car before he drives away.
I throw my head back on the floor in defeat. I hiss as I dig my fingers into my wounds, pulling out the wooden pieces. Once I touched the first bullet, it burned my finger and I instantly threw it on the floor
The bullets had some kind of vervain.
I swiftly pulled the other pieces out and threw them on the floor, making sure not to hold it longer so it wouldn't burn.
Behind me, Damon groans snd writhes on the floor in pain. I roll my eyes and stand up, stretching as I feel my wounds healing.
Stefan runs towards us and stops, taking heavy breaths as he stares between me and Damon.
"New hunter in town." I chuckle dryly, my jaw clenching. "Bad timing." I mutter, clenching my first furiously.
Damon groans on the floor, "I had him."
"Yeah, well you didn't handle him well." I snapped, glaring down at him. I sighed and walked past Stefan, bumping my shoulder with his harshly.
"Oh and Stefan — " I stopped and turned around to Stefan. "I forced Elena to drink human blood this morning. I'm sorry she lied to you." I smirked at him.
Stefan watched me with a shocked expression before I turned around and walked away from him, confidently.
I hope this chapter makes sense and it doesn't confused you. Did it?
Also, I hope the whole no emotions is better now. Like do you think I did it right?
#Q : What did you think of Emilia in this chapter ??
Thank you for reading 'May He Rest In Hell' !!
Vote and comment, luvs.
xoxo angels
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