19 | First Day Trouble
First Day Trouble
I hesitantly slide the key into the keyhole, churning it as the lock unlocks with a soft click. I gently push open the door and step into my apartment. The place is dark with only a soft light coming from the kitchen. I shut the door behind me and lock it, placing my keys on one of the hooks beside the door along with my black coat.
I step further into the apartment, studying it like an unfamiliar space which how it was to me. Last I saw it I was a different person and didn't care about the place, just liked the idea of having Klaus being forced to do something for me.
My steps halt at the sight of Aiden laying on the grey coach, his body too long for the space with his legs dangling from the couch's armrest. His right arm is placed on his forehead with his other hand on his stomach. Soft tired snores escaped his lips and guilt overwhelmed as I stared at him, just now noticing his tired state. The dark bags under his eyes, his messed up hair, and the suit he still had on from prom; only now without the tie or the blazer.
I took notice of the empty mug, traces of black coffee on the inside, while an empty coffee pot sits beside it. I slowly sit down on the loveseat across from him, my eyes studying him as memories of the past play in my mind like a movie.
Aiden was the only one who kept up with my bullshit attitude and stayed around, and all I did was treat him like trash. The guilt was there and part of me thinks I deserve to feel it, it's a reminder of how bad a person I was. But I wanted to make up to all my mistakes, to right my wrongs.
It was overwhelming me just staring at him, so I got up and grab the white cotton blanket from behind me and draped it across his lower body.
I move to the stairs and climb up to my room, shutting the door quietly behind me. I turn on the lights and a small smile lights up my face at the sight of my beloved bed. The only think I look forward everyday, to just lay down in the soft comfort of it.
After reuniting with my bed, I get up to change into more comforting clothes. Since an hour ago I had already showered for a second time at the Salvatore house after our fun time at the lake, I figured I was already clean and should only change. I changed into a pair of cotton shorts and a soft oversized shirt, pulling on some cotton high knee socks.
Suddenly there were loud hits on the floor like someone was running up the stairs. I paused for a second, my body alarmed and preparing to pounce but then the door was slammed open and Aiden appeared with a frenzy look, his eyes roaming around the room until they landed on me.
I got up, concerned. "Aiden - "
His body crashed into mine before I could form my words, his arms encasing me tightly and it took me a second to react and hug him back.
"I know hugs aren't your thing but," he pulled away to look at me, but closed his mouth as he looked at my arms which were still around his waist. "oh my god, are you okay?"
I chuckle and unwrap my hands from around him, and instead grasp his hands into mine.
"Aiden," I sigh, "I don't really know how to say this...but Damon and Stefan helped me turn my humanity back on, well not really help but they did it."
"What?" he asks, his face shocked.
"Yeah," I gulp, "I'm back. I guess."
There's a pause as I stare at Aiden, waiting for his reaction. He surprises me by encasing me in his arms once again, this time even more tighter and I laugh into his chest, glad he was happy about it too.
"I was so worried, Emilia." he told me, "Wait, Emilia is still your name right?"
I pull away and lightly smack his chest, laughing with him. He grabbed my hand and sat on the bed, pulling me next to him.
"But seriously, one minute you were there and the next you weren't." he continued, "A part of me knew you were okay because I knew you could take care of yourself. But the other part of me thought maybe you had gotten into some serious trouble and that scared me. I know that's unexpected of me but you brought me back to earth, Emilia, and you helped me. I didn't wanna tell you this back then but I wanted to help bring your emotions back because I knew the regret was gonna kill you if you did more wrong."
"Aiden, how could you feel that way about me?" I ask, "I only brought you here yet I treated you like a bitch and that's no reason to like me"
"You didn't only bring me back, Emilia, you also became something close to a friend to me. Even when you were a cold hearted bitch back then, you did something good for me without even knowing and that means a lot to a man who has had nothing good in his life."
"You're a great guy, Aiden. I am really sorry for the way I treated you."
"Anyway, I wanna know how they brought you back." Aiden says.
"Well Damon drugged me with vervain and kidnapped me to his house, and I woke up tied to a bed. Then I started seeing things but not just anything, I was reliving moments of my life. First I was reliving the time when my parents and Elena crashed and fell from wicker bridge, and I didn't feel anything just was mad at the fact Damon was in my head. Then I was reliving the time my Aunt Jenna was killed and to be honest that hit something because I loved her so much and her death impacted me."
My eyes burned with tears, "Then I was reliving the time I was drunk in the school's football field. I was doing some crazy shit chasing my whiskey bottle and breaking it. It was the day Damon told me Elena was dead, it was also the day a part of me died. Then I was in the hospital watching my old self cry because of Elena. Then I was in the parking lot, where I had turned my humanity off, and that same moments I turned my humanity back on."
"What made you turn it on?" Aiden choked, blinking his tears away.
"I don't know, everything." I shrugged, "Reliving it all, my parents death, Jenna's death, my sister's. All of it reminded me of how much it had hurt me, how much it impacted me. It made me feel the pain again, like it was happening all over again. Like I had them but lost them all over again. And when I saw the way I was crying in the parking lot and how in a second I looked cold and heartless. It made me think, why did I turn it off? Was it all to much? Was the pain overwhelming or was I just too selfish to grief for my sister?"
"You're the strongest and most genuine person I know, Emilia." Aiden says, "You're incredible."
It was ten in the morning when my phone buzzed on the bedside table and I groaned, rolling over to get my hands on it.
"Hello?" I groggily said into the phone.
"Morning sunshine." Damon greets, "Get dressed, we're having breakfast together. I'll pick you up in fifteen."
Then he hang up and I ran a hand down my face, sighing as I threw the phone beside me.
Ten minutes later I got out of the shower and picked out my clothes. The doorbell rang and I huffed, moving downstairs to see who it is. I kept a tight grip on the towel around my body and adjusted the one rolled around my hair, sitting on my head.
I open the door and meet the blue eyes of the one and only.
"You're still not dressed." he pointed at me.
"It's been ten minutes, you said fifteen." I reply as he walks in past me.
"Did I? I meant ten." he says cheekily.
I roll my eyes, kind of glad it's not awkward between us because of how usual playful behavior.
"Wait here, I'll be quick." I told him, "And don't touch anything." I said, pointing a finger at him.
"Okay mom."
I went upstairs and into my room, I turned around to close the door but stopped when Damon walked past me and into my room.
"I thought I said wait down not come up with me." I sighed.
"I like your room, haven't seen it before." he says instead.
"Thanks, now go admire it from outside." I pointed to the door.
"You're wasting time, Emilia, just go change in the bathroom." he replies.
I huff, grabbing my clothes and going to the bathroom to change.
"Why don't you have any red panties?" he says from my room, "I like red."
My eyes widen and I curse myself for not thinking about my underwear drawer.
"Ooh, but I do definitely like hot pink panties." he whistles.
"Damon, stay away from my panties drawer." I shout, hurrying to wear my clothes.
A few seconds later, I quickly step out of the bathroom to witness the sight of Damon holding my hot pink lace bra with a smirk on his face.
He looks at me and at the look on my face he says, "What? You didn't say to stay out of your bras drawer."
After a few minutes of bickering, Damon and I finally make our way outside and to the blue Camaro waiting outside.
"Oh my god, I have missed this beauty." I say, letting my fingers slide across her smooth surface.
Damon smiles and gets inside with me following along.
"So where are we having breakfast?" I ask, crossing my legs.
"You're favorite, mystic grill."
My face falls and he laughs, "Joking, we're having breakfast at Melissa's Diner."
I smile, "That's more like it. I can already taste the waffles."
After a ten minute ride, I found myself sitting across from Damon in a booth after we had ordered our original orders for whenever we come here.
"So," Damon clears his throat, "I know we're both avoiding to talk about it, but I think we should get it out the way."
"You're gonna have to be precise, Damon, there's so much to talk about." I reply, crossing my arms on the table.
"About us." he chokes out.
"What about us?"
"Where are we? What's gonna happen? 'Cuz last time we said i love you's to each other?" Damon replies.
"Damon," I pause, looking into his eyes. "I wanna be honest with you and I'm gonna say it."
"Please, go ahead." he says.
"I was a stupid teenager back then, I didn't really understand relationships because I have never been in one. I met you and I had a crush on you and I sorta used that and we rushed it all, we began as friends with benefits then we got into something that was something like a relationship. It was all over the place and everything was happening all at once.
But now I feel like I've been through a lot to become mature enough to understand everything. But I also don't wanna rush into anything with you, Damon, because I deeply care for you and if I ever feel something for you and you still do then we'll pick it up from there. And maybe this is also some time for you to figure out what you really want."
Damon slowly nods, "Okay."
"Yeah," he nods, "maybe that will help us figure out what we want."
I smile, "I'm glad you understand."
"Of course." he smiles back, but it's forced.
The food comes and we dig in, the crispy taste of waffles and maple syrup on my tongue being the best thing ever.
A few minutes later, Damon gets a call from Sheriff Forbes saying she needed him and Stefan to come to the hospital instantly.
"I can drop you - "
"I'm coming." I say, sliding out of the booth. "I have nothing else to do."
"Okay, i'm okay with that." he nods.
Then we were on a road and next thing I know we were in the hospital. We walked down the hall and stopped at the reception where a box of doughnuts was on the table. I instantly took a powdered doughnut and ravaged it, moaning at the incredible taste.
I turned to look at Damon and laughed, powder puffing out from my lips at the sight of powder all over Damon's mouth and cheeks. He smiled cheekily but continued eating his doughnut.
I take time to notice the police scattered across the reception and the police tape across the doorway.
"What happened here?" I ask with a mouthful, my eyebrows frowned.
"It's mystic falls, no one knows." Damon says, paying more attention to his donut.
I notice a police officer taking the box of doughnuts and my eyes widen, and I instantly put my hand into the box, stealing another piece of a powdered doughnut. The police officer gives me a weird look but walks away.
"You take half and i take half?" Damon asks, looking at my doughnut.
"Jus 'cuz you took me to Melissa's diner." I huff, cutting the doughnut in half and giving him half.
At the same time, I catch sight of Stefan walking towards us.
"You just missed the doughnuts." Damon tells his brother."Yeah, I was with Elena, burning off a few thousand hate-filled calories." Stefan replies, sighing with his hands in his pockets.
"She still wanna end Katherine?" I ask, cleaning the powder from my mouth using the back of my hand.
"Even more now." Stefan answers, nodding.
"I would help but I really don't want to." I tell him honestly. "But a piece of advice, pilates and a juice cleanse isn't going to make that hate magically disappear."
"Hey guys, thanks for coming." Sheriff Forbes says from behind Stefan and once he moves, her eyes land on me. "Emilia."
"Hey Sheriff," I smile, "don't worry I'm not 'i don't give a shit' Emilia anymore."
She smiles, "Well it's good to have you back."
"It's good to be back." I reply, "So what's the occasion?"
Sheriff begins, "Well, the hospital has kept the blood banks empty ever since they were raided last month. We thought at the very least it would help keep the vampire population away."
"And it didn't?" Stefan asks."See for yourself." The Sheriff leads us into a patient's room where a body lay on a bed, it's wrist bloodied.
"Whoa." Damon says under his breath.
"There are four other victims in this wing, each one almost completely drained of blood. You think it's Silas?" Sheriff asks.
"Or a doctor with some very questionable bedside manners." Damon says.
"But 5 victims? That's a lot of blood, and it's not like he can take it with him." Sheriff says.
"Maybe he's filling up his sippy cups." I suggest, "That's what I would do."
"Maybe he's fueling up for something big." Stefan adds.
"Big?" Sheriff asks, "Any details would be helpful, considering I'm dealing with 5 grieving families out there and a psychic killer on the loose."
"Silas wants Bonnie to do a spell to drop the veil from the Other Side." Damons says.
"I have no idea what that means." Sheriff replies.
"It's an invisible wall that separates our plane from the plane of all dead supernatural creatures. Now, Silas wants that to go away so he can take the cure, die, and not have to spend an eternity in a supernatural purgatory." Damon explains.
"And when do you suppose Silas plans on doing this?" Sheriff asks, worry etched on her face.
"Next full moon." Damon answers.
"Shit, that's tomorrow night." I realize.
"Yeah." Damon nods.
"But I already paid for my spa appointment tomorrow night." I whine.
All three give me amused weird looks.
"What?" I tell them, "I just got back and a spa night would be great."
Somewhere along our stay at the hospital the lights were out and it wasn't only at the hospital, but all of Mystic Falls as well. So Sheriff Forbes pulled out a map of the town and laid it out on the table as we all circled it with Liz holding a flashlight over the map.
"The power outages originated at 3 different places in town, the Young farm, the Lockwood estate, and a blown transformer off Old Miller Road." Liz told us.
Stefan picks up the red marker and connects the dots, "Well, these are the locations of the Silas massacres. It's the Expression triangle. Bonnie must be doing the spell."
"So much for needing a full moon." Damon mutters under his breath.
"And there's something else," Liz says, "One of the power company guys has a daughter who goes to school with Bonnie. He saw her leaving the Young farm an hour ago...with Elena.""
"Didn't you say Elena was with Caroline?" I ask Stefan, confused."She is." he nods.
"Looks like Bonnie Bennett has a new doppelgänger friend." Damon says.
"So how do we find them?" Liz asks.
"Well, they must be some where in the triangle. My guess is that they would be right in the middle." Stefan says, drawing a point in the middle of the triangle then circles it.
"And where exactly might that be?" Damon asks.
"Of course." I huff, "It's the love of my life."
Damon parks outside the school and all three of us step out of the car, the harsh wind blowing fiercely. Elena and Aiden come to meet us, the wind making it hard for us to walk towards each other.
"Who invited him here?" Damon asks, nodding towards Aiden.
"I did." I speak up as Aiden comes to stand next to me. "Hey."
"Hey." he smiles at me.
"Where's Caroline?" Stefan asks Elena.
"Inside looking for Bonnie." she answers.
"I think we should split up." I say, "Stefan you go look inside with Caroline, Aiden and I will check out the basement, Elena and Damon check outside."
"All right, let me know if you find anything." Stefan says, moving to walk inside.
Aiden and I head inside as well, the double doors slamming furiously behind us from the force of the wind. He follows me as I walk down the hall, heading for the boiler room.
"One day I'm back and there's trouble already." I mumble.
"We're not normal, Emilia, of course there's trouble." Aiden replies.
"It would feel really good if I just had one quiet day, you know." I reply.
"Emilia, I've had quiet for six months on that island and trust me you don't want that." Aiden says.
I don't say anything and stop at the sight of a familiar guy leaning against one of the lockers with a smirk on his face.
"You're supposed to be dead." I say.
"Yeah well lil ol' Bonnie dropped the veil." he replies, smirking as he starts to slowly walk to me.
"Who's this?" Aiden whispers in my ear, his eyes trained on him.
"I'm Sam, vampire hunter. This girl right here killed me before I could kill her. But now I'm back to do that." Sam smirks.
"You really wanna go after her?" Aiden asks, smirking.
"Hell yea, I'll take you down too if I have to." Sam replies.
"I killed you before, Sam, I could easily do it again." I told him.
"What makes you so sure?" he asks.
"Well I'm a hybrid, I could easily take you down." I reply.
"Well I'm a trained vampire hunter, I could easily take you down." he says.
"I've taken an original down, you're just an irrelevant man with weapons." I chuckle.
"We'll see about that." he says before pulling out a stake and pouncing on me.
I kick his stomach and grab his arm, twisting it but he throws me back down. Aiden jumps in and lands a punch on his face, throwing the stake from his hand.
I jump to my feet and push Sam harshly against the lockers as he lands a punch on my face. I throw a harsh punch to his jaw, a small crack to be heard and I can't tell if it's his jaw or my fingers.
I grab him by the collar and throw him to the floor, slamming my foot down on his face. He grunts loudly as his nose makes a crack.
"Oh I'm sorry, I thought ghosts couldn't feel a thing." I say, not feeling sorry at all.
I slam my foot on his head again, this time his neck cracking and his body relaxed.I sigh in relief and step down from his body.
"You just snapped his neck with your foot." Aiden says.
"Creative right?" I reply.
We both chuckle before Aiden crouches and grabs Sam by his ankles, dragging him into the nearest classroom and dropping him there. He comes back out and closes the door, sighing.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out.
"Hey." I answer.
"Come to the cemetery." Damon says.
"Cemetery? How did you get there?"
"Just get here quickly." he says before hanging up.
"Did that fight really last long?" I ask Aiden.
The cemetery was just a few blocks from the school so Aiden and I walked there. Once we got there I headed to Stefan and Damon who had their backs to me.
"What is it now?" I ask before my steps halt at the sight in front of me.
Jeremy stands beside Elena with a smile on his face as he looks at me.
"Jeremy." I whisper, shocked. "Oh my god, Jeremy!"
I run into his already open arms, tears already streaming down my face. I embrace him tightly, my body rocking with tears.
"I'm so sorry." I sob, my face digging into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Jeremy, I'm so sorry."
"Stop saying that, Emilia, you're fine. I forgive you." Jeremy says softly.
"You died, Jeremy, you died and all I ever did was treat you badly." I say, "I'm really sorry Jeremy, I hope you forgive me."
"Of course I forgive you, Emilia, it wasn't your fault and I knew despite it all that you still love me." he replies, pulling away. "But I'm not here to watch you cry, I'm here to say goodbye to you because I never had the chance to."
"Oh, Jeremy." I hug him, "I wish it wasn't this way, I really don't want you to go."
"I don't want to either but life isn't fair, but I'm just glad I got the second chance to come and see everyone once again." he replies softly.
"I love you so much, Jeremy, keep that in mind." I say, smiling up at him.
"And you should keep in mind that I love you too, and that I forgive you for everything." he says.
"I love you, Jeremy." Elena says, "And I love you too, Emilia."
Elena steps closer as Jeremy encases us with his arms, his chin on my head.
Author's Note
Thank you guys for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!!!
Vote and comment if you did.
i luv yall xx
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