Augustus Daniel elected again, screamed the headlines. Jay made a face and scrolled down the article published in the Bangkok Central Post.
"The overwhelming success of the Independent Labour Party shows that its policies resonate with the people of Thailand. ILP always puts the needs of the people in the forefront and it shall continue to do so", stated Mr Augustus Daniel in his victory speech. "The opposition parties must now accept the referendum of the people and allow for a smooth formation of the new government."
On being questioned about the numerous allegations of corruption made against him by the Democratic Front, Mr Daniel was quite candid in his reply. "All I can say is that these allegations are politically motivated and a move to tarnish my image. The Democratic Front has been making claims in the media without any specific evidence. Unfortunately, they have stooped to such low-level gimmicks. If they continue their unfounded attacks on my integrity, I shall have no option but to seek necessary legal help."
Jay tossed his iPad aside in disgust. They would have had enough evidence to take that rascal down, had Viper not attempted to double-cross Venom. Viper's Ryan had sought to extort Daniel instead of handing over the evidence to Mew. Unfortunately, the DVD that Mew's trained assassin recovered from Viper turned out to be corrupted.
It had taken Jay several years of extensive planning, to tempt an unaware Daniel into an alliance with Venom. He couldn't afford Daniel questioning Mew's loyalty before they had solid evidence. He was well aware that Daniel was a dangerous man, having connections with other mafia gangs. Therefore, he would have to be cautious in his approach.
Rachel expertly wove her BMW through the Monday morning traffic, before getting stuck at a red light. She tapped the steering wheel impatiently as she waited for the signal to turn green.
"Guys, please head to the debate club after class. We will start the training from today," reminded Rachel.
Monica groaned from the backseat. "I have to hand over the assignments to the Professor after class, now that I am running late today. Thanks to a certain sleepy head."
"Hey!" exclaimed Marisa. "Not my fault the alarm didn't go off."
"Did you set it at all?" asked Monica aggrieved.
"Probably not," commented Rachel in the ensuing silence. "But how are we going to manage the debate club now? I am currently overwhelmed by my VP duties for the Student Council and Monks is overburdened by the Class President duties. We have to enrol for upcoming debate competitions and also put out admission notices for the new academic year. We were late last time thanks to my injury."
"Monks, couldn't you have refused to take on the Class Presidentship?" whined Marisa.
Monica snorted indignantly. "I did not waltz in there and beg for this honour. Professor P notified me. I had no choice."
"I'll take on the debate club responsibilities then," volunteered Marisa in a resigned voice.
"Fine. But you have a habit of forgetting," replied Rachel as she aggressively honked at the car before her. "Take out your phone and take notes."
Marisa pulled out her phone. "It's on audio record."
"Lazy," mumbled Monica. "Firstly, design and print out notices for the club admission, put them up on the notice board of every faculty. Also, post it on Instagram tagging the university. Secondly, scroll other university websites for upcoming debate competitions and register for our debate club."
"Done," said Marisa triumphantly before putting her phone back in. "Say Monks, can't we get our mentees to assist us."
"You can, but up to a limit. Don't make it a case of forced labour," cautioned Rachel as she turned into the university gates. "See you in the debate room at 5 pm".
"Guess what my mentor gave me?" gushed Patty excitedly waving her wrist. "An Apple watch. P' Danish is so kind. What did you get Hazel?"
Hazel smiled and pointed at the Chanel hair clip that was adorning her hair.
"Oh my God! That's so pretty. What about you, Prom?"
Prom made a face. "P' Marisa got me a silk shirt that I have been instructed to wear for the Fresher's party."
"Come on. Don't be mean," admonished Hazel. "That's not bad."
"It's a hot pink. So not my colour," huffed Prom.
Patty burst out laughing. "P' Marisa does have a wicked sense of humour."
"What did you get, Luke?" asked Hazel seeing him shift uncomfortably in his seat.
"Gloves for kickboxing," replied Luke still stunned by the thoughtful gift. He had assumed that Niam only nagged him but never paid attention to what he said. Niam had been listening to his ramblings though.
"Oh! Look at his face. It's Instagram-worthy," commented Sarah with a shy smile. "Kris, what did you get?"
"A very explicit and highly inappropriate magazine that I had to hide from my dad and burn in my bathroom," retorted Kris annoyed.
"I got this diamond pendant and gold chain set that I am currently wearing," interjected Cherry as she put her bag on her table and settled into her seat.
"We are aware," replied Hazel dryly. "P' Gia put it on for you here."
Cherry smirked, "So, Night what did you get?"
Night ignored her as he scrolled through his phone, but Cherry was having none of it. She snatched away his phone. "I know that P' Flora is not as generous as P' Gia but still you don't need to be so mean. What did she get you?"
Fed up with her constant badgering and shrill voice, Night blurted out the answer he had never intended to give. "She gave me a box of multi-flavoured condoms."
There was stunned silence. Cherry handed back his phone and leaned back in her seat. "Well, that shit is expensive, you should save it for the future."
Night stared at her incredulously, red with embarrassment.
Sarah cleared her throat. "That is highly inappropriate. You should talk to P' Flora about crossing boundaries."
Cherry scowled, "Just because your mentor is the Student Council VP, doesn't mean you have to dole out advice, Miss Goody two shoes. Stop being so annoying. You got so many gifts; I bet they must be all cheap stuff."
Sarah kept quiet, ready to back down as their previously playful conversation was turning into a heated argument.
"What did you get?" asked Patty, intent on putting Cherry in her place. "P' Rachel is not the type to give cheap stuff".
Sarah hesitated. Hazel put a hand on her shoulder and nodded in encouragement.
"P' Rachel got me a signed copy of the latest book by Rick Riordan, a customised daily planner, the latest Airpods, a Gucci perfume, a Dolce and Gabbana scarf, a Prada wallet and a pair of Chanel earrings," listed Sarah proudly as she showed off the images on her phone.
"Wow", went Hazel and Patty in unison.
"P' Rachel sure knows how to apologise." Prom smiled reluctantly.
They were distracted by the arrival of the Professor. Cherry turned forward, pretending to pay attention though she was seething with jealousy. Despite Gia's grand gesture before her classmates, she knew for a fact that the pendant and chain set Gia had given her, was an old gift that Gia had worn several times before passing it on to her.
Despite her misgivings, Monica did make it to the club room at 5 pm, though she was completely breathless and severely dishevelled. Rachel smiled at her appearance and suggested she use the washroom; Marisa only snickered.
"Welcome to the Debate Club," began Rachel. "This academic year, the four of you shall be representing our university in debate competitions. Our task as seniors, is to prepare you and train you for the gruelling competitions ahead. So, let us start from the beginning. Introduce yourselves."
The first sophomore stood up awkwardly and wai'ed. "I am Atid. Second year- Electrical Engineering."
Disappointed, Rachel let out a sigh. "It is better you don't wai. Also, you have to give a more comprehensive introduction. Next."
A girl stood up, "Sawasdee ka. My name is Fern and I am a chemical engineering sophomore from Charnock Beadon University of Technology."
"Good," clapped Rachel. "Next."
"Sawasdee ka, my name is Dao. I am a chemical engineering sophomore from Charnock Beadon University of Technology," shyly mumbled the next girl, avoiding eye contact.
"Dao. Correct your posture. Lift your head and make eye contact. A good debater must never lack confidence."
The last sophomore got up of his own volition. "Sawasdee krab. I am Tanawat, a civil engineering sophomore from Charnock Beadon University of Technology."
Rachel nodded in approval. "That was well done. Now I shall write the topic for today's debate on the board. Marisa, Fern and Atid shall speak for the motion while Monica, Dao and Tanawat shall speak against the motion. I shall be moderating. Take your seats accordingly".
'Is Artificial Intelligence beneficial to our education system or harmful?' Scribbled Rachel on the whiteboard. Setting the timer on her phone, she sat down. "Your 15 mins start now."
Niam and Danish watched their six juniors swim laps as Milan recorded the time.
"Win and Team are pretty good," stated Niam.
"Rawat is also good. He would be faster if his technique wasn't so off," replied Danish thoughtfully.
Milan blew the whistle when the ten laps were over. The six sophomores tiredly climbed out of the pool and gathered around, pulling off their swimming goggles and caps. Danish gestured to Milan to call out the timings.
"That can't be right. You recorded it wrong," accused Rawat. "I couldn't have come last."
Milan scowled, checking his notepad again. "Nope, I am not wrong. You did take that long."
"What the hell!" exclaimed Rawat.
"Your technique is off," explained Danish patiently. "Because of the way you are bending your knees, you are limiting the potential of your kick and this is making you slower".
"I am a national-level swimmer," sneered Rawat. "Don't teach me technique".
There was complete silence at the disrespect shown by the industrial engineering sophomore. The other sophomores stared at their three seniors apprehensively.
"Danish won gold in the last national championship," interjected Milan indignantly. "He knows what he is talking about".
"So what? He doesn't know better than my coach," retorted Rawat.
"Then you should get yourself a better coach," sighed Danish. "You have the potential to do better".
"Just because your father is rich and you won a handful of competitions doesn't allow you to judge others," responded Rawat angrily.
"Don't get personal," warned Niam. "He is still your senior. Behave".
Rawat aggressively flung his swimming cap and goggles on the floor. "Wasn't he getting personal when he criticised my techniques? Bloody hypocrites."
"How many gold medals have you won?" asked Danish mildly.
"That's none of your business."
"I have won more competitions than you have taken part in. I can help you improve your timing."
Milan stared at Danish incredulously, "You are still offering to help this loser?"
"Who did you call loser?" bristled Rawat. "Compete with me and I will show you who the loser is."
"Okay, though if I win you will apologise to Danish and leave the swimming club," countered Milan swiftly.
"But if I win, your swimming team captain will apologise to me and leave the swimming club," dared Rawat.
Niam barely prevented Milan from punching Rawat. "Go get changed, Milan. Rawat, you have a deal. Let's see who apologises after 5 laps. Go take your position."
When Milan was enthusiastically doing his warm-ups, Danish approached him. "You don't need to do this."
"And give up on our hard-won pride. Never," replied Milan shortly.
"Milan is right, Danish. We can't allow our juniors to step over us. It sets a bad precedent. We should never have selected Rawat in the first place. He was the one that caused the ruckus that resulted in our club suspension." Niam shook his head in exasperation.
Danish frowned, "Okay, then don't hold back".
Milan grinned like a devil, "I wasn't planning to."
On Niam's whistle, Milan and Rawat dived into the water. In the e first two laps, Rawat swam furiously leaving Milan far behind but as they neared the fourth lap, Milan smoothly glided past and by the fifth lap he completely outpaced Rawat who struggled to make it to the finish line.
As the sophomores applauded a smirking Milan, a defeated Rawat climbed out of the pool.
"Apologise," demanded Milan still peeling off his cap and goggle.
"I am sorry," mumbled Rawat.
"Who are you apologising to? Don't you know how to apologise?" scolded Niam.
"I am sorry, P' Danish!" yelled Rawat, stomping off.
Danish stepped into his path, "You can still stay in the swimming club. I can teach you."
Rawat laughed bitterly. "After all this humiliation, never."
"Good riddance to bad rubbish," muttered Milan. The sophomores standing beside him pretended not to hear.
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