Part 2- In the Flames
(Hey guys! Finally here's chapter 2 to the story. Raph and Mikey got into a pretty heated fight, will they make up? On with the chapter! DISCLAIMER: I do not own TMNT, all rights go to Nickelodeon.)
"I have told you many times Raphael, and I will tell you again. You can not let your anger take over you. If you do, there can be consequences."
"What's the matter Raph, too afraid to see that Splinter is disappointed in you? You can't hide from the fact forever, you know."
"Raph, you need to learn to control your anger before you seriously hurt someone in this family."
Raph violently kicked a pillow and sat down on his bed. It was always his fault, no matter what, always because of his stupid temper.
"Fearless thinks I'd actually hurt one of our brothers on purpose... typical. " He snarled to himself.
He slouched against the bed header before muttering to himself. "Thinks he's above me because he's so perfect."
Raph had been remembering everything his family had said about his anger. He needs to learn to control it, it had consequences, he will hurt someone.
Them saying that just made his blood boil. Did they think he wanted to have a temper that flicked on in a second? They didn't understand anyway.
But what made Raph angry, upset even, is the fact that Mikey said Splinter thinks of him as a disappointment. Raph is the rebellious one, but he would never want his father to be disappointed in him in a million years.
However, Raph was starting to see that it might be true. He always got the glances of disapproval, the lectures, never praise. Praise was single handedly given to Leo.
Raph sighed to himself. He knew Leo was definitely Splinter's favorite student, but honestly, that's not what he cared about. Parent's are supposed to love their children equally and with Splinter only giving Leo praise, he thought Leo was the favorite son.
Raph just wanted to feel the same love from his father that Leo had.
A hard knock pounded on Raph's door, causing Raph to snap out of his thoughts. "Raph, we're leaving in 5 minutes for patrol. Be ready." Leo said, his voice muffled by the shut door.
"Yeah, whatever fearless." He answered back. There was a silence for a moment until he heard footsteps walking away from the door.
Raph glanced at the clock on his dresser. He widened his eyes seeing it was 8 p.m, how had time passed so quickly?
The last thing he wanted to do was to see his brothers, but he didn't need another lecture from Leo or Splinter for missing patrol. Plus, he was in the mood to punch a few bad guys.
He grabbed his sai's and put them in his belt, tightened his mask, and fixed his wraps. He waited in his room until he heard his older brother barking commands.
"We're leaving. Come on, Raph!" Leo called out. Raph took a sharp breath before opening the door and following the team up to the surface.
Raph stood behind Leo and Donnie who were observing the ground from the rooftops. Donnie looked at his tracker, while Leo was looking at the street.
"Find anything, Donnie?" Leo asked, taking his eyes off the street to look at his younger brother.
Donnie shook his head but kept his eyes on the tracker. "The new mutagen the Kraang have been working on should be in one of these buildings on 56th, but it's not getting a signal to which one."
While the two brothers were talking, Mikey glanced at Raph. He was behind his brothers, but not close to Raph. His nose was still bandaged, and he squirmed uncomfortably where he was standing.
Mikey felt utter dread for what he said earlier. He honestly just wanted to annoy Raph for sitting on him during training, he never wanted to take it that far like he did.
He knew he had to talk to Raph and apologize, and now was better than never. Taking a huge gulp, Mikey inched over to Raph.
Raph was busy looking into space, not really caring what the others were doing. He just wanted some action.
It was until he noticed the presence of someone standing next to him. Shifting his gaze ever so slightly, he saw Mikey next to him.
He looked at Mikey's nose and felt guilty. Raph might get into fights with Mikey, but he always felt horrible if he hurt him, and he had done just that.
Not knowing what to do, Mikey finally opened his mouth to speak. "Uh, Raph?" He started saying. Raph looked at Mikey but didn't say anything yet.
Mikey rubbed the back of his neck. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I feel horrible about what I said, and I really didn't mean any of it. I hope you can accept my apology." He finished saying.
Taken aback by the sudden apology, Raph decided to respond. "It's fine Mikey, don't worry about it." He answered. But then he frowned. "I'm sorry for punching you in the nose, I didn't mean to hurt you."
Mikey shrugged his shoulders. "I kinda deserved it anyway, it's fine. So.. are we good?" Mikey asked hesitantly.
Raph gave a small smile. "We're good." Mikey grinned back, glad that he and Raph had forgiven each other.
A loud beeping was heard from Donnie's tracker. "Hey, I found something! They're in the abandoned bank." Donnie said.
Leo unsheathed his katanas. "Let's go, guys. But remember, be stealthy. We don't know what could be in there." He directed.
Going into stealth mode, the four brothers snuck into the abandoned bank. Upon entering, Leo shushed them as they snuck behind a wall. Peering from the side of it, Leo could see a bunch of Kraang everywhere.
Looking beyond them, there were tables filled with tubes of the new mutagen. But the thing that stood out the most was the large tank in the middle of the room, with tubes pumping more mutagen into it.
"Donnie, what does this mutagen do?" Leo whispered. "According to the small batch I found, it's supposed to be stronger than normal mutagen. It can increase the strength, size, and intelligence of the subject that is exposed to it." Donnie answered.
"Is there any catch?" Mikey asked curiously. Donnie nodded his head. "The mutagen only does that when it's used on non-mutants and they first mutate. When exposed to mutants.. it causes extreme pain, and can reverse the effects of a mutation or worst."
"Worst?" Leo repeated. "It's not like retro-mutagen where it just turns the mutant back into its normal form. It's a painful transformation, and after that, the mutants turn into some sort of defect creature. If it's not cured.. then they could die." Donnie explained.
"We gotta stop them from making it now!" Raph said. Leo hushed him. "We have to be careful, Raph. There are Kraang bots everywhere, and we can't risk getting exposed to that mutagen."
"So we're just gonna let them pollute it all over the city and kill innocent people?" Raph asked. Leo rolled his eyes. "No! We just have to find a better way to stop them." He said, his patience starting to cease with Raph at this point.
"What other way do we have, Leo? That stuff could kill millions of people, and mutants!" Raph retorted. Leo glared at Raph. "I know that! That's why we don't need to barge into there and have them set it off into the city!" He growled.
"Um.. guys." Mikey interrupted. "WHAT MIKEY?!" Leo and Raph both said angrily. Mikey pointed his finger to the left of them, and when Leo and Raph looked over, they saw a bunch of Kraang bots standing there with their guns.
They had heard the yelling, and that made Leo annoyed. "Great." He mumbled before all of the turtles unsheathed their weapons.
"Thanks a lot, Raph," Leo said, before charging at some Kraang that was firing at them. Raph dodged a laser. "You were yelling too!" He yelled back.
Leo sliced two Kraang in half and kicked another one down. Mikey used his nun-chucks to hit the guns out of their hands and to smash the bots. Donnie hit down some bots, before backing up towards Leo.
"I gotta stop them from releasing that into the city, but I need time." He told him, before smacking down a bot.
Leo cut a gun in half. "Alright. Guys, keep the Kraang away from Donnie!" Leo ordered.
"Got it, bro!" Mikey said, swinging his kusarigama chain around a bot and bringing it to the ground.
Raph stabbed a bot in the back, and let it fall down. "How long will it take, Donnie?" He yelled. Donnie had already run over to the computer that was set up and was trying to deactivate the making of the mutagen.
"I don't know Raph, as long as it does," Donnie answered, already hacking into the computer. Raph grunted in response before kicking some Kraang bots down.
Mikey did a backflip and landed on one of the tables. Some bots tried to shoot him, but he grabbed them with his chain and swung them around.
By accident, one of them had almost hit Donnie. Donnie ducked as the bot flew over him. "Mikey!" He yelled. "Whoops, sorry D!" Mikey smiled apologetically, before kicking down some more bots.
"Be careful on the tables Mikey, you don't want that mutagen touching your skin," Donnie said. Leo stabbed a kraang bot and threw it to knock another down.
Raph punched one, before kicking it into a table. Leo glared at Raph when he saw some tubes fall down, and they barely missed Raph.
"Raph, you just heard what Donnie said! Don't touch the tubes." He said. "I'm not trying to, Leo!" Raph said, stabbing one of the Kraang's guns.
Leo huffed and continued fighting off the rest of the bots. Donnie clicked a few more buttons before sighing in relief. "I got the countdown stopped, let's go, guys!" He said.
"Sweet!" Mikey kicked a bot before running to where Leo was. Raph, on the other hand, was dealing with a Kraang bot that would not stop shooting.
"Would ya give up already?" Raph growled. "Kraang will not give up for the turtle known as Raphael." The bot spoke in its robotic voice.
Raph had a laser shot at his foot, but he was able to dodge it. "Why you-" Raph balled his fists in anger and threw his sai at the bot.
But instead of it hitting the bot, it hit a button. The building suddenly went into lockdown. "Self-destruct will commence in 3 minutes." A female voice spoke.
Raph's eyes widened, and Leo looked like he was about to lose his head. "Raph, what did you do?!" He asked angered.
"I-" Raph stopped himself. "Guys, unless we wanna be nothing but shells, we better get out of here!" Donnie yelled.
"Move it!" Leo said. Raph grabbed his sai before the brothers ran to try to find an exit while dodging many kraang lasers.
"Why would it lock down?" Mikey whined. They could hear the female voice counting down, 1 minute and 20 seconds left.
Leo jabbed his sword under the locked down window and managed to get it slightly open. "Guys, one of you lift up the window!" He ordered.
Raph and Mikey wasted no time to lift the window higher so they could manage to crawl through. 1 minute and 5 seconds were heard from the voice now.
Mikey was almost shoved by his older brothers to crawl through first. Next, Leo crawled through so he could help the other's out.
59 seconds were left. Donnie was about to go through, but then more Kraang started shooting at Raph and him. "Oh, for the love of!" Raph started punching down some bots.
45 seconds left. Donnie felt sweat going down his forehead, and Mikey and Leo were panicking outside. "Guys, hurry!" Leo yelled frantically.
30 seconds left. Raph was still fighting some bots, and Donnie knew that if they didn't get out now, they could expect their shells to be in the grave. "Raph, we gotta go," Donnie said nervously.
26 seconds left. Raph kicked another bot before trying to get closer to Donnie. Donnie raced over and hit some bots, trying to help Raph.
20 seconds left. "Raph now would be a good time to go!" Donnie yelled. "I'm trying the best as I can, Don!" Raph answered, punching a bot.
18 seconds. Donnie looked a the situation at hand. There was no way both of them could get out on time. Only one could escape safely at this rate.
Donnie looked at Raph, and he was closer to the window at this point than Donnie was. "Raph, go!" Donnie said.
Raph looked at Donnie like he had lost a screw in his head. "What are you crazy, you need to get out of here Donnie!" He said.
"I can't Raph, you're closer to the window, just go!" Donnie hit some more bots down. Raph stood frozen in place. 10 seconds were now being counted down.
Donnie had a pleading look in his eyes, telling his older brother to escape. Donnie managed to get closer to the window, but there were 5 seconds left. Not knowing what else to do, Donnie pushed Raph through.
"Donnie, what are you doing!?!!" Raph barked. Raph was now outside, and Leo and Mikey pulled him out. "Where's Donnie?" Mikey asked with wide eyes.
Donnie sighed in relief that Raph was now outside. The voice had counted down to 3 seconds. Leo a sick feeling in his stomach, waiting, and hoping, that Donnie was going to be out.
But when it had counted down to 1 and he heard a beep getting faster by the second, Leo yanked Raph and Mikey back as far as possible from the building.
The building exploded, and the three brothers were pushed back from the impact. There were flames everywhere, and rubble flew out from it. Something else was also on the ground.
When Raph saw what it was, he felt sick. His eyes widened with shock, and he felt as if he would throw up.
(Cliff hanger! That was an intense and long chapter. It's this long because I'm going to be gone for 8 days this week, so I won't be able to update :(. Sorry that the fight scenes sucked. But, Donnie risked his life for Raph to make it out. Is he okay? You'll find out in the next chapter... Thanks for reading, until next time :D!)
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