Affection Quirk (Fluff)
Hello everyone! So I know that this story says complete but I got two requests and I really want to get back into writing so I'm going to do them and then hopefully begin writing my other books again too! This one-shot was requested by "amberson122" so thank you for the inspiration to get me writing again!
It was a normal day and everyone was hanging around in the lounge area of the dorms when all of a sudden there was a loud crashing sound followed by Kirishima stumbling into the room.
"You okay Kiri-bro?" Sero asked as he walked over to Kirishima, concerned and confused by his disoriented state.
By now everyone was watching them, their concern and confusion for Kirishima very evident.
"No, where's Bakugo?" He answered in a breathless way like he'd just finished running a marathon.
Sero held his hands out to Kirishima in case he needed to hold them to balance himself but instead of taking his hands like Sero thought he would, he fell into his arms and wrapped his arms around his torso.
"Where's Bakugo?" Kirishima repeated in a desperate tone this time as tears welled up in his eyes and he moved his head to be against Sero's shoulder.
Sero stood there shocked for a second before he saw Bakugo walk over to them, snapping him out of it.
"What's wrong?" Bakugo asked as he put his hand on Kirishima's shoulder.
As soon as Kirishima heard Bakugo his head shot up from Sero's shoulder and he looked over to where the voice was.
"Please." He said in a begging tone as he looked at Bakugo, his hold on Sero dropping as he instead moved to hold Bakugo's hands.
"Please what? You're going to have to give me more context than that." Bakugo asked, trying to keep up his act but he was also extremely worried for his best friend and wanted to know how to help him.
"Hold me," Kirishima said as he looked at Bakugo with his bright red eyes that were now shiny with unshed tears.
"O-okay?" Bakugo said as he stepped closer to Kirishima and wrapped his arms around him.
Imediently Kirishima's arms wrapped about him tightly and he buried his head into the crook of Bakugo's neck.
"You feeling better now?" Bakugo asked softly and quietly so that hopefully only Kirishima could hear him.
"I want to be closer to you, please~" Kirishima begged in a needy, desperate tone making Bakugo's face flush.
"Do you want to sit on the couch then? You can hold onto me closer if we sit down." Bakugo asked as his grip on Kirishima tightened slightly.
Kirishima nodded quickly so Bakugo slowly walked them to the couch closest to them and then sat down on it.
As soon as they sat down Kirishima moved to sit in Bakugo's lap before he wrapped his legs around Bakugo and nuzzled his head against the crook of his neck again.
Bakugo fought back a blush at the actions, remembering that everyone was still in the room with them and that if he blushed then they might think that he was going soft.
"Is this better?" Bakugo asked against Kirishima's hair, getting a nod in return as Kiri's body relaxed against him.
"Good," Bakugo said as he let out a sigh of relief.
"What happened Kiri?" Denki asked as he moved to sit next to the two.
"Someone hit me with their quirk." He mumbled without moving his head away from Bakugo's neck causing his voice to be muffled slightly.
"Do you know who it was?" Mina asked, concern heavy in her tone.
Kirishima shook his head "No".
"Did you see what they look like? I might have some notes on them somewhere!" Deku asked as he moved over to them as well.
Kirishima shook his head "No" again as he became much less relaxed in Bakugo's hold, becoming overwhelmed by the questions.
"Well, where were you when you got hit? Maybe that can help us narrow it down." Iida asked, wanting to help find out who did this to his classmate.
"I don't remember," Kiri said as he held onto Bakugo tighter.
"Well-" Deku was cut off by Bakugo before he could continue his next line of questions.
"Leave him alone, he's clearly stressed and your questions aren't helping. You can ask him them when the quirk wears off." Bakugo snapped before standing up, holding Kirishima with an arm wrapped around his back and the other one on his under-thigh to make sure he didn't fall.
"We're going to my room, don't get us unless we're under attack." He said before carrying Kirishima to the elevator and pressing the 'up' button.
Kirishima's grip tightened more out of fear of being dropped but he loved that Bakugo had picked him up instead of telling him to stand up and walk with him.
"You okay?" Bakugo asked in the softest tone Kirishima had ever heard him speak in, causing his face to flush and his heart to melt.
"Yeah, thank you for making them stop asking questions." He answered before giving Bakugo a quick kiss on the cheek to show his gratitude, then hiding his face against Bakugo's shoulder again.
Bakugo blushed brightly at the small act of affection. "It's no problem, they were starting to piss me off to." He answered, trying not to let his voice give away how flustered he was.
Soon they reached Bakugo's dorm room and he went inside before setting Kirishima down on the bed first. Well, he tried to but Kirishima didn't let go of him and let out a whine of complaint when Bakugo let go of him.
"Kiri, you have to let go so I can get in the bed too, I don't want to crush you by falling on top of you this way," Bakugo said in the same soft tone as before making Kirishima comply with his request.
"Thank you," Bakugo said as he got into the bed beside Kirishima. As soon as he was laying down, Kirishima attached himself to Bakugo again, wrapping his arms around him, tangling their legs together, and resting his head against his chest.
"I'm sorry about all this, I know you don't like physical touch. That's why I asked before I did more than touch your hands." Kirishima said in a quiet tone as he allowed his body to relax against Bakugo's.
Kirishima saying "Please" in a begging tone from earlier flashed back in Bakugo's mind.
"It's okay, I don't like physical touch from other people. It's okay when it's from you, especially considering the circumstances." He replied as he wrapped one of his arms around Kirishima's back and the other moved up to run through his hair.
Kirishima leaned into Bakugo's hand as his body relaxed more at the gentle touch.
"Speaking of, do you know what the quirk even was? I know it was something to do with being clingy or something like that but why was it targeted to me out of everyone here?" Bakugo asked in his soft voice, not wanting to stress Kirishima out by asking the question but also wanting to know the answer to it.
"I'm not positive but the person said something about making me need someone I like's affection and if I don't get it then it will be all I can think about and all I will try to get as soon as possible. They ran off and I didn't chase after them, instead, I came back here and tried to find you. I should have gone after them." Kirishima explained, his tone bitter by the end.
"Hey, don't you dare blame yourself for not going after them. You would have had to resist their quirk and seeing as how you were acting and how you're acting now, it was a very strong quirk. Don't blame yourself for something that you couldn't control." Bakugo scolded sternly but softly, not wanting to upset Kirishima but also wanting him to know that he shouldn't blame himself for something that was out of his control.
"I know it's just-" Kirishima was cut off by Bakugo this time.
"No, it's not just anything. It was against your control and you couldn't do anything about it. Now quit blaming yourself and tell me what movie you want to watch." Bakugo said as he picked up the TV remote, deciding that it would be best to just change the topic for now.
Kirishima let out a sigh of defeat before asking "Do you have Ponyo?" before nuzzling his head back against the crook of Bakugo's neck.
"Yeah, we can watch that," Bakugo replied as his free hand went to play with Kirishima's hair again as the other searched for the movie.
"Thank you," Kirishima said as the movie began to play.
"Mhm," Bakugo hummed as he set the remote down before wrapping his arms around Kirishima again, secretly loving how clingy Kirishima was right now though he would never admit it out loud.
So the two of them spent the rest of the night watching Studio Ghibli movies while cuddling before they both fell asleep on top of the covers, still in their day clothes.
1,500 Words!
This is the first thing I've written in FOREVER so I'm really sorry if it's shitty! I will be writing the other request I got hopefully soon and if I don't get to it then I am so sorry about that :(
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