Trouble in the water
Peppy woke up this morning and notice Poppy missing, he panicked then he freaked something scared behind him, he turn to see Poppy upside laughing that she scared him. She's growing up she turn 5 years old. She years a blue dress with a belt on her waist.
"I sure scare you daddy." She giggled. "Poppy, could you take a little quieter?" "Oh dad you're no fun. Wanna see me do a leopard?" She made A leopard noise. "Why don't you come up your own sound?" She made A squeaky noise and started running around. She ran past the girls Satin, Chenille and Sticks did the same thing too. "Peppy!" The parents scowled on him. She then bumped into Creek. He's around fifteen or sixteen years old. Look down at her with the serious look on his face. "Oops." Before creek would Yell at her suddenly. "Poppy!" The male raccoon with blue eyes was RJ he's 10 years old hugging her tightly. "Thank goodness your alright! Peppy and I we're worried." RJ fake cried trying to protect her.
"Thank you thank you so much. For finding her creek." "Run.." he fled as Poppy did the same thing too. "Hello!" RJ grabbed her and pulled her in.
"Are you coco in the head?!" "What?" "How many times I have to tell you? If you want Creek to like you as a sister. You stay away from him." RJ said did a bop on her nose. "Come on RJ! Don't you want miss the party don't you?" Heather asked she's a nine year old possum. "There's a party?" Poppy asked. "Yes but you can but for you. Cause if your father found out I brought you here he would kill me. Now go one and play with the other trolls." RJ said. "I will be there right now. Bye Pops." He walked and follow them. Poppy didn't listen to him she followed him.
Near the waters were a llama trolls in the waters.
Heather, Hammy The squirrel who is getting picked on by a chipmunk who is around 4 years old. "Stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself!" The chipmunk taunted him. "Alvin quit it." The blue chipmunk
Scowled his brother. "The fun has arrived, thank you thank you very much." "What took you so long RJ?" "I got a pest control but it's all taken care now." Before RJ would say something Suddenly A pink blur hit him, causing him to land forward on everybody.
"Hi guys." Poppy said. "RJ what is this pipsqueak doing here?!" Guy Diamond asked. "Well RJ said I would come if I can keep up." "Why man?!" "I'll handle this guys." "Listen Pops. We got a tiny little itsy-bitsy problem here OK? Personally I love to hang out with you, you know I would these guys you know? They need a little convincing?" "Okay what am I gonna do?" "Oh! What are you gonna do?" "What?" "Well you gotta? Girl you got to go get the hair?" "A hair?" "A hair uh huh." Suddenly he heard llamas trolls playing. "A llamas hair?" "Like I said listen take it to me go home okay? I'm gonna leave soon too. You go I'll catch up." RJ let Poppy go home. "Ya see leave it to me. I told I'll-" RJ was Cut off by a pink troll screaming her lungs out running. "Poppy!" She didn't listen she jumped off the cliff of the waterfall. "NNOO!" Poppy landed in the water painful. "Oh!" "That's gonna hurt." Heather said. Poppy was underwater. She swam looking for llama troll hair. "Look there she is! She's alive!" "Hey guys!" Poppy swim underwater. "No, no no! Come back! Come back!" Heather and the rest ran the other forest. "Oh Peppy gonna kill me." She notice llama trolls there bathing themselves. "Mommy are you sure this water sanitary?" The young llama troll said paranoid. "It's fine Cooper." His mother said. Cooper went in cautiously. Suddenly he noticed something on the water. "Watch out! It's Coming right at you!" "Honey there's no somethings not going to get me." Cooper saw the pink troll. "There's a piranha!" "there's no piranhas in the water." "There is no piranhas the water." Poppy trying to get the tail. "Ah! It's right behind you!" "Cooper for the last time, there are no piranhas in the water." Suddenly the llama troll yelled. "My butt!" Poppy was on his tail. "I told you!" The adult llama troll. Suddenly Poppy flew in the air screaming and landed in the water. Suddenly Poppy popped out of the water scaring llama trolls running for their lives. Heather, RJ, hammy, guy diamond watched everything. "She's dead.." suddenly the llama trolls ran after forward as they're heading towards them. "WERE DEAD!" They ran away. RJ managed to climb on the tree branch.
In The jungle the trolls and the animals heard their kids screaming. "We didn't do it!" Creek heard and saw the heard of llama trolls. Everyone read evacuated. The baby troll was screaming but suddenly Creek save it from being crushed. The mother said. "Oh thank you Creek."
Creek knows it was Poppy responsible for this.
Oh boy Poppy in trouble big time so is RJ I'll update more.
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