Distracting Creek
Poppy ran with flowers for Branch, she then notice him and his family packing where are they going? She saw they're tent was packed up by Bergens. Poppy she spotted Branch. "Give is two more days?" "And be late for every port to the Trolls world?" "Well came all this way for nothing." "I'm sorry mr. Timberlake, I simply can't do it." King Gristle Jr. Said ignoring branches begging.
Chef groaned in frustration. "This is all your fault! I should've followed my instincts to find and set traps of those animals and those trolls!" "I'm disappointed about the animals and trolls! You are absolutely imposs-"
Branch accidentally bumped into Poppy with the flowers she was about to give to him.
"Poppy. So afraid you didn't come in time, the boats arriving. The boat is going to take us home to the Trolls village. And grandma And I are thinking- I was wondering... we really hope that you come with us? Would you?" "Go see troll village come back tomorrow?" Branch's smile faded, looking down. "No it's difficult to come back. Ever..." Poppy's eyes widen. "Not come back?" "I know it sounds awful... I don't want to hurt your feelings...but you belong with us with other trolls." Poppy held his hand. "Branch must stay with Poppy. "What? Stay here?" Branch accidentally dropped his suitcase.
"I-I can't stay Poppy...I have my grandma my sisters..." Poppy then held his hand. "Branch...Stay with me..." branch began to pack his stuff. "I can't Poppy...I can't..." branch walked away. Poppy then look down on the ground sadly. "Boys... how typical." Chef said smirking. "You can grow up being Savage, I know you trying to get the man you want." "Branch is going..." "Yes if only, spent more time with an animals, he is so disappointed, crushed really. Sorry old sport. Oh well I should get Branch's things and his sisters things, so we carry-on." Before chef leaves then. "Chef." "if Branch sees animals. He stays?" "Yes that's why he came." "I'll do it."
"Good. Scullery maid. Get the boys together. We're changing plans."
"RJ all you have to do is get Creek out of the way." "What?!" Cooper then said. "Well I'll be happy to help you Poppy-" RJ squeeze his neck. "Shut your mouth and get me out here." Before RJ leaves Poppy blocked his path. "RJ I'm asking you as a friend." "Oh... here we go again!" RJ tries to ignore poppy's sad pouty eyes.
"couldn't resist them! Alright but don't make me do embarrassing.
Then RJ covered in blue paint in blue fuzzy hair which it was leaves that was painted dark blue wearing a leafy vest and shorts. "Im gonna kill her!" RJ said angry and embarrassed.
Then cooper was dressed as an elderly troll. Heather was covered in reddish orange pain with yarn like hair covered her head and headphones in wearing a tube top and shorts. And then Hammy dressed in hey girls dress covered in rainbow paint. "Actually, that vest looks slimmer than you." "oh really I thought it looks revealing-" RJ was cut off by a loud roar it was Creek going after them. RJ Heather and ham he ran away screaming in fear along with Cooper running with them. "Hey wait for me!"
King Peppy was picking berries than he notice his daughter with a Bergen, a blue troll, and old troll and two female trolls.
"Look guys...Stay quiet." "Branch," "Be careful Rosiepuff." "He's looks handsome." "He's my dad." Branch was astonished. "Your father? Father." Branch smiled.
King Peppy was scared as he hides in the bushes. "What's happening?" Harper asked. "I don't know Harper." As king Peppy hides in fear. "ITS GETTING AWAY!" "Chef no! You only frighten him more." Poppy walked in as they follow her.
They saw every animal and troll looking at them. Branch was amazed to see that.
Done! I'll update more!
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