Daughter of man battle with Pitch
Hi it's me again. I came back to write more of Story, here's the story of the battle of Poppy and Pitch. Would she win?"
Poppy follows the animals and trolls to the trail. Poppy almost slipped off the log. Creek went over her. Before she struggles, to go up suddenly she was caught by RJ. Who is helping her. She then climbs like a chameleon but suddenly falls and lands on the feast that trolls were eating. Everyone glare at Peppy who felt embarrassed. Then Poppy and RJ trying to catch a kola but it outsmart them.
Poppy and RJ playfully fights each other.
Creek was shocked what Poppy was doing. After years Poppy was grown in her early 20's she wore a blue dress with white and green in the bottom, she wore a green headband with blue flowers on it, she tied her hair in a ponytail. RJ his 23 older than Poppy and taller than her. Cooper grown as an adult llama with a hat on his head.
Creek is 25 or 26 years old he wore yellow pants still angry. King Peppy hair was with white and grey streaks on his mustache.
Poppy went behind him. She was about to scare him then. "Don't even think about it." "How do you know it's me?" "I'm your father I know things." Suddenly she was tackled by RJ . She then was on top of him on his back. "Hello Reginald Junior." "Don't call me that!" "I'm sorry I thought your name fits?" "Hey Poppy." Cooper came in with Alvin, Simon, Theodore and Heather and Guy Diamond. She giggled, as she heard a something behind the bushes. "What's up with her?" "I don't know she probably in-" Suddenly they hear roaring sound was Pitch. RJ, Heather Cooper and the others screamed running away from him. Pitch chasing Poppy. Who was climbing back. Suddenly Creek pulled him away from him. Creek fought back suddenly Pitch scratched his face, and knocked down before he would kill him. Poppy yelled as she tackled him into the ground, everyone's cheering for Poppy and the Pitch tackled her. But Poppy cut with a sharp spear she used. Pitch saw the cut on his arm.
Pitch cut her arm. He then broke her tip of the spear, Poppy pushed him and get it. And Pitch landed on the her, and in hole and everything went quiet.
"Poppy?...." Peppy was shocked. Everyone was shocked. They lost the princess they have, Heather cried in RJ's arms. Before Creek defend himself, he saw Pitch dead body. The spear impaled to his heart.
Poppy landed on the ground exhausted and hurt. Everyone cheered for her. RJ ran up to her and hugged her. "Don't scare like that again!" Poppy let a battle cry.
Horray! Poppy defended Pitch ill update more.
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