Chapter 2 - Enchanting
Chapter 2 - Enchanting
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Xornoth had been in mines for most of the day, looking for lapis. Fortunately, he got 3 stacks along with a stack of diamonds. Now he just had to build an enchanting tower.
Xornoth went to the storage area in his house and grabbed warped and crimson planks and stems along with some buckets of lava and red stained glass.
Building his enchanting tower was exhausting. Especially since he didn't have an elytra yet.
But fortunately...
"Xorny!" Joey Graceffa flew down in front of Xornoth with an elytra.
"Hey Joey," Xornoth said, crafting some glass panes.
"I have something for you!"
"What is it?" Xornoth asked looking at the parrot hybrid.
Joey held out an elytra. "This is for you!" Xornoth reached out and was about to grab it when Joey pulled it back. "But I'll only give it to you under one condition."
Xornoth sighed. "What do you want Joey?"
"I want an alliance with you."
Xornoth smirked. He knew Joey wanted something a bit more than just a simple alliance.
"Are you sure that's all you want?" Xornoth said, flirtatiously. He leaned in close to Joey's face. The parrot hybrid's breathing hitched at the two being so close together and his eyes fluttered shut. Xornoth had his hand on the elytra and Joey's hand at the same time. Once he felt Joey's grip on the elytra loosen, Xornoth snatched the elytra out of his grip. Joey's eyes shot opened.
Xornoth just laughed. "Thanks for the elytra, Parrot!"
Joey blushed furiously at what just happened and at the nickname.
"I- I- Why- Xorny!"
"You can leave now," Xornoth said, chuckling slightly.
"B-But we have an alliance right?"
"Yes. Spare a couple rockets?"
And with that, Joey gave him a stack of rockets and flew off.
What an enchanting moment for the both of them. Especially for Xornoth with teasing Joey like that.
Finishing his Enchanting Tower was much easier with the wings that he had just gotten.
And with finishing the red, lava filled crystal in the middle of the room, he was done.
Flying to the top of his house, he saw how well the Enchanting Tower matched with his aesthetics.
Xornoth smiled, knowing that he had a sealed alliance with Joey. And he knew that Joey wanted something more than an alliance. But chances of Xornoth letting Joey get what he wants that easily or let alone getting it? Very slim.
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Now that y'all got your little scene between Joey and Xornoth. Whatcha want now? Also, sorry its kinda short-
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