The Start of it all. Chapter. 01
If yall readin this you already know the TWS of Hanahaki, blood, mentions of illness, coughing, vomiting, ext. read at your own risk :D
{Chapter 01, The Start of it all.}
{Scotts POV}
I was sitting on the front of my dye cart just looking over Chromia, ide already done most everything i needed to do today. Though a few traders were still being awaited.
Ide already made sure the villagers restocked the booths,
the wagon was fully restocked
the chests of Lapis were refilled at my enchanter..
i was pretty sure my storage area was organized
owen hadnt killed anyone.. yet
all seemed to be going well!
I saw joel flying over, a bag in his hand of what i assumed were the diamond payment.
He then landed and i jumped off the rail and landed infront of the 'tall' man
"Evening Joel!" i spoke confidently
"Evening colorful elf man! ive got your payment" he smiled
"And ive got your dyes!" I smiled and jumped back up onto the ledge of my dye cart
"Green, Yellow and Cyan correct? four stacks of each if i remember right?" I asked before heading inside
"Sounds correct to me!" he smiled
I grabbed his dyes and threw them down to him, he tossed me the bag of diamonds
"Pleasure doing business with ya!" i smiled and placed the bag in the bottom of my dye cart where i kept my payments
"Pleasure! ill see ya again colorful man!" He flew away, i leaned heavily against the wall
Social interactions were not my thing and always exhausted me- especially with overly confident 'gods' like joel-
I sat on top of one of the chests and glanced over my chipped colorful nails i would bite at when anxious.
I didnt think i was anxious but i was chewing at them as i waited for my next trade
More of my nail polish chipped off in which i spat out, it didnt taste pleasant|
I then heard harsh landing outside of the wagon and then the wood was clanking
"Hey Scott!" Jimmy called and my head perked up, looking away from my now overly short and slightly bleeding nails
"Oh Hiya Sherrif!" I called and smiled, he took my fingers in his
"Your nails are bleeding." he pointed out
"Oh i- yeah.. sorry about that- " i sighed and blushed at the fact he was holding my hand
"Were you biting them again?" he asked and i nodded
"you have to stop that habit man-" he laughed
"Its a bad habit i have i know.." i mumbled
"Anyways, i have stuff to get back to instead of worrying about other emperors do you have my dyes?" He smiled and messed with his badge, of course he would say that.. of course he didnt care..
"mhm..!" i hummed through tears that i wasnt going to let out of my eyes and jumped up from the chest, grabbing his red and brown dyes.
"Thanks again!" he smiled and handed me the diamonds
" problem!" i mumbled and made sure he couldnt tell i was holding back tears, not like hed care..
He left and i slumped down against the wall, i moved my legs up closer to my chest.
"SINGLE COLORFUL MANNNN" lizzie called, i looked up with tears in my eyes, i could feel mascara trailing down my face.
"colorful mannn?" she called again, i could hear the wood creak of my wagon
"Scott why in the name of amethyst shards are you on the fl-- are you crying?!" lizzie cut herself off, i hugged my legs close and rested my head on my knees
"Sorry liz- u- jus- t fell and- it- er- scared me..!" i lied
"scott. you do not cry- not infront of people atleast. whats wrong?" she asked and wiped the tears and mascara off my face with her thumb
"s..orry.. erm.. rude traveler.. th-ats all..!" i smiled
"what did they say?" she questioned
"basically that theyll never care about me or my empire and that nobody wants a gay emperor and stuff... the stuff i usually hear.!" i smiled
"thats still awful! i hate to ask but i have stuff to get to in Animalia, do you have the purple and magenta dyes i requested?" she asked and stood up, i stood up aswell and wiped the mascara from under my eyes
"mhm.!" i hummed, just another person who had better things to do..
i grabbed her dyes and she handed me the payments.. that was the last one today.
i went back to my house and slammed the door.
I didnt even bother to make dinner.
Didnt feel up for eating anyways..
i took off my jacket and healed boots, changing into a pair of patchwork sweatpants ide created from fabric scraps.
I took off my colorful makeup revealing my natural freckles and slightly red skin underneath.
i sat onto my bed allowing myself to lay down, i didnt care that it was still early.
i dragged my sketchbook off my bedside table with a pencil and began sketching stags and llamas, i lost track of time and the next time i checked it was 10 pm. meaning it had been 3 hours-
I dragged my blankets over myself and drifted to sleep.
i woke up abruptly at 3:26 AM my throat hurt like crazy and there was an odd throb in my chest.
Something felt wrong.
I was dizzy and just didnt feel well.
I got up and got a water forcing myself to drink it
thought it actually hurt my throat more..
i was confused to say the least but went back to bed..
I was dreading every detail about tomorrow..
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