Pools Of Petals, Chapter 05
If yall readin this you already know the TWS of Hanahaki, blood, mentions of illness, coughing, vomiting, ext. read at your own risk :D
(deep descriptions of pain in this one)
{Chapter 05, Pools Of Petals}
{Scotts POV}
When ide woken up from collapsing on my bed after actually interacting with people yesterday
it was the middle of the night
and somehow i felt worse than i did the previous day
i felt as if someone was inside of me scratching the inside of my throat and tearing it apart
i also felt as if someone was physically twisting my stomach.
or making a fist inside of me..
or- something-!
i dont know it just hurt-
i sighed, but regretted that feeling a spike of pain in my chest
i quickly took off my jacket, throwing it onto a hook nearby
taking off my boots, bracelets and necklaces i fell back down onto my bed, what i was wearing was already comfortable enough-
flopping back onto my bed i laid there
just accepting my misery
i could feel myself shivering
but i didnt feel cold?
i could feel something in the back of my throat
i didnt know what
but i hated it
and clearing my throat only hurt as if i was swallowing thorns or something
i shoved my face into my pillows, throwing the blankets lazily over my body
i didnt care if my actual comforter and array of pillows were still on the couch
this was good enough
i was too tired to care
and soon just fell asleep
~next morning~
I woke up and attempted to sit up, but my arms were not supporting me
i felt so immensely weak
i forced my eyes open and was met with the blinding lights were painful
i was knocked with an Aeor awful headache
Smashing my face into a pillow i allowed my eyes to slip closed again, shifting under the thin blanket
i heard a knock on my door
what time was it..?
i checked my phone which was laying lazily next to me
10:25 already..
i wonder who was there
i got up and felt dizzy immediately
brushing it off i went to my mirror and looked half-presentable because my braid stayed intact and i didnt look too awful without makeup-
grabbing my jacket i slid down the latter and opened it, why the heck was Joel here at 10 in the morning?!
"Hello colorful man my wife calls single" he joked
"i am single joel" i laughed, ignoring the heavy feeling in my throat
"you sound horrendous- " he joked
"wow thanks-" i joked
"what are you here for joel" i sighed
"dyessss" he smiled
"usual colors?" i asked, walking past him weakly as he followed me to my dye cart
"yes sir! also genuine question, you were fine yesterday- how were you sick one day ago, manage NOT to be sick and end up sick again-?" he questioned
"all honesty, i do not know" i sighed and hopped onto my dye cart
"you have the worlds worst luck" he demanded in a pure genuine friend concern
"erm... yup" i sighed and grabbed his dyes, he placed the diamonds in my chest as payment
"Thank you colorful man! Meeting at Stratos at eight!" he said before taking off to upper Stratos
i sighed at the thought of another meeting
opening the door to my house i almost collapsed onto the floor, luckily making it to the couch before slumping onto my previous pile of blankets and pillows
why did everything hurt so bad...
i let my head hit my pillows, my eyes already falling closed
soon later i was jolted up by a coughing fit
it hurt but i could not stop
no matter what i did
when it finally subsided after what felt like hours
i knew something was wrong
i could feel whatever had gotten into my throat shifting when i coughed, and now when i breathed which forced me into another coughing fit
when i finally was able to let out what felt like had been in my throat for ages i let out a sigh of relief
but those emotions twisted when i opened my eyes.
i was met with the horrendous view..
of a pool in a crease in the blankets..
a pool of..
poppy petals..
small petals.. nothing much
when i said i liked flowers i didnt mean this..!!
my own blood was seeping into my blanket, turning the pink a brighter, redish shade
i wanted to scream
but i couldnt
i no longer had a voice
frozen in time
and shock
is this why ive felt so off these last few weeks?
i basically fell off the couch, grabbing the blanket.
i threw away the bloody petals
and washed the blanket
preying the stain wouldnt stick around
i flopped back onto the couch
my mind now filled with thoughts
why were they bloody?
no, why did i just cough up petals?!
do i get help?
am i dying?
i dont think coughing up petals and blood is normal..
defiantly not...
i un tangled myself and moved under the blankets.
i still felt awful and my head racing did not help
my eyes shifting closed as i laid under the blankets
i didnt care if it was still morningi
i was just going to hope i could 'sleep this off'
~6 hours later~
I was startled awake by heavy knocking
why was somebody bothering me todayyyy....
everything still hurt, and i was still in heavy shock from coughing up petals.. and the sight of my own blood..
I flung my legs over the side of the couch, flicking on one of the lights ide had off before
i opened the door cautiously
"Hey! Barely seen ya all day besides the trade with joel" owen greeted
"oh uh- yeah- havnt been outside much have i" i sighed
"no sir, also you alright? your windows are never shut and your lights are off, on top of that your voice sounds awful" he frowned
"..yeahh- i- uh- so- somehow managed to uh- feel w-worse tha-than what was it-? uh- two days go?" i sighed and gently cleared my throat
"WORSE-?! how- how do you deal with this-!?" he asked, genuine concern filled his voice as his ears flapped down to the side of his head
"..i dont- dont know- i just push thr- through it" i smirked
"no, you are getting back on that couch and resting sir." owen hissed from pure concern lacing his words together
"..fine.." i mumbled and he turned me around, slipping my coat/jacket off
"go change into something more comfortable, ill make food" he smiled and i nodded
i changed into sweatpants and an oversized hoodie before flopping onto the couch
owen soon came in with soup which i could barely taste
but i already didnt have a voice so-
"i hope it tastes half way decent, i kinda rushed it because im not stupid and you sir have not eaten all day" he smiled
"no, no- i have not.. b-but i uhm- if im being ho-honest i- can bare..barely even taste it.. sooo" i sighed
"ill be right back, im going to close up the tavern and then im not leaving your side" he smiled and pulled the blankets over my legs, taking the half empty bowl out of my hands
i nodded and laid my head on the array of pillows that still remained from one of the previous days
soon later owen came back.
i felt like there was something sharp in my throat tearing up the inside
or if there was someone grabbing my stomach and physically twisting it
every little thing about my body hurt
i tried to relax and fall alseep
but despite how exhausted i was my body was not letting me sleep
i grabbed my phone to distract myself from the awful sickly feeling that had overtaken me, a few unread texts
Meeting starting, in 15!
-sent 5:00 PM-
what time was it..?
not like i was planning to go anyways
Leaving this in a message
because joey exploded
my communicator again.
Anyways! I need... 15
stacks of each lime and
regular green dye, might
need more eventually
-sent 12:45 PM-
okay so a meeting.. a trade deal.. thats all.
i dropped my phone on the ground and let pain consume my body
seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours
my pain was clearly visible even when hiding under blankets and burying my face into a stack of pillows as soon i felt owens hand glide gently along my side, it was relaxing
"you alright? youve been shifting an abnormal amount for you" he frowned, i hoped my eyes and wrapped and arm around him, pulling him into a weak hug
"clingy much" he smirked
"..shut up" i mumbled and he chuckled
"are you gonna let me move?" he asked jokingly
"..no...st.stay" i mumbled and he climbed onto the couch, grabbing my shoulders gently and lifting me onto his lap
"..your the best, best friend in the world.." i muttered and he rubbed my side with his hand gently
his hands were warm and his small llama furs brushing up against my hand every once in awhile was soothing
"im right here if you need anything at all" he smiled and i melted into his warm touch underneath the covers.
~n e x t morning~
i woke up abruptly at 2:45, i sat up quickly and looked around, owen was gone, the lights were off.. it was still night.
sweat traced my hairline as i sat there breathing heavy
i felt nauseous
and dizzy
i felt like i was choking on something
and with that
i was lead into a harsh coughing fit
on instinct i stood up and ran into the kitchen
i was leaning over the sink, weak, gagging and coughing
until eventually it all stopped
i got a glimpse of the inside of the sink
larger petals were found..
a couple were fully developed poppy petals
but they were drenched in..
in blood..
just like earlier.
thats the last thing i saw before my whole vision went pitch black
~the actual next morning~
i woke up still on my kitchen floor
my head was pounding which- yknow kinda made sense-
i was able to sit up but my whole body hurt
i knew it wasnt just a fever dream as i wasnt on my couch..
i grabbed the counter to steady myself as i stood up shakily
i glared inside the sink..
soaked with the deep crimson liquid
i turned on the faucet, washing the blood off the petals and down the drain
i then grabbed the wet petals and threw them away
then stumbling over to the couch and faceplanting into the pillows
i still felt nauseous
closing my eyes only made the dizziness worse
so i laid there
staring at the spinning ceiling
an awful taste of blood in my mouth
as if blood and floral tea was a combination
~4 hours later~
i stood up to do-
something i dont remember
but ide gotten ready
so now i stood
on the streets of chromia
staring off into the clouds
before black spots danced throughout my vision once more
the last thing i heard was screams
and the sudden pain of my body hitting the floor
before i felt nothing
only ringing could be heard
and everything.
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