Bloom Chapter 10
If yall readin this you already know the TWS of Hanahaki, blood, mentions of illness, coughing, vomiting, ext. read at your own risk :D
{Chapter 10. Bloom}
{Scotts POV}
i stared at the floor.
a half bloomed poppy lay in a thick puddle of deep crimson liquid
before i knew it tears were falling into the puddle of blood.
"Scott?" owen repeated
I couldnt speak, i was absolutely frozen in place, staring down at the pool of blood and petals, i couldnt speak, move, i didnt have the energy to even hide it from him anymore
"Scotttttttttttt?" owen repeated again
Owen soon came up the ladder fully and looked at me
"" owen muttered, staring at me with horrified wide eyes
I was crying, had blood dripping out of my mouth, the flower petals thickly coated in blood laying at my feet
"uhm.. o-okay.. st-stay calm.." owen spoke, in an attempt to sound convincing, sounding morely to himself than me.
i went to speak, but couldnt, i was frozen in place, my words were caught in my throat, my hands clutched in fists
i moved myself away, further onto my bed, backing up and curling into a ball, sobbing and horrified
"hey hey.. u-uh.. it-its alright-! just.. just stay calm.. we'll uh- we'll figure this out.. mmhm.." owen spoke, his tone was panicked as he walked over and wrapped his furry arms around me, his tail laid softly on my blankets as i curled up against him
i didnt know what to do
i was horrified
what was happening to me
why was this happening..
days passed.
all i could do was lay in bed
i was insanely sick, barely able to move and coughing up blood and flower petals every 3-4 hours.
owen stayed by my side.
chromia was basically on a lockdown.
nobody left or came.
the tavern and community buildings were closed.
but after a week i was able to get back on my feet.
"are you sure about this..? this.. whatever you have doesnt seem.. i dunno.. safe?" owen spoke, looking at me, he was still sitting on the foot of my bed and i was over at my vanity brushing on mascara
"ill be alright, i can walk and speak again, its good enough" i shrugged it off and continued getting ready
"y-you should atleast start out slow.! not immediately go to a server meeting!!" owen pleaded
"ill be fine owen. plus its about time we get this empire out of a lockdown." i spoke and stood up, adjusting my magenta corset belt around my waist and tightening the band comfortably
"i get you dont want chromia in lockdown anymore.. but scott.. i- coughing flower petals!? this isnt normal!!" owen begged as i tied up my hair
"ill be fine owen, yes- ive- lost- alot of blood- erm- and the flowering thing isnt exactly.. normal.. im sure ill be fine and its nothing" i tried to convince the both of us, i was absolutely horrified myself but i hid it, ide been out of commission for way too long.
"..scott.. the other emperors will understand if your sick-!! and FLOWER PETALS!? that is not a normal thing to be expelled out of the human body!!" owen stood up, his voice was insanely panicked
"well im not exactly human, im an elf" i shrugged, and put in 2 more of my earrings
"elven or not, same organs, some body function, only thing different is your ears, traditions... and alot of other stuff but still!!" he sighed
"ill be fine owen. now i have a 3 hour flight to animalia i must get to." i sighed and jumped off my loft
"SCOTT! this isnt safe!!!" he yelled and jumped after me
"its fine. you have my location, ill text you if anything happens." i shook it off and walked out, closing the door behind me and jumping into the air, my wings flapping behind me as i flew towards Animalia.
after 3 hours i landed at animalia, when i stumbled in my landing lizzie grabbed my hand to steady me, i stabled myself and stood up straighter
"you alright? where have you been!?" lizzie spoke and let go of my hand
"im alright lizzie. ive been sick for the past week and this is my first day back at it-" i sighed and dusted my wings off
"take it slow alright? dont overwork yourself the first day back" she smiled reassuringly
"i will lizzie, thank you" i smiled and she grabbed my hand lightly, guiding me inside the meeting room
i sat down in my seat with lizzies guidance, whom smiled at me and went to her seat
i sat there for a few minutes and when jimmy walked in we made eye contact, he smiled politely before returning to his rested scowl and texting someone, sitting in his chair
my smile faded and i leaned back in my chair, fidgeting with my hands and rings, my heels tap anxiously against the spruce wood below me, my hands began to grow clammy as i fidgeted with them, trying to regulate my breathing as i sat there in the meeting.
i managed to make it through the meeting, and now was walking out of the builiding, fidgeting with my hands, my stomach and chest hurt really bad, and my throat was stinging as i walked, trying to give myself a minute before flying
Walking around animalia with my eyes shut gently, trying to breathe and regulate myself
"Scott?" shelby spoke and stopped me in my tracks, i opened my eyes and glanced down at her, adjusting my posture and stance, aswell as my expression into a soft smile
"yes shelbs?" i smiled at her softly
"are you alright? you looked quite anxious in the meeting.. and seem.. kinda sick?" she frowned and looked at me concerned
"ive been quite sick for the past week- and the meeting was just.. i dunno- as soon as jimmy looked away i felt overly anxious and sick again for no reason? so im just trying to give myself a minute before flying" i explained
"are you sure your alright? maybe you should just go back home and rest.." she mumbled and looked at me worriedly
"i plan on it actually- ide much rather be asleep right now..-" i mumbled and chuckled gently
"thats smart- i see your learning to take care of yourself more?" she chuckled
"more like i have a crazy llama man at home that would kill me if i didnt rest-" i replied back and chuckled softly
"that- that sounds like owen-" she smiled softly
"now get home safe and rest alright?" shelby smiled
"i will shelbs" i smiled and she flew away on her broom
after a bit i made it back to chromia, though once entered my house i paused for a second, feeling dizzy, then having the overpowering urge to throw up and ran to the sink
i was coughing out blood painfully
this went on for 30 minutes.
coughing out blood.
poppy buds.
and thorns.
i took a sharp breath and fell to the floor, pushing myself against the counter, my arms wrapped around my stomach, crying into my knees, blood stained my shirt collar and the cuffs of my jacket
i fell to my side unconscious.
just laying there
my breathing heavy and staggered
blood dripping from my mouth and staining my collar and cuffs
"Scott?" owen questioned, opening the door and walking in
"Scotttt?" he frowned, walking into the ktichen
he spotted my unconscious body.
"oh.. my. god." he mumbled and his eyes widened
he screamed. i lay there.
in a pool of my own blood, the sink stained with blood and filled with different evolutions of a poppy growing laid in the sink..
soaked in a deep, thick crimson liquid.
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