A Visit with gifts of help Chapter 03.
If yall readin this you already know the TWS of Hanahaki, blood, mentions of illness, coughing, vomiting, ext. read at your own risk :D
{Chapter 03. A visit with gifts of help}
{Katherines POV}
We arrived at chromia after two and a half painful hours of flying.
The array of freshly grown flowers and vines flooded our vision
Small candles placed gently on top of thick fences and bases to street lamps.
The bees that flew around freely picking nectar off of the flowers
The bright roofs and colorful smoke filled my senses to the brim
"katherine if you dont snap out of your thoughts your going to crash" jimmy called knocking me back into reality
"THANKS JIMMY!" i called slightly out of panic returning to the surface of the earth landing on the red paths that scattered throughout chromia.
It seemed.. duller?
flowers had browned at the stems
their petals slightly droopy
the colors were less vibrant
i was unsure of why..
or if i was going crazy
but poppies had grown at the base of scotts smaller house, the structure to his large manor house over towered the empire.
even the tavern was closed, the Chromia tavern was one of the most popular in the area!
nobody was outside, there was no colorful man taking care of his llamas or crops.
though there was a couple of the village kids climbing trees and running through flower fields, energetic as ever
"does it seem duller or am i going crazy?" i asked
"..no i dont think your going crazy, theres wilting flowers almost as if they havnt been watered in awhile." jimmy questioned
jimmy sighed before walking to scotts colorful house and reaching into his bag, i assumed he had the keys-
"and of course- me being me- i forgot my keys-" he sighed
"move along and dont question anything i do within the next.. ten seconds" i smiled and he backed away, i walked up to the door and took my heel, jamming it into the door kicking it down
"easy!" i called
"..oookayy.. i should arrest you.. but.. i wont. this once." he sighed
"visitors?" a soft british voice spoke
"oh god not you-" jimmy hissed
"you just broke down scotts door sir. and you get bad at me?" the llama hybrid called, stepping closer and crossing his arms
"dang conflict okay..." i mumbled
"oh its a pretty flower lady!" the llama called
"oh-! i uh- i guess?" i laughed
"is scott here." jimmy finally asked
"hes here though im pretty sure hes asleep right now" owen smiled
"asleep? its.." i grabbed my phone "12:34" i finished
"hes been sleeping most of the day, only woke up to eat around thirty ish minutes ago" he explained
"may we ask if theres a known reason?" i questioned
"didnt explain to me whats wrong but he was super out of it so checked on him and he did have a fever" owen explained
"cod is there a time that man isnt sick?" jimmy said sarcastically
"aye, two weeks is his current record" i joked and owen laughed
{Scotts POV}
i woke up to be met with a sudden surge of what felt like cold air, but chromia wasnt cold?
i knew i was at my house as i had seen my kitchen and my loft bedroom from where i was laying
i wrapped the blankets tightly around my body and sat up on the comfortable black couch.
my eyes focused and i saw katherine and jimmy standing in my doorframe, owen was talking to them
i just sat there tiredly for a minute or two trying to get my eyes to re focus
owen then looked back and smiled at me
"hes awake now!" he smiled towards katherine and jimmy whom both peeked inside
"hi sleeping beauty" jimmy joked, that was our groups nickname for me- i always went to bed the earliest and woke up the earliest
"hi jimmy-" i tried to speak but my voice was quiet and my throat stung to excessive levels, as if thorns had pricked the sides
"cod you sound worse than you did before fwhips wedding-" he spoke, shocked and slightly concerned
"wow- thanks jimmy- thanksss-" i teased in my usual sassy tone, which was now quieter
the longer jimmy was standing there the longer the pain in my chest and stomach increased, i was curious on why, maybe owen was just an absolutely awful cook-
but ide had his cooking before and it had done nothing
i continued to brush it off as the two stayed, something in my mouth tasted.. floral?
i mean, yes i love floral teas, im the flower dude!
dyes and plants are my whole thing!
but this tasted like ide eaten flat out flower petals, going to be honest, it tasted gross
it started to taste worse as it increased in taste, it was almost in the back of my throat
it felt and tasted strange
the inside of my mouth felt smooth like a flower petal, i sat on the couch, leaning heavily against my pillows with the blankets wrapped around my body
jimmy was sitting across from me on one of my other couches, katherine next to him and owen settled on a chair
i looked into jimmys eyes and a huge spike of pain hissed over my body, i shifted my eyes away quickly as the pain dulled back to the throb it was before
so i just.. sat there
tasting flowers.
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