A missed meeting.. Chapter. 02
If yall readin this you already know the TWS of Hanahaki, blood, mentions of illness, coughing, vomiting, ext. read at your own risk :D
{Chapter 02, A missed meeting}
{Scotts POV}
i woke up in the morning only for it to be past my alarm. it was now eight and i felt exhausted still.
Maybe because of waking up at 3 last night?
Im not sure.
I tried to take a breath just to get myself out of bed before the meeting at 8:30, but i was stopped by a sharp pain in my chest and throat
i hissed at the sudden pain and fell back onto my pillows
I didnt know where any of this came from but it hurt like heck
I couldnt even breathe without the shooting pain conflicting in my throat and chest
The pain was making me feel sick.
Or did i just feel sick in general?
i didnt know- but my communicator had died and my charger was downstairs.. my phone was on the counter and i didnt feel like getting up-
i tried to go to sleep but fell into multiple minute long coughing fits.
at one point i fell off my bed but couldnt get up off the floor, i was coughing like absolutely crazy and felt god awful
i wrapped a blanket around my shivering body.
i didnt know why i was shivering, i lived in a flower field!!
it was supposed to be warm!!!
i sat there for what felt like an eternity
but i checked the small clock i had on my bedside table
..it was after 8:46..
i forced myself to my feet, i was shaking profusely, i couldnt stand for more than a minute before grabbing harshly onto my bedframe for support, but i fell backwards onto my mattress in another harsh coughing fit
this only allowed me to feel..
,much much worse-
my chest ached awfully and my throat stung
my body now laid limp on my pillows
i desperately wanted to cry at the pain.
but i didnt.
i just laid there, in a deceivingly amount of pain
but eventually i built just enough courage and slid down my ladder, more like fell-
i almost fell multiple times but i grasped onto my phone and fell onto my black couch, it felt.. comfier than i remembered
i opened my phone and people were spamming me with messages consisting of this one from fwhip which made me audibly laugh, but it hurt god awfully to do so, the message read..
shockingly normal for fwhip-
then one from sausage.. which was just concerning-
looked more like a jimmy text if ide ever seen one-
but it only gave me a headache to look at my phone.. so i left them on read.
I didnt have enough energy to get back onto my bed..
so. couch it is..
i laid there with a colorful blanket over me which hurt to look at
i tried to keep my eyes closed but that only made me dizzy
there was no way around feeling awful today-
"colorfull dude that gave me perfumeeeee?" owen called from outside the door, i sighed and forced myself to sit up
"you can come in owen" i sighed, my voice raspy and dry
"whats wrong with your voice-?" he quizzed, confused
"is it that obvious im sick-?" i questioned, sounding unsure
"yes-" he laughed
owen came over to the couch and sat down on the ledge beside from where i was now halfway sat up, he placed his small hand on my forehead, it was soft from the tiny curly llama furs
"bed." was the only thing he said
"im just going to take that as potentially a fever-" i sighed and he nodded
"if you wanna stay here i can go grab you another blanket and some pillows from your room!" he called excited'ly
"ide like that.." i mumbled and he smiled
He left going into my room and coming down with two blankets, one of them more quilt like and the other softer, a stack of pillows in his arms
he sat down all of the pillows and blankets, i moved fowards as he placed the hoard of multi sized and colored pillows behind me in which he soon helped me back to lay on
he fanned out both of the blankets and rested them on me, i smiled contently and sunk into the pillows, he chuckled and left for the kitchen, i hadnt eaten so i hoped he was making food
by the sounds of pots and pans i was proven correct though i managed to slip into a light sleep while he was cooking.
{Fwhips POV}
"any word from him?" lizzie asked in annoyance
"he read it but no reply" sausage sighed
"same here" i rolled my eyes
"its not like we waited but he atleast could have warned us" jimmy hissed
"not going to stop me from checking on my friend though.." jimmy mumbled
"i plan to go with you jimmy" Katherine nodded and jimmy smiled
"im just offended he left me on read" i scoffed dramatically
"drama king" joel teased
"says the litteral man who manifests the fact hes a god" i hissed
"HOW DARE" he screeched
"how mature- katherine if you plan to come ill be taking my leave." jimmy sighed and katherine followed him out the door.
{3rd person}
it was a two and a half hour fly to Chromia from Animalia so they had a journey ahead of them.
Meanwhile owen has been taking care of the feverish scott and had made soup and snacks
It had already been a few hours of owen knowing about scott being ill.
though they had no clue what this small 'cold' would turn into.
{Scotts POV}
i was half sitting half laying on my couch, still resting among the pillows
(no details because i got lazy-)
my eyes were slipped shut and i felt- A W F U L.
even worse after eating- i pushed off the fact that every time i swallowed it felt like glass.
and i didnt know if my body absolutely hated me or if owen just cannot freaking cook- but either way now my stomach hurt like heck and i could barely move-
so here i was, lying on the couch with a llama taking care of me- basically half dead-
just a helpless traveler forced into leadership
Now here i am, with a whole empire to tend to, miserable.
I dreaded the thought of the times to come.
The questions, the answers.. everything.
I begged in my head that this would be a one day thing.
And everything would be fine and back to normal tomorrow!
But i havent even made it through today yet..
I shut up my thoughts and allowed myself to finally sleep.
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