The Prom
I got ready all on my own with my hair and make up done and got my dress on. I really wished my mom and dad were here.
I walked out and The boys all wistled and howelled and I blushed. Then I saw Two bit staring at me for a while. Sodapop gave me a kiss on the cheek and said I looked beautiful then Darry kissed me on the head and said " you look so much like mom " And I smiled. I walked back into the room and the guys asked where I was going. After a 15 seconds I walked out with my dirty black converse on. "Thats better" I said walking around more comfortable. I walked to Two bit and we kissed. The guys ones again howled and whistled "Hey if you 2 dont mind I would like to pick our dates up on time." Steve said trying to leave. "You guys look to much like socs. I made them take off the nice coats and made them put leather jackets on. "Alright lets go" I yelled. "I like her right now." Steve said laughing. It was gonna be tight for all of us in one car but I don't think the boys mind the girls sitting on there lap. Two bit was driving I sat in the front next to him and Soda sat next to me Steve and Pony sat in the back. We first picked Katy up. I didn't like her she seems really really annoying and clingy. We then picked up Dash. Ponys girl. She was really cool I liked her. She knows how to have a good time and if she doesn't know it she is a definite greaser. She was pretty chill and not clingy and spoke her mind but she was kind of shy to. She kind of in a way reminded me of Johnny. I guess thats why I like her so much. She is pretty darn tough. We finally went to pick up Steves broad. I have never liked the girls Steve has dated. This girl will probably be no different. She got in the car and we headed to the Dingo to eat. Katelyn was actually pretty cool. She liked to Party and have a good time. She was almost like two bit and Dallas. I actually liked her a lot. She was really cool and funny we all got along really well. Katelyn was tuff and tough. We finally got to prom. "Hey guys wait. Everyone's inside. Every soc is inside." I said starting to smile slowly. "Ya so?" Steve said confused. Sodapop and Katelyn also smiled. They new what I was thinking. I opened the back of Two bits car and got a bag of shaving cream out. Some guy was giving away for free cause his store was closing so I took them. We all got cans and put the shaving cream on soc cars. "Aww im gonna get my nails dirty." Katy yelled. Me and Dash told Katy to shut up. She was the only one having a fit. We all had about 42 soc cars covered in shaving cream and popped about 2 tires on 8 cars. Man was that fun. We all ran inside. We dance to a bunch of swing songs. The slow dances we sat out Dash Katelyn and I cant dance to that. Of course Katy made Soda dance to slow music and he hated it but still put up with it. "Alright ladys and gentlemen its time to announce prom queen and King!" Cherry yelled from the stage. She was on the list as well. Her abs bob. She is already thinking she is gonna win. Then I keep looking and I see Ponyboy and Dash. Man things catch quick. I couldnt believe it. "Hey pony you didnt tell me you were on the list with Dash." His eyes went wide and so did Dash's. "Thats because I didn't know." We all were surprised and nervous. "Im so sorry I told one of my friends and she must of said somthin." Dash said worried. We all told her not to worry about it. "And the Winner is......WHAT?! Um uhh Two bit Mathews and Samantha Curtis" she said trying to keep a smile. She was frustrated. Everyone was cheering. Especially the greasers. We went up on stage and I guess we had to say things. "Hi everyone. I honestly dont know what to say but thank you but I would like to share this honor with one of my closest friends. Ponyboy and Dash come on up!" I yelled. They walked up and the crowd went crazy again. All I kept thinking was Johnny and Dally woulda been so proud. We finally went to dance. They played slow music till Dash and I finally yelled at the same time "put some swing music on!" The crowd laughed and all 4 of us danced to Rock around the clock. I was surprised Pony new how to swing dance. Two bit must have taught him because we where doin the same exact moment. That was one of the best nights of my life. Katlyn Dash and me had so much fun.
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