New School
Sam's POV
"Rise and shine sleepy heads. Time for school." Darry yelled while opening the curtains covering one of our window's. "No way. It's too early" I mumbled.
" Sam it's 6:30. Don't make me let Two bit and Steve pour water on you to wake up." Darry said while Pony and Johnny scrambled out of bed once they heard that.
"Sam just get up, he will do it, trust me he's done it not only to me and Soda but Johnny and Steve too. Two bit doesn't even try to push it...Which is pretty bad." Pony said trying to warn me.
" He's bluffing." I said as I went back to sleep.
" Two bit, Steve!" Darry yelled.
"On it." They yelled back.
All of a sudden I felt cold water pouring on top of me. " Ahh, what the hell?" I yelled as I fell off my bed. Everyone was laughing. Especially Johnny. Johnny and Pony were the first ones to help me up. We got dressed that morning in the same room. The boy's looked at me funny. " What? You've never seen a girl in a bra and jeans?" I asked. They shrugged and went back to getting dressed.
" Load up" Darry yelled as we ran out.
Pony, Johnny,Two bit and I loaded up in the back of the truck bed while Soda and Steve went in the front with Darry.
" Bye, good luck Sam!" Soda and Steve yelled while taking off.
The boy's came with me to pick up my schedule.
" Alright you have PE with Two bit, Johnny and, I. Than you have me in your English class and Johnny in your history class. Two bit and Johnny in your biology class and Johnny in your math class. " Pony explained to me. We all headed to gym and met each other outside of the locker rooms. We did dodge ball that day. I got Two bit out and boy was he mad. All the guys looked at me funny because I had a pretty strong throw. After I got dressed I went out and looked for the boy's. All of a sudden a kid almost Pony's height which is about 2 inches taller than me came up to me. " Hi I'm Luke" He said while smiling. I saw his friends laughing behind him.
"Hi I'm Sam." I said walking away. I could tell he was a soc. He had blue eyes with dirty blonde hair.
" So your new right? What school did you go to before?" He asked quickly before I caught up with the guys.
" I went to Princeton high." I said showing no interest what so ever.
" Well finally a girl with class." He said while smirking.
" Look, back of creep. The only reason I went to that school was because of my aunt and uncle. Don't think I'm just another damn soc like you, you got it! Just stay away from me." He stood there in shock of what I just told him.
" Your a greaser?" He asked shocked.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to the guys.
"Hey everything okay?" Pony and Johnny
"ya its just that kid over there." Two bit still looked mad but then said " Ohh ya that's Luke he tries to pick up any girls he see's to impress his buddy's. All the girls go for him and he has never been rejected."
"not till know" I mumbled but, Johnny heard and couldn't believe it. Turns out Luke had a lot of classes with me and kept giving me dirty looks but I didn't care.
We walked home and then a 1949 black mercury pulled up next to us.
"Get in" Dallas said. The guys went in the back and I sat with Dally in the front. The boys started talking about which show is the best on T.V. and of course Two bit said Mickey mouse was the best. Pony and Johnny told him a different show was better just to pick a fight in the back. Of course they started wrestling.
" Ay don't make me turn this car around." Dallas yelled. "okay dad." I said sarcastically.
"hey I'll give you a fat lip missy." He said smiling but trying not to laugh. We got home and watched Mickey for a little while.
" hey Sammy have you started on homework?" Soda asked.
"oh don't worry I never do it."
Soda rolled his eye's
" Sam come on you gotta. Pony will help you." Pony looked at Soda in a confused way.
"Fine." Later that night we had dinner and watched movies. " time for bed" Darry yelled. "come on Darry it's only 8:30 can we stay up 1 more hour. Please." I begged.
"no Sam now i'm not going to ask you again so get ready and go to bed!" He said sternly. We got ready for bed. I couldn't stop wondering why he yelld at me. He never yells at me. We always got along, why is he pushing me away now? I mean the whole weekend he was just stern voice nothing else.
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