Going to Court Part 2
Sam's POV
We started driving to the court house, uncle Vernon started talking to me about behaving but I still didn't listen. I just daydreamed about how we were all so close and how Darry and Soda would tickle me to death and how Pony used to try to save me but also got tickled. That would go on forever it felt like, till dad would come into the room and tickle the other boy's and we helped him. He always called me his princess or his Sammy girl. He always made me laugh and would cuddle with me before bed since I always got nightmares. Ponyboy and him were the only ones who could stop my nightmares. I had my own room but, since I had too many nightmares he asked my parents if he could move into my room to protect me. Ever since he moved in I've never had a nightmares but when I moved here it seem's like I have a nightmare once or twice every week. I finally came back to reality and uncle Vernon was asking recently " Do you understand Samantha!" I looked at him and said "Yes sir." I hated saying that but if I didn't I knew they would probably leave me in the car. We walked in and went straight into the room. Many people were there. I saw 3 boys sitting at the table. It took me a while to realize that those boy's were my brother's. I almost felt like crying but, I held it in. The judge came into the court and got straight to the point. He started talking about how uncle Vernon and aunt Trina were saying that I didn't want to leave and saying stuff like that. He finally called me up to the stand. "Miss Curtis, is it true that you would not like to go live with your brothers." he asked with his deep voice.
" Yes, I would love to live with my brothers more then anything. I'm tired of living with my aunt and uncle." Uncle Vernon and aunt Trina gave me a dirty look while my brothers were smiling. "May I ask why you don't like living with them."
"The reason why I don't like living with them is because they abused me." I said with a puppy dog face. Everyone gasped.
" don't you think that's a little too far to say about your aunt and uncle? They were kind enough to take you in at a young age and you look fine to me." he said. " It may be a bit far out to say however I don't exactly find it appropriate to slap a child or punch like they did. I can easily remember many stories but one that happened when I was 13 was when Aunt Trina dropped her plate of food on the floor. As I was sitting eating my breakfast I looked up to a slap across my face from uncle Vernon saying 'pick it up girl, you think you can earn your keep around here but just be lazy and eating all our food in the house?' Mind you that bowl of cereal was the first breakfast I had in weeks due to my aunt and uncle normally just giving me there left overs from their breakfast to save money." The room was silent. Here if you don't believe me still here's a bruise I received from being pushed into the wall while I was picking up something off the floor. My uncle Vernon had used his foot to push me over while I was in my hands and knees causing my rib cage to hit the wall pretty hard". I said as I lifted my shirt to show everyone my bruises. " And you see this one" as I pointed under my cheek. It was a pretty bad bruise covered up in makeup so no one can see. "This one is from when Uncle Vernon punch me for being 10 minutes late from school Because I had to walk home in the rain and I wasn't home in time to get his package from the delivery man. I didn't get wet or anything but Vernon said it could have been damaged." I said like it was no big deal. The room was still silent and the judge has his forehead in has hand writing something down.
" I am now granting Darrel Curtis custody in becoming the guardian of Samantha Bay Curtis. Court dismissed." the judge said sternly. I was in complete shock. My eyes went wide. I looked over to my brothers and Darry was smiling as Sodapop hugged Ponyboy. I started crying of happiness and came off the stand and tan over to Darry giving him the biggest hug. I now know I'm safe and know that I can finally live with my brothers who mind you I haven't seen in 5 years.
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