Next morning I showed up to school and West was in front of his locker across from mine and was talking to a big crowd of people. I grabbed my books and was on my way till I heard West say something
"Ya trust me Chris is the worst girl in bed I mean from all the guys that slut has sleept with i would think she'd be better" I then shit around and push through people.
"What the hell did you just say?!"
"Well look who it is" he smirked.
"Ya I was just telling them about our little evening the other night" he smiled
"Oh ya then you told them about how you lied and took me to bucks-"
"Ya then he said that one of the guys you slept with tried to beat him up but West kicked his ass!" One boy said that was much taller then me
"Ya cause let's be honest no one could beat me I'm the tuffest kid around"
"Oh ya that's funny here let me tell you guys the whole story you see Wes here tried raping me with Duce and Charlie and my buddy Dallas Winston I'm sure you have all heard of him kicked Westly Bakerman ass oh ya and I also took Duce so if you think that Wes here could take down Dallas Winston you guys must be on something he took all of them down but ya whatever" I said in a smart ass tone walking away. As I turned around I was then pinned to the lockers.
"Don't you ever, EVER disrespect me like that!" He scolded me in front of everyone then slapped me. Remember I'm not big I'm pretty short and week so I really can't do anything but what I can do is embarrass him.
"Now who actually here likes West? I know I don't but who here like West because he's West not because we fear him?" I said to everyone still being pinned to the locker keeping strong eye contact with West. No one said anything.
"Well let's put this into terms that everyone can understand about West little disorder here." I said pushing West off me walking into the middle of the circle of people.
"Now underneath all of West wanna be tuff male macho Man theres a terrigied little girl insideof him just trying to come out" everyone just slightly giggled as Wes death stared them.
"Then, uhhh dont get me started on his underdeveloped brain. You see like cave men West cant comprehend anything so since his brain is not fully developed when he is angry he dosnt know how to use self control so he then acts out in aggression, and last of all well West is just a large dick" i smirked death staring him as everyone laughed. Boy was he pissed. Just then i relized Two Bit and Pony boy were way back in the crowd and just witnessed everything. All of a sudden West pushed me down to the ground and missed trying to punch me so i then took that advantage to swing back and punched him right in yhe mouth and noy gonna lie it kinda hurt and i didnt know what to do so i just kept going i punched him in the cheek and i until someone pulled me off. Two Bit.
Just then the principal came and pulled both West and i into the office and let me tell you this wasny going to be fair. Sqaure Greaser yup treated uneqaully which will never make sense to me but i guess it dosent have to. Im hoping Two bit and Ponyboy will be on my side which i think they will be and im sure Sodapop will understand but whats Darry gonna say oh boy and is Steve gonna make it worse of course he will. Sometimes i wish Dallas was my brother he wouldnt mind me getting in fights i bet. Well either way i probably wouldnt have to be in any fights because Dall probably would of taught me how to be tuff and tough my whole life but no i got stuck with Ponyboy Sodapop and Darry that have taught me to be kind and freindly and 'proper' but i still came up messed up with sometimes attitude and a lot of spunk! But i guess it aint the worst but man am I in trouble if they werent gonna call Darry i wouldnt care but of course they will and this little visit is gonna put me in a grave yard. Oh and heres the best part im gonna get beat by a sqaure yhat knows hes wrong yet ill be the one who gets it. Why you ask? Because im a grease that may seem middle class but they know im a grease because of my ftiends and family.
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