Suprise and a game of Scrabble
I thought about the cold hearted women that left for awhile. Why did no one tell me about her. I know she sent me birthday cards but now that I think about it why did we never actually talk to her but now I know Why. Darry came in and explained everything to us at the table. Even the rest of the gang was curious to find out why and how she was like that.
"So all those birthday cards werent from her?" I asked
"Nope not one... Mom wrote them to us said she didnt want us growing up not knowing we didnt have a loving grandmother and I caught her wrighting this one day and she told me everything but didnt want me to tell you guys but she came and I wasnt gonna let her take anyone" Darry told us digging through our old boxes of stuff from birthdays and holidays and all that stuff.
"So was I an accident?" I asked. Soda laughed
"No you and Ponyboy were suprises" he smiled
"Well whats the diffrence?" Ponyboy asked smirking.
"Well an accident is something you wish you could take back or un due but a suprise is a happy gift that you love and keep" Soda Told us.
"Hey wheres super dope!" Steve yelled
"In here" Dall yells.
" whats for lunch!" He ask
"Steve isnt it your turn to pick up the food?" I asked
"Isnt is past your nap time" he said in a scrawny mocking voice. We then kept mimiking and mocking eachother. Just then Johnny walked in the house.
"Hey guys I ran home and grabbed a game called scrabble wanna play?" He asked. We all decided to join while Darry made us lunch and read the newpaper.
We all got into the game like really into it.
"All right so we got me in the lead naturally with 198 points Johnny behind with 178 Dally with 174 Sodapop with 167 Chrissy with 159 Two bit 152 and steve with a high of 87" Pony said recalling the scores.
"All right Chrissy your turn" Pony sigh.
"I will add a Y to the word bucket to make Buckety"
"Thats not a word" Dallas told me.
"Ya it is like when Darrys mad... He gets very....Buckety" i winged.
"Thats not a word im lookimg it up" Pony said grabbing the dictionary.
"You know uhh Jerry Fraller was killed by his younger sister" I smirked.
He then put the book down and started talking "well uh that comes to a total of 18 points"
"Heyyy! Youll give her buckety but you wont give me twinky" Two bit complained.
"Well fine then you challenge her" Pony shrugged.
"Oh ya then after why dont I go poke Dally with a stick while hes sleeping" he said sarcastic.
"Well none of this really matters because im gonna win" Steve said in a cocky way.
"What do you mean your at 87" Johnny asked.
"Ya what will it be this time steve you gonna spell us is or it this time" I joke.
"Oh your funny but look O-X-Y-G-E-N! Read it and weep smart asses!" He says laying down the letters.
"Wow uh well thats X on the tripple letter score is 102 to what he has is uhh holy shit .. MY GOD... Steves in the lead" Pony says in disbelief.
"Haha! Look at that assholes I won I finally won! The knowledge in my head is quiet buckety!" He yells as I try not to laugh. "Im the boss of you im the boss of you!" He sang pointing to Ponyboy Sodapop then points to me.
"And ive always been the boss of you" he laughed then smirks. Then I thought of an idea.
"Wait a minute steve... Uhh oxygen is not a word" I say simply.
"Ya..uhh good one no Thats not a word" Soda smiled picking up on what I was doing. Ponyboy was confussed so I kicked him under the table. He then said quickly in pain.
"Ya ya its an abrevassion" he fake smiled. Steve then seems really discourged.
"B-bull ..I-Ive seen it on air tanks" he stumbles confussed
"Well ya of course but thats because they have to use the abreviation because the whole word wouldnt... Fit on the tanks" Two came up with. Steve giggled in confussion then embarrased.
"Uhh ok" he almost poutes. I kinda felt bad but not bad enough to tell him the truth. He then put a U down.
"Us" was all he said. We kept goin with the game till dinner was ready.
"Meatloaf again?! I complain.
"Well thats all we got if you want you can go dumbpster divin in the neighbors trash" Darry told me.
"Ya then ill look like a wierdo"
"Ya whats new " Pony told me as I gave him a look.
"You know this may be the reason why some animals eat there young" Darry said sitting down.
"Hey you wanna go to a rumble tonight?" Dall asked. Steve Two bit and Soda smiled.
"Nooo weve already had enough problems in one day I dont need you guys getting caught"
"Why not we wont get caught!" Soda complained.
"Ya but Im to lazy to fight" he said getting up finishing his dinner. I wwnt oit to the bck and sat on one of the car hoods that he had in the back. I started trying to find things in the backyard because I was bored. I walked back in the house and put 3 pennies in the jar and some bolts and screws down on the counter. Everyone was just talking and yellin. I went over to my room to put my hair up and put my pjs on. I made myself a peanut butter bannana sandwich then when I turned around to now see dally eating it.
"What the hell dall?"
"What im hungry"
"Make your own damn food" he then ran out of the kitchen with my sandwich but i was to lazy to make another one or take it back. We just kinda hung out and watched TV then went to bed Johnny went back home and so did Steve Dally went to the rumble of course but im pretty sure Steve tagged along. I went to bed thinkimg about so many things ut then slowly driffting off into sleep.
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