Principal Hurts Me/Protective
I sat in the waiting room of the office able to see through the window of the principles office. I can see West with his best innocent look. I can tell that by his body launguge and his hands moving that he was playing a total innocent card. After 10 minutes he walked out giving me the slightest smirk then walking up to his family giving them a big hug. 'So thats what a normal family looked like?' I thought to myself. A little sister there to support her big brother happy to see that hes ok a mother who is probably gonna make you something sweet when you get home that will always take your side and a father who you can tell is the type to keep saying good one sport or way to go son. The type of dad thats gonna look like a hard ass all the time but always remind you that your his golden boy every year. I then look back at the principle that called me in. I walked in the principals office looking down at the ground my hands in my pocket and my feet slightly dragging with the feeling of no rush to walk in. I then feel him swiftly grab me by my arm and try to throw me in a chair but of corse me being in a bad mood i snatch my arm away with a snap of 'im goin im goin'. We sat down in silence for a moment.
"You know..." He let out a small chuckle.
"I like meeting screw ups like you. You know why?... Because im the one who get to get delinquent like you off the streets"
" how do you know im a delinquent when ive never done anything wrong here? Ive always been a good kid here but the one time im here you immediately think its my fault ri-"
"Shut Up! So Disrespectful!" He yelled.
"Yes im the Disrespectful one because i tried to defend myself and make a point but no your not rude or disrespectful because you told someone to shut up am i right?!" I said raising my voice sarcastically. He went silent for a moment knowing i was right. Then he stood up walking to the front of the desk then sitting on it.
"You see West out there" he said pointing out the window to see West and his family together.
"Hes a golden boy hes not gonna even get a slap on the wrist. You know why? Because mommy and daddy are to hooked up for their kids to get in trouble. West is probably gonna make him and his sister a lovely ice cream sundae then after that mommy will probably go make there fancy dinner as dad and West go outside probably throw the ball around for awhile and get to live there perfect lives while you go home and get grounded and get to live the rest of your life probably rotting in jail with the rest of your friends and family" he smiled.
"You dont know us" i said looking back at him glaring with lazers almost cutting him to shreds.
"Oh ya?....." He whispered. Then suddenly shoved my chair back as it hit the wall and i fell out of it. He then picked me up by the wrist and held it tight as his face turned red. "Get off me Psyco!" I yelled. He then shoved me back into a wall and this guy is maybe 5'11 and im 5'2 maybe so i really cant do crap. I just stared at him.
"Come swing at me! Just one fucking swing and ill sew you! Come on show me how tough you are! Come on be like your buddy whats his name dally you call him?!" He said yelling. I really didnt know what to do. "Trust me im gonna get you in jail one day" he said calmly.
"Call my brothers there my guardians so if you're gonna suspend me do it" i said. I now wanted my brothers i actually wanted dally to kick this guys ass i wanted Two Bit to walk in and pin him to the wall and to yell at him you stay the hell away from me I wanted Darry to throw him and tell him that if he ever comes near me he will beat the crap out of him. I wanted so many things to happen but nothing did happen. He walked out and locked the door behind him. I sat back down looking at the marks on my arm that were now bleeding because he dug his nails into me. I looked out to the Window to see Two bit barely outside the office leaning on a locker talking to a blonde chick. Once he turned i started waving my hand like a crazy person to get his attention. He then had that sly smirk on his face and walked over to the window making funny faces which i count avoid laughing at. Once he got close enough i showed him the marks. I liped read "did west do that?" I shook my head no. I then pointed over to our principle who was on the phone guessing he was calling darry. Two bit looked at me funny then understood. I could tell he was probably gonna go knock his teeth out but before he walked to far i knocked on yhe glass making him come back and i told him to wait for darry and to call Dally and the other guys to come to. We had a public phone outside the school so I figured hed probably go to that phone. I stayed there for about 20 minutes waiting for darry to get off work to come and pick me up but what was my excuse. I can't use the excuse that hey i beat him up cause he tried to rape me cause thats just embarrasing and i would never be aloud outside the house. Just then all the boys walked in. Well 5 of them johnny and Ponyboy im guessing were in class.
Mr. Asshole over here told them West side of the virsion that i was just in a bad mood and targeted him because he tried talking too me too see if i was ok. Two bit got me some wet paper towels to clean off my arm but Dall noticed and pulled my arm closer to him so he could see then showed Sodapop. Did West do that?" Dall whispered in my ear as Darry and Mr. Jackass talked. I shook my head no and hinted towards Mr. Snyd. Dallas immediately stood up straight and interrupted.
"Hey how did Chrissy get the marks on her wrist snyd?" Here we go.
"Im sorry? Oh well i hate to break it to you but must be self harm" he shrugged.
"No Chris dosent do that" Two Bit said crossing his arm.
"Well you must not know her very well then" he said simply.
"Oh and You do?" Soda sassed. That's the most sass I've ever seen soda give.
"Why don't you tell us what happened Chris" Two bit said keeping his eyes locked on snyd.
"He grabbed my wrist and started yelling at me telling me that we are low lifes and threatened to put us in jail saying we we're gonna rott in jail then pushed me off the chair grabbed my wrist and started tightening his grip digging his nails into my wrist. He then told me to F-ing swing at him and when i didnt he locked me in here"
"Are you kidding me im a principle thats the biggest lie ive ever heard" he said looking at me with disgust. "Oh ya then how Come when i walked in the office right when you left she had those small cuts?" Two asked.
" I can have her put in a home dont you know that?" He suddenly said.
" ya and we could put you in jail for laying a hand on her" Steve cut off.
"Maybe but its a responsible principle verses a bunch of juvenile delinquents" it was silent for a moment but then darry stood up said thank you for your time and walked out. Well shit. Dallas just death stared him till we all walked out the room. I told them what actually happened saying he was spreading rumors and he lunged first so in self defense i swung back. As we all started jumping out of the truck he finally let me have it. "2 days left of school Chrissy 2 days and you just couldnt control yourself could you?! Why dont you think? Things have consequences!" He said frustrated slamming the door.
"What do you mean you want me to just let him beat the hell outta me?!"
"No what im saying is people like us will never have it fair! Idk why you argued with him or tried to prove a point?! Dont you get it? They see us as scum bag low lives with no brains who wont get anywhere. Who don't have respect for anyone not even ourselves! They see us as damn dogs chasing our own tail." He said walking into the house.
"Look im sorry i didnt know what to do. He grabbed me by the wrist and that's when i tried getting him off me to call you but that's it"
"You're a girl Chrissy your not supposed to be getting in fights this isnt just some game"
"Oh ya way to not be sexist dare" i said walking into my room. I had better stuff to worry about for instance Pony on pills.
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