I was in my room when i heard johnnys voice yell "Ponyboy come on man your gonna fall!"
"No! Im a squirel i wont fall! Come on up here Johnny come on you wont fall!" I walked outside to be ponyboh in a tree.
"Ponyboy get down! What are you doing!" I said trying not to laugh.
"No i dont want to get down!" He said like 5 year old whinning.
"Fine im calling the cops"
"Call them! Ill fight them ill fight them all!" He yelled. I sighed in disappointment of my older brother. I ran inside but everyone was up and moving around so they didnt really notice me. I grabbed the new pack of cookies and ran back outside.
"Ive got cookies" i said raisng the box of cookies in my hand. I could see the excitment in his eyes so did johnny and he just looked at me then ponyboy then me again wierd. This was ponys guilty pleasure. I would hear him get up at 2 in the morning open the box of cookies then just start eating them. "You want them come and get em" i smirked. He climbed down like a frickin spider monkey. He grabbed them and walked away peacefully.
"I would have fought them" he said with his mouth full of cookies.
"I know buddy i know" i said escorting him inside.
"Man hes been like this all day i dont know whats wrong with him hes all jumpy and know the guy dosent shut up" Johnny said in a confused tone.
I dont know ill ask him maybe this time he really did loose his head cause of all the test. By now im guessing he fell off the wagon. I walked into the room with him closing the door behind us.
"Ponyboy you need to keep it cool! Look you cant be taking those pills whatever you have left give to me-"
"Look im fine see im just a little tired but look i dont got anymore so i need YOU to get me some more hu...Come on come on come on" he said the last part fast.
"Are you crazy no way Ponyboh i gabe you more then enough and you wasted those-" he then covered my mouth.
"No listen! I need those for 2 more days i use them to study at night and in the morning to keep me alibe and focused at school so i cant have you screwing uo MY future because you wony help me" he whisper yelled shaking me. I was really concerned for my brother. Hes never acted like this but i at least had to try to stick up for myself. "Look Pony you dont need to think im the one thats gonna screw up your life cause if anything its these damn pills so i suggest you pull your shit together and jnock it off!" I whisper yelled back getting away from him.
"Look im sorry ok i-i just need those pills and then im done outta your hair ok" he said throwing himself back on the bed. He started mumbling to himself falling asleep. I started thinking not knowing what to do. Then all Ponyboy had to say for himself was "Chrissy get out of my room... Now" he said annoyed. I rolled my eyes and walked out closing the door behind me. Everyone was still up and moving doing something. Sodapop and Steve were arm wrestling Two bit going through the frige dallas and Johnny watching TV but johnny looked like he was about to fall asleep. I stayed in my room the rest of the Day. I opened my window and just sat on the edge looking up into the sky just thinking. Thinking about my mom and dad and what happens after we die or how one day we will be gone and no ones gonna know us or care. No one gonna remeber us. Life moves on and we just dont matter. The world keeps going. I probably sat there for about 30 minutes just letting the record player keep playing. I then heard my door open.
"Hey i know its been a long day already so sodapop made monkey bread if you want some before they eat it all" Darry said in just a normal tone.
"Ya ill be out" i said calmly
"Alright you ok?"
"Ya im fine just thinking i guess" i told getting down from the window. "You dont do that much so im a little concerned..."
"No nothing distructional just thinking" i said walking past him. I was lucky enough to kinda get the first slice. However some of the guys (Steve) kept picking it off my plate. Asshole.
"Hey im gonna ask ponyboy if he wants some" soda yelled everyone yelled no wanting the monkey bread for themselves.
"Nah hes ok Soda he lost his marbles today so hes tired" i said licking my fingers then putting it in steves ear.
"Discusting you lousy little shrimp!" He said then chasing me around the room where i then ran into johnny. He tyen had a smirk on his face and started tickling with steve because they werent allowed to hit me which i was honestly ok with. Steve stuck 2 fingers in his mouth then rubbed them on my face. Discusting.
"Chrissy knock it off" Darry yelled meaning i wasnt proper.
They then left me alone to go watch tv.
"Why you always giving me a hard time when i do nothing wrong" i mopped.
"Because Chrissy your getting older you gotta learn more responsibility"
"Ya but im just a kid... I mean one minute you tell me im a teenager or adult whatever then treat me like a kid then when i act my age you tell me to grow up... NO HAPPY MEDIUM! I mean how am i supposed to act my age when ive never been this age?" He gave me the 'stop being a smart ass and go do something productive' look.
"Sides girls get to go out where crop tops all the time get to where those wierd tie die shirts because there called hippies ir something"
"Ya and those girls are always getting high and are always with there boyfriend or friends because they have nothing better to do"
"Yah see why cant i do that?!"
"Thats easy" he said folding laundry.
"You dont have friends or a boyfriend" he smirked.
"Oh haha very funny were doing jokes now hu?"
"Ehy am i folding clothes its your turn" he said throwing my pants in my face.
"Gee thanks" i said sarcastic. I then started thinking about maybe getting Ponyboy the pills i mean he does only have 2 more days whats 2 more days gonna fo tho? Then after hes never gonna use them again right?
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