Pills Again?
Now yes I was suspended did i care? No. I went after school to meet up with the same girl and she gave me a dew more but i made sure Ponyboy didnt see me. I put them in my small bag and went back home. I found Sodapop and Johnny with spider webs and a bunch of board games. "Hey look what we found" Johnny said excited.
"I think when everyone gets here we will play monopoly" sod said dusting off the box.
"Sounds fun"
---time skip----
"Alright monopoly time!" Two butt yelled. Darry brang in some popcorn while Johnny followed behind withm and m and i don't know why but he cut me some strawberries. He probably knew i wouldnt eat much of what they brang.
"Ponyboy you wanna come play?!" Johnny yelled.
"Nah im busy!" He yelled wuth that freak tone. What the hell?
"You sure were playing monopoly!" Soda yelled. He then came sprinting out of his room and jumped and sat on the floor.
"Then youll play im guessing" Dallas said smart ass tone.
"Are you kidding i would love to play! You know ita all about qaulity time you know nothing better one day were not gonna have this so its important to spend thine together now!" He said setting up the board neatly. I thought he didnt have anymore pills?
"Alright then" Darry said sitting down.
"Ok are the dice in working order?" Pony asked as steve picked them up. I swear i feel like i was gonna rip his tonsels out or just cut his tongue off.
"Yes pony i think all the dots are in the right place" i said sarcastically still very annoyed.
"Great great ill go first!" He swooped up the dice and shook them like crazy mumbling stuff to himself like he was in vegas. He then through them over the table across the room almost taking Steve's eye out.
"Cheese its Ponyboy!" I yell
"Oh Great nice goin Ponyboy you lost them!" Two bit yelled. Pony leaped over the coach and across the room.
"10 I got 10!" He yelled. "It visiting jail you dimwit" Steve remarked.
"Fine i want a redo!" He pouted. We all started yelling at him throwing pillows.
"That's not fair! Chris always gets redos!"
"I was 7" i said confused.
"You know what, im gonna actually start studing for things with ponyboy. Said grabbing my backpack and ponyboy and taking him into my room. I through my bag on my bed and the guys went back to being loud.
"Pony where did you get the pills?"
"I found one more in my locker" he smirked.
"You got me more though right?" He asked
"Look your gonna get us caught and after tonight no your done" i shrugged.
"So you have them i just gotta find them" he said smiling now going through my stuff. Ponyboy get outta of my stuff i said pushing him outta my drawers to my desk. He then grabbed my jewlery box that was moms and out it up high where i couldn't reach it.
"Tell me where they are ill drop it!"
"Pony stop look what your doing im trying too help you i dont have it" i yelled. It went silent and i knew he wouldnt stop i looked over to my bag when he looked away but caught my glance at it. He threw the box on my bed as we both we after my bag. He quickly grabbed it and shoved me back to where i fell and hit my head on the wall but didnt hurt to bad.
"Pony stop!" I pleaded.
"Calm down Chris your over reacting!"
"Pony your crazy! Fine take them but dont ever talk to me again!" I yelled shoving him outta my room. He didnt seem to care but once that door closed i had my back against the door and startes crying. How could i screw up this bad? How?
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