Summer finally hit and it was hot all day all night. Dont get me wrong it was great for cruising or for the drive in but not when you wanted to do something fun outside. Ponyboy was able to make up his test though and im sure he did well but we were still grounded for about a week, 2 but we know how to make darry forget. Anyways its not like we have a pool or could afford an area with a community pool so as greasers of course we snuck into a trailer park where they did have a pool. It was even messier then Two bits place and that says ALOT! We all had fun Dallas checked out all the hot babes while Sodapop and Steve actually got a date with the hot babes. Darry would do tricks off the diving board then would dare the guys to do it but wouldnt let me do it till, Ponyboy told him to let me have some fun and got him to let loose a little. I did a backflip and front flip but after that i did not want to push the limits. Ponyboy and Steve face planted a lot though! It was great! We were having a great summer the first few weeks Darry let me have fun go out not that i really had friends to go out with but he let me go some places by myself. However the last few hot summer nights ive been getting nightmares and flash backs.
Flash Back
I was back in my room crying like I was 4 years ago when the cops came and told us mom and dad died. I was throwing everything in my room that i had. Things were breaking and shattering. Like the things on my desk I through off a glass cup i had in my room i through at my door before Sodapop walked in. I was screaming and crying and Soda wrapped up my arms to contain me and started hugging me.
"I know... I know it hurts" he cried carrying me to the living room holding my arms so i couldnt throw anything almost in a hugging way. Darry ran in with Pony from the front yard.
"Chris, Chrissy calm down" Darry yelled shaking me. Never was good with kids. I was still sobbing my eyes out.
"Let me Go let me Go!" I screamed. I finally got loose and ran out the door and down the street.
"Chrissy! Chrissy come back!" Pony yelled behind me. I just kept running. I ran down the street almost into town maybe a little farther out but as i was passing through town i kept looking for my mom and dads faces. There here there not gone i told myself. I kept looking for there familiar faces but i still couldnt find them. I almost wanted ask people if theyve seen them. I kept telling myself they are around here somewhere you just gotta look harder! I was out for what felt like 4 hours now back at the park. I then saw a cop car and relized that if they catch a minor out let (Me) im gonna get in a lot of trouble. I climbed down the dome shaped playground object and slowly started walking back hoping they wont notice me. There really was no where to hide out on the playground so i started heading almost the back kinda way where there was trees but then i heard a cold trying gentle voice.
"Hey kid what you doin out so late?!" I said nothing and was silent.
"Hey im talking to you! Get over here!" He said now running after me. I ran into the bushes and trees almost running into branches. I finally tripped on something in the dirt and scrapped my knee and a rock cut the side of my face. I got up and kept running till i ran into someone.
"Hey kid im glad i found ya im sorry about your parents" he said he was gonna keep goin but i had to go.
"Ya its... Whatever hey look i got a fuzz chasing me and i gotta make it home or im in a lot of trouble-"
"Here i got you you take off ill stall him and do something stupid tell johnny and your brothers i say hi"
"Sounds good!" I said running off. Man im gonna make it. I thought i was turning the corner almost home till i ran into someone else. It was dark and i couldnt see them but he grabbed my shoulder and i then saw him as we walked under a light post. It was another cop.
"Hey i got her" he yelled. I tried pusing him away but they were stronger then me abd started hurtimg me twisting my arm and pyshing it up my back. I thought he was gonna pop my shoulder out! They pulles up to my house and walked me to the door. Pony answered the door.
"DARRY!!!" He yelled. Sodapop and Darry noth ran to the door. Soda grabbed me and pulled me into a hug then into the house.
"Where have you been?!" Soda asked concerned with both hands on my shoulder him now down to my level.
"We found her walking a the park" one officer told Darry.
"Im sorry we-"
"Look where are your parents kid" hat honestly hurt... Alot!
"Umm we just found out they were killed in an auto wreck this morning" darry said softly. I genlty pushed soda away and walked to my room and just stood there looking at the corner my wall. Darry finally walked in alomg with Soda. I could feel there curiosity wondering why i was just looking at the corner of my room. Then i spoke up
"There never coming back...are they?"
"No" Soda said softly. You could here him almost holding back the tears.
"Look chris uhhh the cops told us that there giving us a ticket to take us to qaurt... They want to put you in a girls home or in a foster placement because they think were not responsible enough to take care of you.."
"What?" I said softly almost under my breath.
"No well your not gonna let them take me right Darry? Promise me you wont let them take me!" I said starting to cry again.
"Soda go get the first aid kit" he said looking at my cheek
"I cant promise anything qaurts this weekend..." He told me. I started to cry as Soda came back into the room to clean me up darry walked out and Soda started puttimg stuff on my cheeck and I showed him my knee and that was bleeding a lot. It felt so real the pain like it was actually getting alcohol put on it. He cleaned me up and just started hugging me and talking to me till i cried myself to sleep. I was then able to see myself and able to see Sodapop picking me up and putting me under my blankets then telling me goodnight then all of a sudden i was in the court room. I could see them talking but i couldnt here anything. I was sitting next to my brothers but i couldnt hear what they were saying i just could see there lips moving. I was just trying to speak up when i couldnt. Nothing was coming out. I then found myself in a clear box. I could see myself looking down with a tear rolling down my cheeck and Darry had a worried look along with Sodapop and Ponyboy looking anxious. I started screaming and crying trying to yell Let me out let me out please dont leave me! Your all i have please help me!" I cried I then found me in the truck with Darry and remebering that Ponyboy and Sodapop hugged me and told me theyd see me later like i just went out to get ice cream. In the back of my head i knew what was happening because its like i remebered this is a dream but in reality, in that moment i didn't know where we were going.
"Darry where we going?" I said having my head out of the truck looking up at the sky thinking it so pretty out everything seems so much bigger and diffrent.
" I thought we could go out for a little" i said plainly. I just shrugged but it was strange we were out maybe for a 20 minute drive. I remeber we made this turn that was hidden and now it was all trees then it turned into houses. It was nice neighborhood kids playing in the car like everything was good. We finally pulled up to a 2 story yellow house with lots of windows and patio furnitue out side on the front pourch.
"Darry? Where are we whats goin o-" i asked almost in paninc turning my head then seeing him get out and shut the door on me. I opened the car door as he got down to my level as i was sitting on my seat with the door open.
"You gotta trust me ok?" He told me. He grabbed my hand and took me to the door. I still didnt understand the court said they would tell us when i would go to a foster home. They didnt tell me anything?! This isnt it theres no way. I thought. I a couple opened the door and welcomed me and Darry inside. He asked the guy if he could grab my stuff out from the truck. I didnt know he packed my stuff?
"Look sorry but you know we are only 20 maybe 30 minutes away and youll have fun here theres kids here you could play with new-"
"No no i dont want new friends i just wanna go home darry please take me home" i began to cry
"Look once a month me and the rest of us can come visit you-"
"No i want you guys now! Dont do yhis Darry please dont leave me!" I said hugging him hoping he'll take me back home.
"Look then in a few years when your older if you want you can come live with us" he told me holding my sholders going down to migh hight almost. The guys 6 foot so he kinda has to.
"No dont give up on me please maybe if i be good i could go home right?!"
"No thats not it its us they wa-"
"no why dont you guys want me?!" I cried
"No Chris they dont think we can take care of you... Look we are gonna try to get you home ok were not giving up on you but you gotta stay ok? You got it?" He said softly i nodded no as he hugged me.
"Darry dont please! You guys are all i have left" i cried. Just then the guy walked in with my stuff.
"No why do you wanna leave me?"
"We dont but the court says we have to" he said hugging me again which i knew was the last time. I pushed him away aggressively.
"No Darry! Dont! Please Dont leave me!" I cried.
"I have to we'll see you soon" he said now walking away
"Darry!" I yelled just then who i found out later was my foster mom grabbed me by my arms and almost restrained me from leaving.
"Shhh sweetheart no you gotta stay its ok" she whispered to me.
"NO DARRY STOP! STOP!!" I screamed crying.
"Stop" i yelled to myself quietly. I watched him drive away and then everything went black. I couldnt see anything but i could here someone calling me. I could feel the wet tears still. I then woke up with warm tears down my face and i felt my eyes almost swolen because ive must have been crying the whole time.
"Shh Chris Chrissy your ok" soda held me close as i cried.
"Im sorry it was just a nighmare" i cried.
"Its ok...Ponyboy gets them to" he hugged me.
"Dont leave me again soda please dont" i cried
"What leave you? We wouldnt ever leave you. Your not going anywhere... Have you been dreaming about them again and what happened?" I shook my head yes.
"No one has heard you but i hear you crying or yelling and tossing and turning at night...sometimes ill here you whining this why?" He asked.
I nodded almost crying harder.
"No trust me were always gonna be with you...always" he told me. I slowly fell asleep again but didnt dream i just remebered waking up the next morning seeing soda walk outta my room like he just woke up. He stayed with me the whole night naking sure i was ok. But just that day the dream was so vivid it brang down my whole day. I kept thinking about it and how i remebered my foster parents. They were really nice but i just wanted my brothers and that was it. I stayed there for 4 months till they got costedy back. I remebered everything and just felt sad the whole day....
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