First Fist Fight HELP
The next day I decided to step out of the house because I was pissed at Darry. He woke me up by hollering at me saying I do nothing around here. I went into down town into a new open shop that Ive never seen before. It had some records and tools and a few girls clotges but it was wierd they had a little of everything but still pretty neat. I walked torwards the back where there were needles and ink so it was like a tatoo shop where it was just all dark. I then looked over to see 2 girls that i made eye contact with but I guess that was a mistake.
"Hey! What are you lookin at?!" She yelled as 2 other girls then stood up behind her. One with natural red gair and the other a brunett. They wore button up short rolled up sleeve shirts tucked in with the sleeves holding there box of cancer sticks.
"Nothin" I said blankly lookin around. I then saw from the corner of my eye the brunet girl throw down her cigar and step on it. They all had tatoos on there wrist and had some on there arm. There pants were pretty loose yet fit and were rolled up at the bottom. I then feel my hair being pulled in the back an immedietly let out a yelp. I then get hit in the mouth and stumble backwards now being dragged by my hair. Im then pulled into an alley way led out by the backdoor. The blonde girl then released my hair and through me in the wall. I fall to the ground now holding my hair. I slowly start trying to stand up till I see a brick flying at me. I barley move my head in time to see the brick ram into the brick wall and shatter just like glass.
"Wholy shit" I mumble. I then stand up to see all three ganged up on me. The one with red hair punched me in the mouth as I almost fell but caught myself by holding the wall. Shit. Ive never been taught to fight What the hell or how the hell do I even do this? I hear the girls yelling and cheering her on saying "come on get her May Come on keep goin!"
I then feel blood dripping out of my mouth as I slowly taste it. I swung at her as hard as I could as she moved. I turned around to see her but knew I was in a bad spot because I was now in the circle of them. "Come on May!" I heard the bronette yell. She then swung at me but i got lucky and ducked and tackled her in to the wall. She then kneed me in the stomach and grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me into the wall and had me pinned. Her hand was now against my throat with part of it pushing my head up. The other hand was held out as the blonde girl gave her a heavy brick. SHIT!! I then kicked her in her croch which totally had to hurt and punched her right on the side of her face when she bent down. I then kicked her in the stomach and was about to run when the blonde girl came and swang at me I had flashbacks of how my brothers and friends fought. I ducked and punched her right in the stomach then punched her right in the nose. She fell back holding her nose. Next thing I knew the brown haired girl punched me right in the cheek. I stumbled sideways but was caught by a bunch of trash bags. I stood up and swung but she ducked and rammed me right into the trash cans. The top slid right off onto the ground the girl punched me in the gut an i fell to the ground.
"Finish her off Tess get her!" The blonde one yelled. She then suddenly pulled out a blade. I immedietly got to my feet and saw a beer bottle in the trash and did what I remeber Steve did. I hit the bottle against the red brick wall as it shattered. I then held the bottle up like a sword and waited for her to come at me but she then smirked and stood up straight getting out of her lunging position. She put her blade in her pocket and stuck her hand out.
"Good fight kid, the names tessie" she said cooly with a half smile grin that reminded me of dall. I didn't put my gaurd down I kept the bottle up because I didnt know what she was gonna pull. I didnt even speak, I just kept my eyes on her.
"Smart kid" i chuckled. The girl named May helped the blonde girl up and walked over to me.
"Aw put it down we aint gonna do nothin it was a fair fight" May said.
"Man you look like easy bate but your pretty damn good" The blonde girl said. "Here why dont you throw that over there and come hang out with us" May told me pointing down the alley. I just stood there and gave them a strange look.
"Look kid we aint gonna do anything at this point we want to make you one of us. Come on in nothin gonna happen cross my heart" she tolde me walking through the back door. Tessie held the door open hinting to come in. I through the bottle and walked in with a blank face. "So how many fight you been in kid" Tess said lighting her cancer stick then sitting on the chair backwards. I didnt speak.
"What are you a mute" the blonde chuckled.
"None" I said looking at the floor
"Ive never been in a fight and no im not a mute" I said blankly making eye contact with the blonde.
"Then how do you know how to fight" May chuckled.
"Watchin I guess"
"Oh ya? Who you watch?" She said puttong a vhair in front of me. I didnt give much info and I really didnt care to. I was sluched over on the chair with my elbow on my knees. May did the same thing.
"My buddies and brothers at rumbles"
"Oh ya whats there names?" May asked. I decided to try to impress them at this point.
"Dallas, Dallas winston ever heard of him?" I asked.
"Ya weve heard of ol Dall" Blond one chuckled leaning off the wall now and lighting a cancer stick.
"Wait so hes your brother?" Lucy asked sitting back.
" hes a buddy of mine but I got a brother named Sodapop it even says so on his birth certificate" I said looking at all the girls.
"Hey i know him hes that cute one that works down at the gas station with that....Freaky other guy" Lucy says and laughs when she says freaky.
"Ohh ya that would be his best buddy Steve" I let out a chuckle.
"Hey he aint a freak may! Quiet charming to be honest" Tess smirks letting out a puff from her cancer stick. We all just laugh.
"Hey that means your Ponyboys little sister right"
"Ya thats me" I say simply.
"Hey do you know that mickey Two bit guy" Blonde ask
"Ya he comes over all the time he practically lives on our couch" I smile
"Boy is he dreamy" she lets out a laugh.
"Two Bit? No way hes worse then a billy goat" I laugh.
"Hey you know we like you you should hang out with us more you know be one of us" Lucy says cooly.
"Ya youll be in our gang" The blond one says. How have I still not gotten her name?!
"Its pretty easy I mean all you gotta do is get a tatoo and your one of us, Tris can do it shes the best tatoo artist in Tulsa" Tess shrugs
"I dont know my brothers would kill me"
"Exactly thats more of a reason to do it" May says cooly.
I dont like being part of gangs especially the ones that go for easy bate like me. That means they just go for the easy kills the weak links nerds that kinf. I mean it's almost like they just go after one they could take they wouldn't do anything else there not looking for a challlenge. Course I don't want to offend them or else I'm going to end up back in the alleyway and that's the last thing I need, I already got a couple bruises on my face and cuts on my arms from that stupid brick wall.
"Ya I know but im not ready to be part of a gang" I shrugged standing up.
"Well how old are ya kid" Tris asked.
"Ya see I dropped out at your age, Tess dropped out her jr year, and well May didnt get to go to high school she had to work she didnt have anybody else" Tris told me.
" look you want to be a Bastard Rat you'll fit in just fine but if you don't we'll always be there for you, when your a Bastard Rat you're never alone always have somebody lookin out for you."
"Ya its like having a family yet you get to always party with them" Tess smirked.
"Think about it no rules just fun and games! Its just like Dallas but you never get caught! Always parting goin out you do what you want when you want" Tris said cooling taking a long breathe with her cancer stick.
"I dont know if I get into trouble I may get put into a girls home" I complained.
" you go home and think about it and give us a holler if you ever get into any trouble we'll give you a holler if there's a rumble or anything else going on you're like an honorary Bastard Rat that means less trouble for you but more fun as well let us know when you're ready to be one of us or if you want to come hang with us" May smiled. I nodded. As I was walking out they yelled.
"Hey kid whats your name anyways?!" May yelled.
"Chrissy Chris for short" I shouted.
"Hey Chris hold up!" Tris ran up to me.
"Hey why dont you vome back let me give you a quick tatoo your chioce though. I thought about it and liked the fact it would get Darry pissed. I dont know should I?
All right I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter and let me know down in the comments of you think of these new greasers and what you think will happen to Chris or what will everybody else think and don't forget to vote! hope you guys enjoyed!
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