For some reason freshman didn't have to go to school today I guess we got it cut short. But Ponyboy still had to go to school to finish this test and for some reason Sodapop stayed at Steve's house because they got out of work so late they still wanted to hang out so he came in the morning everyone was up around 9:30 cooking breakfast and watching TV along with two bit of course having a few beers. Johnny already left for school and i was watching TV when I heard Darry yelling at Ponyboy. Wait he has to be there for his final! I ran into his room along with Sodapop.
"Man i thought he was already at school" Soda told me. We went into the room and Ponyboy was walking around looking blind as a bat.
"No im up...im standing up.." He said getting up from bed then falling forward about to face plant till Darry caught him.
"Darry...did i fall?" He qeustioned.
"Dare what time is it? I got to go"
"Its 9:42 we thought you left over an hour ago you never oversleep" Darry explained.
"Wait no i got it...Im fine!" He yelled walking almost in a circle. Darry and Soda exchanged concerned scared looks.
"Pony your test, maybe you could still make it" i said trying to help the situation.
"No im gonna be late! Wheres the door?! Wheres the damn door!" He complained running into things knocking things over. It was scary but sad because im the one who did this to him.
"I think he could for get the test" Darry said dissapointed knowing something was beyond wrong. Then there he went on rambling then i could tell with that look in his eyes he was looking for the pills.
"No no theres more.... Theres gotta be more!" He yelled grabbing his trash can and dumping it. He scattered everything trying to look for some but darry immedietly grabbed him by the shoulders and tried pulling him away.
"Its over pony.. ITS OVER!" Darry yelled at him. I felt so bad you could probably see the guilt in my eyes because of the mess i created. Pony finally sat down against his desk.
"I never over sleep Darry.... I NEVER EVER OVERSLEEP!" He yelled slamming his fist against the floor.
"Whats goin on whats happening?..." he said rubbing his eyes.
"I have like an eternal clock radio i dont screw up like this..." He said running his fingers through his hair. Soda went to go sit with them on the floor and i just trailed behind but i stayed standing.
"I had the scholorship in the bag my future was in the bag... DAMN IT!"
"Hey uh Chrissy why dont you go get him some water" Darry said softly. I walked over to the kitchen and got him some. Dall was outside taking a drag Two bit was glued to the TV and Steve was sleeping on the couch. I could kinda hear Ponyboy telling them what happened and i knew boy am i gonna get my ass whooped. I waited at the door trying to hear a little of what they were saying.
"But Pony why would you take them?" Soda asked.
"Because i thought i could i dont know handle them maybe"
"Well look how you're handling them, you are going through a trash can to try to find someone elses diet pills" Soda said almost a little fustrated.
"I guess I've had better moments" he said sarcastic.
"No no no don't you start getting sarcastic when we're trying to help you and look out for you, your lucky were not hollering at you right now I could see how sorry you already are and I'm hoping that you've learned you're lesson and will never pull this crap again" Darry said sternly. I then walked in and gave him his water.
"Well I told them everything Chris"
"So I'm guessing I'm grounded for giving him the pills right?"
"YOU WHAT?!" Darry almost yelled. Well shit.
"Oh well I didn't tell him that part exactly" Pony said drinking his water quickly.
"Chris where the hell did you get these? from school? What are you doing? What now you decided to be a little con artist what were you thinking?!" Darry scolded. As i opened my mouth to speak Ponyboy spoke up.
"Wait dare i actually forcefully made her get them for me... It wasnt her fault she actually tried to make me stop but i wouldnt listen and i got REALLY outta control to where i started scaring her really bad.. She told me if i didnt stop she wouldnt talk to me and i still wouldnt listen..." He said looking ashamed. It was a quick pause for a moment till he started again.
" im really sorry Chrissy... I had no right using you like that and for what its worth... Im sorry" he said looking up at me.
"Its ok" i said softly He pulled me into a hug as darry then stood up with Soda.
"Alright lets clear out and let pony get some rest" Darry said walking out.
"Ya and by the looks of that little buddy thatll be in 2 days" Soda smiled. I stood up and was about to walk out when pony asked me to stay for a bit. He stood up and sat on his chair while I sat on the bed.
"You know you really look like crap Pony"
"Man how can i do this Chrissy...How could i when i had mt future in the palm of my hand. Its like...its like it wasnt even me...Very Scary Chrissy"
"Well it was scary for me to Pony i mean its like i didnt know who you even were you were a diffrent person.. I just felt alone again like how i felt when mom and dad died you know...."
"Well uh... The old Ponyboy is back" he smirked at me. We hugged for a moment and man it fely good to have him back.
"I cant believe im saying this but im glad the old Pony is back"
"Ya trust me im never gonna leave you no matter how hard you try....and trust me i notice when you have that cold feeling of being alone because i get it to sometimes i even see you at school like that and it worries me because i dont want you feeling that way but you gitta learn how to handle it on your own you know" he told me
"Well what do you do?"
"Well what do you do"
"Well ill read sometimes to drown out the world to take me somewhere else or i just think of all the things i have that other people dont dont got"
"Ya but we gont nothing"
"Thats nit true we have an over protactive brother then we got a happy go lucky brother that always sticks out his tongue at our oldest brother we got dally Steve two bit johnny and a pathetic steve" he smiled
"Ya i guess so" i chuckled
"And theres so many things your good at...trust me your not alone or a screw up. We just trip up on things but we learn from it and this wasnt your fault you were just trying to be a good sister by helping me out. Look i know its hard being the only girl in the house but ill try to get Darry to loosen up and let you have a little more freedom ok?" I nodded and was really happy he heard me yesterday.
"But you got too know is hard for us tho with all your mood swings and hangry moments i mean we know you're type can smell fear" he chuckled
"You have no idea" i teased
"I mean two bit thinks you guys secretly can shoot lazzers outta your eyes, crazy right....right?!" I laughed then nodded.
"Well you need to get some rest so go back to bed and seriously get some rest" i said helping him get to his bed. I walked out and felt like i could breathe
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