Hunger games/Drive in
Hey guys I know this chapter wasn't done before and I just found out so you can re read it that would be great. So sorry and thanks for the support
The rest of the night we played poker. Darry won then the second round Pony won then Sodapop and then me. This morning I walked out of my room and saw the whole gang in the living room. "Mornin" Soda called. "Howdy" I said back. I walked in the kitchen then Darry picked me up and said "You have to wait."
"What?Why? Darry if I dont get my food I turn into a monster that will kill anything. Dont test me" I am not even lying. I almost chopped Steve's hand off one time for almost taking the last piece of bacon and I was hungry. "Shes ready." Darry yelled concerned for his life. "Alright the point of this is to see what you guys would do for food. I call it hunger games. You have to get the food you want before everyone else. If you dont get any food or what you want then to bad. So Dallas and Two bit go for the bacon and eggs Steve and Soda gets pancakes and eggs and Pony you get a little of everything and so does Johnny. Everyone Dash is the one to watch out for she will almost kill anyone."
Dallas wrapped his arm around me "Come on Dash cant be that bad."
"You better move your arm off my shoulder before I bite it off." I demanded with a devilish look.
"Oh ya Dally you weren't here last year. Steve ended up with a loose tooth and a sprained ancle Two bit ended up with a broken arm I new to stay back Soda with a bruised gut and Johnny with a bitten hand." Pony said nervously. Darry does this every year. It's a lot of fun.....if your me and kinda Pony. " Ready set go" I wanted eggs a lot of bacon and pancakes. I mainly had to kill Two bit and Dall. Two bit was in the lead I tripped him and he didnt fall and then he swung at me and i slid in between his legs and Through him over the table. Then Dallas almost got bacon so I kissed him on the cheek then he looked at me and I through him a punch with both hands and he caught them so I gave him a wolfish smile and climed up his body and flipped him over. "Sorry babe actually not really" I then grabbed Steve through him against the wall then kicked the back of his knee and he fell. Johnny then ran in and I use tripped him then Sodapop tried to sneak attack behind me but I just through him over my shoulder. I grabbed the food I wanted then left. The boys scrambled to there feet and tied getting there food like wild animals. I then saw Steve push Pony to the ground when he calmly tried to get a piece of bacon" "Hold up Pony get the food you want first and if I hear any teasing or see you giving dirty looks or just doing something I don't like I'm gonna but you in the hospital." They all just backed up and me and Pony enjoyed our breakfast.
We started heading to the drive in and of course Johnny and Pony spot 2 girls they went to go talk to them but something didn't feel right. " hey babe what do you want to drink"
"Uhhh just a coke please"I said not taking my eyes of the boys.
"Alright stay here ill be back"
He left and then of course 2 socs came up and started punching and kicking Ponyboy and Johnny. They then started dragging them behind the drive in and I followed them. "You dirty little greasers tried to pick up our girls. And that's never gonna happen again. Now you owe us so why don't we start off easy. Why don't you sing us a little song like uhh maybe jingle bells. Everyone knows that song!" Ponyboy and Johnny stayed quiet then they kicked Pony in the stomach hard. "SING!!!!" I then walked out and sang.
"Jingle bells Jingle bells socs have no balls"
They were surprised and tried to tackle me. I punched one in the jaw gut and through him in the trash can then I kneed the other one in the face and I'm pretty sure I broke his knows. We then ran back to our seats. "Where the hell were you guys." Dally asked. The boys explained and told Dall our new Christmas song. We went home and they told the rest of the gang what happened it was a pretty cool night.
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