Having fun and Parting
It was Saturday. For once everyone was off work. Pony Two bit Johnny and I were watching Mickey mouse. Pony got up to go to the kitchen. "Pony grab me a beer!" I yelled not taking my eyes off the screen. "Pony dont!" Darry yelled playing BS with the rest of the boys. "come on Darry Pony and Soda always drink." I yelled as I rolled my eye's. He just ignored me. "Pony grab me a soda then" I yelled again. "No way you always drink the last of the Soda's." Pony said sitting down. I got him in a headlock and gave him a really bad nuggy.
" Seriously Dash, you always drink like 9 Sodas a day sometimes even an hour" Two bit chuckled.
"Dashiel your gonna need to start buying your own pack of Soda's." Darry said laying a card down.
Sorry if I love soda so much. They were always so hard on me and I hated it. "Hey Dash do you know if your gonna join a sport?" Dallas asked. "I don't know I think i'm gonna do softball." I said walking over to the table where they were playing cards. As Steve was gonna put a card down I stood behind him and yelled " Thats BS Steve!"
"Damit Dash why you gotta be such an ass all the time!" He said mad as I laughed.
" Sorry Steve I guess I've just learned to much from you" I said still laughing.
He then tackled me and punched me in the stomach then I punched him in the jaw. Everyone just watched and didn't care. Later on we were board and it was only 5. "I have an idea" Two bit yelled. "Don't hurt yourself to much. Soda get him an ice pack.". Everyone just laughed and he just rolled his eye's. " Anyways, why don't we go slash some tires?" Me and Dally looked at each other and got excited. "Na that sounds boring Two. Hey Dash wanna go to the drive in." Dallas asked. "Ya!" I said and I shot up. "Whoa hold it you 2. I want her home by 10 tonight. No later and no trouble from you Dash. Dally I give up on you." Darry demanded and said calmly. I Know Pony and Steve knew what we were up to. They always ganged up on me. Even though Pony was younger. We left and Dallas went around the corner then pulled over. "Dallas what are you doing?" I asked confused. "Your 16 and a half you know how to drive" He said giving me the keys. I smiled from ear to ear. We parked the car at a diner and walked so we could sneak in. We went to soc's cars and popped there tires and just slashed around 8 cars man we had fun. "Hey Dash let's go to Buck's he has a party goin on tonight." "Alright let's go." We danced and Partied and drank a lot. I can drink a 12 pack of beer and not get drunk. That night I only had 1 cigarette. I didn't care if my brothers didn't like it. Pony started just a few months ago and I started 1 week before I left my last foster home. Soda dosent like to but once in a while around soc's he will smoke a little. No one knows I smoke except Dallas. "Hey man I think I hear the cops we gotta get you outta here. They then busted the door open. I immediately threw my cigarette at him and we ran upstairs. They almost got us but everyone blocked him. We climbed out the window and ran back home. "Do you think he saw our face's?" I asked trying to catch my breath. "No way" Dallas replied also out of breath. It was 10:05. We walked inside and almost everyone was asleep except for Darry and Johnny. "Alright not bad. Good night." Darry said as he got up and went to his room. "What the hell did you 2 do?" Johnny wispier yelled. "We just went to the drivin. Relax Johnny cake." I said. "Dashiell Mallory Curtis don't lie to me." He said staring straight into my eye. He then smelt my breathe. "Dal did you let Dash smoke and drink" Johnny asked. "Crap" I whispered. "Ya so what I had a few beers and smoke. Just please don't tell my brothers Johnny. Please." I asked. I dont care if my brothers know but it's just kinda better if they don't know. I knew I could trust Johnny with anything. Thats what I love about him. He rolled his eyes and nodded. "Thanks Johnnycake." I said. "Good night guys thanks for the good time Dally." "Anytime D". I love Johnny of course but he just gets over protective. But Dallas is my best friend he understands me more then anything.
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