Batting cages/Trouble
The next day I woke up groggy. I then ran into the bathroom and started throwing up. Hey I said I dont drunk but man I get sick after I have 10 beers. Soda came in running and held my hair up. "Dash what did you eat" he asked concerned. Johnny walked by and stared at me then walked away. "I dont know I probably just had to much popcorn or somthin last night. I'll be fine. " He just nodded and we ate breakfast. Everyone left for work. It was just Two bit Johnny Ponyboy and me. Dally is gonna be here later. Then me and Two bit started wresting cause I told him I was gonna change the channel while Mickey mouse was on. "If I were you kid I'd give up"He said trying to pin me. "If you were me i'd be ugly." I told him then he punched me in the gut and sat back down. Then Dallas walked in. "Miss me " Dallas yelled as he walked in "Ya with every bullet. Man I have bad aiming." The guys just laughed. "Ya I've been trying to do the same to your kid brother" "Actually me too" we smiled. "Love you guys too." Pony said. We played cards for a little then got bored. "Hey lets go to the batting cages." I said. I did need the practice. "Ya why not" Dallas said getting his keys. We went down and turned it into a competition. "Ey betta betta betta swing betta." Me and Pony yelled at Dally. Even though he was tough and tuff he was not good with bats. Then Two bit went he was pretty good. He hit 5 home runs 20 okay's and 5 strikes then Johnny was up. Johnny was really good. He hit 15 home runs 10 really good ones and only got 2 strikes and did 3 okay's. Ponyboy went up to bat and lets just say tried his best. He got 10 strikes 12 foul balls 2 home runs and 6 okay hits. It made me surprised that he actually survived that. Pony came out down and blue. "Aw Ponyboy you gave it your all. Which is still a little sad but at least you got track right" I said trying to some what help him feel better. " Yaya whatever. Thank Dash." He said being mopey. I was finally up to bat I was so nervous I got 2 strikes 14 home runs and 12 good ones. I was really proud of myself. They were cheering me on and I was so excited for Softball. We left went home then walked to downtown. There wasn't much to do till I came up with something brilliant. "Dallas stay with me Pony Johnny Two bit just go get the car and hurry." I demanded. I told Dally the plan. Once they brang the car Pony asked "Why did you want the car?". I told them the plan. "Oh no Dash you cant do this. You can get thrown in a girls home." Johnny said nervously. "Only if I get caught witch I wont. I then left. There was a dealer shop and a cop waiting for someone to do somethin wrong. I found a long strong chain that had a hook at the end. I hid behing cars until I got under neath the cop car. I attachted the hook to the axel and ran back to the car. " Go Go go!" I yelled in excitement. We speeded down the road and Ponyboy Two bit and I all yelled out the windows " Fuzz!" The cop car came speeding to chase us then it happened. My briliant idea worked. They went flying back as there axel riped off. We all yelled and cheered.
"Johnny why you mad man. Were having a blast." I said all happy and cheerful. "Im tired of keeping your stupid secrets alright. I hate it when you drink and I hate it when you smoke and go parting Dash. I care about you and you just dont care!" Johnny yelled getting even louder. I cant believe Johnny sold me out. Like that. "Look im sorry but I told Darry that you smoked last night. Im sorry Dash."
"Johnny, you sold me out. How could you. I trusted you."
"Dash i'm sorry-"
"No your not I thought you were my friend"
"I am your friend Dash. You dont understand."
"No your not... and I understand perfectly that I cant trust you and that you were never my best friend. Dally pull the car over."
"Dash your just upset. I dont want you doing anything stupid so just sit down."
"Oh so what Dally your taking his side now."
"No Dash just wait till we get home"
" I cant believe you guys."
For the rest of the way home it was silent
Ponyboy's view
I cant believe Dash didn't tell me. When we were little we used to tell each other everything. We were best friends. She didn't even trust Sodapop as much as me. We would always make paper plates and have fun. She would even walk me to school. I really missed the old Dash.
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