3 days later/ My crazy Family
Yesterday we went to court with Two bit's uncle. He was right he was good so today we get to go surprise Ponyboy and bring him home. We had to pick him up early so it was just Johnny Sodapop Darry and me. We arived and this place was weird. I saw Pony cleaning and a kid picking on him I had to control myself from ripping that kids head off. Johnny saw me getting angry.
"Dash relax were bringing him home" I just smiled.
Sodapop picked me up and said "I never been more excited in my life little buddy"
"Neither have I" I said with a huge grin."
Darry knocked and a lady answered. "What do youse want" I wanted to yell in her face for that but Johnny just held my hand. "Were here to pick up Ponyboy Curtis"
"Ponyboy get up grab your close and get out" he looked so scared and abuse and I was pissed and this time Sodapop new I was gonna beat the hell out of her. He quickly picked me up and took me behind the car "Dash come on hold your self together go ahead and punch the car door" i knew it was gonna hurt but it calms me down once Pony walked out I ran towards him. "Pony.....im so sorry. I promise there never gonna take you away again ok" he nodded and started crying he had a bruise on his cheak and his neck had dry blood on it and he also had a scratch on top of his eye brow. "Pony what the hell they do to you?" Darry asked looking at the bruise. "They beat me real bad Darry. They locked me in a shed and I passed out and they left me in there."
"Well they aint gonna do that no more to you alright" Soda said calmly. We all drove home and the rest of the gang was there. We walked in and Two bit tackles him and Stece gave me a noogy. Then me and Dall made out. "Jesus pull your selves together theres a baby in the room" Two bit chuckled. Me and Pony looked at each other and had the same thought. Tackle Two bit. We always were close and always will be. The next day we went to the Dx and saw the 2 socs that jumped us. They looked like they got jumped. I wonder why? "Hey Dally?"
"Ya babe?" he said taking a long drag.
"Do you know anything about what happened to them"
"Maybe?" He said smirking looking down. I brang his chin up slowly.
"Dally you know thats not very nice" I said slowly
"Hu have you met me im never nice." He said leaning in for a kiss.
"Thats why I love you" I smiled then we made out till Pony got tired of staring.
"Come on really dont you have anything better to do" He said disgusted.
"Ya like this" I said running hugging him and tickling him then Dally grabbed me and kissed my cheek and tickled me. "Pony get her!" he said laughing then of course Sodapop Johnny and Steve ran in with water guns. We screamed as we took cover and I always hid water guns under the desk so we got them back till Darry walked in. "What are you guys doing?"
"Playing" I said laughing. I then realized Dally was gone. "Will you guys just grow up you guys are so chil-" Then I saw Two bit and Dall poor a huge bucket of water on Darry. We all had fun. It was good having Ponyboy back. Its good to have a family even if there not by blood there still my family.
Yes thats it! Im sorry but story is over guys srry but hope you enjoyed the story leave a comment of your thoughts and ur fav part! Luv u guys thanks for all ur love and support😘❤
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