The Spreading of Rumors
TW misgendering close to the end
Virgil shoveled soggy cereal in his mouth as his mom poured a shit ton of coffee into a thermos. "Do I really have to take the bus? It's full of strangers and I'm always late-" Virgil complained.
"You've missed the bus one time, and it's because your phone wasn't charging properly. You're on time right now!"
"What if it happens again?"
"It won't, and I've said before, the only way to get out of the bus is to get a car pool."
"You know I don't have any friends."
"What about that Roman kid from your art club? He lives nearby."
"Roman isn't a friend, he just runs the club. Plus he goes to some fancy acting school."
"Well then you're stuck with the smelly bus- and speaking of that you're currently late for it."
"What?!" Virgil jumped up from his table and grabbed his messenger bag before running out the door. The pins and keychains on his bag clinked as he ran.
Patton was ready for the next day of school. Yesterday had been absolutely terrible, but he could do better today! Monday was just a rocky start to a good week. Patton was positive and the key to a good week was a good attitude, at least that's what he thought. He got to the bus stop early, Logan and Remus arrived together and didn't pay attention to him. He didn't care, he'd think up a good way to apologize to Logan later. The bus arrived and he hopped on first claiming a seat alone. Logan and Remus sat together in the seat behind him.
The bus driver started closing the doors, the bus was about to start moving someone outside screamed, "WAIT!" The bus driver sighed and opened back up the doors for the late student. Patton looked at who it was, it was the kid he saw sitting alone the other day, and the seat next to Patton was the only available seat. The kid sat down next to Patton, who struck up some conversation, "Hello I'm Patton!"
"Uh- I'm Virgil..."
"Were you on the bus yesterday? I didn't see you.
"No. I missed the bus yesterday."
"That explains it!" They both went silent, the only exchange for the rest of the ride was Patton smiling at Virgil. They got to school and Virgil got off quickly. "Great-'' Patton thought, "I failed to be nice to someone." Patton got off the bus and walked with the crowd of students into school. It felt like everyone was looking at him and whispering about him. He'd usually tune it out and remind himself that it was all in his head, but this time it wasn't! He'd caught several kids staring at him in astonishment and then whisper to their friends! Patton didn't want to know what they were talking about. He tried to sink into his backpack, this was a new feeling to him.
Finally he got inside and started walking down the hallway to his locker, but someone was already standing there. It was Emile, he looked nervous. Patton walked up to him concerned, "Hey, is everything alright?"
"No- have you heard the rumors?"
"I haven't, what are the rumors?"
"Someone spread rumors that we-" Emile's voice went into a whisper, "Hooked up."
Patton was shocked, "Who would do that?!"
"I don't know- I was worried you did..."
"I wouldn't do that! That's a terrible thing to say!"
"Well, I guess I just wanted to warn you," The conversation was over and Patton was left alone at his locker. He took a deep breath. Maybe this week wouldn't be the best, but he could survive it. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
That's what Patton repeated to himself all morning until it was finally lunch. Then he remembered he had no one to sit with. Great. He sat down at the table he sat at yesterday, Virgil wasn't there yet so he opened up a book. It was just a random book he'd already read he'd grabbed from home. Patton also pulled out the sandwich his mom had packed for him and ate it as he read. He looked up when I saw someone sit across from him, it was Virgil.
"Hello again," Patton said smiling at Virgil. Virgil only waved back.
"Sorry if it seems like I'm stalking you- I just have nowhere else to sit."
"That's- sad?"
"Oh goodness! I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that, I'm sorry."
"No it's fine- I'm in a similar situation."
"The not having friends or the being extremely awkward-" Patton left out that his entire life was crumbling around him.
Virgil laughs, "Both!"
"That's not good, you seem like a nice person, you deserve friends."
"So do you."
"I don't know about that..."
Virgil was trying to be nice, "Well- wanna come hang out with my art group, the meeting is tonight."
"Really? You barely know me."
"Then we can get to know each other tonight." Virgil was remembering what his mom said earlier. Sure Patton took the bus there, but Virgil had seen him take a car home. Half less bus, was still less bus. Plus maybe he'd get a friend.
"So where do I go for the meet-"
"You can come over to my house after school and my mom can drive us to the meet. If she isn't off work yet the walk won't be long. And here's the address," Virgil wrote it on a notebook and ripped it out before handing it off to Patton.
"I think I know that house, is it the one painted black?"
"Hehe, yeah."
"Your Halloween decorations are stellar! Why haven't you put them up yet, it's almost Halloween?"
"We just haven't had the time."
"Maybe I can help you, but you have to handle the spider decorations- I hate those things."
"Sure, I love spiders, I want a tarantula for Christmas."
Patton scrunched his face, "Ew ew ew, please stop talking."
"Okay- fine, I have to get to the library before lunch ends, will you be okay on your own?"
"Of course, I don't want to stop you from returning books," Patton did a weird accent at the end. Virgil laughed it off before leaving. Patton finished his food and packed up his stuff before they'd be dismissed. As his eyes trailed around the cafeteria he saw a group walking over to him. It was Nadia and her friends.
She leaned on the table across from him, "So- how was it hooking up with Emily?"
Patton immediately started defending himself, "We didn't hook up Nadia."
"Really? Because that's not what everyone else thinks, I made sure of that!"
"You spread the rumors? That's so mean!"
"It's nothing compared to what I can do, you should've just helped me out while you could."
"I won't regret my decision, what you wanted to do was wrong."
"I wanted to put a sinner in her place."
"And that's not your job, so F off!" Patton couldn't believe he said that, Nadia gasped.
"I hope you're ready to burn in hell for siding with a sinner," Nadia then left so she could get the last word in. Patton didn't like telling her off, but she was just being so rude! But something told him it was still wrong to swear at her, even if he didn't actually say the word. He tried to shake it off as the bell rang, it startled him and he covered his ears.
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