Blake Rose Cohen
sxxlence Omg shes finally done! I'm sorry that took so long, I hope you don't mind her backstory is pretty upsetting? Cause I know sob stories get boring but I just figured it made her personality work, and I love how this OC turned out!
Middle Name:
None, just Blake
21 years
Date of Birth:
July 18, 1996
Face Claim:
Sommer Ray
The first large tattoo on her left leg is to cover up a large scar the length of her thigh almost, it's unnoticeable under the tattoo unless you pay very very close attention.
Blake is quite rebellious, outgoing, and daring. She has a hard time following the authority, and likes to do her own thing. She loves causing a little chaos every now and then.
Blake loves living on the wild side of life, she loves going on adventures, and just being crazy. Her personality is intoxicating, once you get a dose of it, you crave more and more. If you were to hang out with her, you would have no idea whats gonna happen by the end of the day but it's exhilarating all the same, and that's what people love about her.
Blake is insanely free-spirited, and many people envy her for it. She chooses to forget the past, and look forward to the future. If you're toxic for her, she will cut you out of her life. Life is too short for her to worry about other people. She just loves to live in the moment, and cut off dead ends of her life.
It took Blake a very long time to learn how to be stress and care free. Coming from her dark past, she used to have terrible anxiety and depression. But over the years she has learned that to be stress and carefree you must let things go. You will hardly see Blake angry because the people that make her angry, she refuses to talk to and shuts them out. She bent over backwards for everyone growing up and now she has decided to be a little selfish by making herself happy instead of everyone else.
Speaks Her Mind
Blake always says what is on her mind, she does not care if she offends anyone. She believes people should hear what they need to not what they want to, and so she does just that. Sometimes it comes off as rude but that's not her intentions and if you don't understand that or am offended then don't talk to her. It's not always a great thing, but people respect her for it, it means she's truthful. She also won't take shit from anyone, and will tell them straight up.
Loyal & Affectionate
In a relationship, Blake is insanely loyal, and devotes her life to the other person. She is insanely kind to the people she loves.
Blake is insanely hard working at whatever she does. She's always pushing herself to be the best she can, and was insanely smart in school, so she excels at many things. She's always practicing her skills, and trying to better herself.
School being Blakes only get away from her family, she worked very hard. She joined as many after school activities as she could, and excelled in all of them.
-Coffee, Blake would call her love for coffee an addiction. She almost always has a cup of iced coffee in hand.
-Animals, she's a huge animal lover, especially when it comes to pit bulls. She believed they're great dogs and just have a bad wrap.
-Having fun, partying, drinking, Blake is a wild child.
-Spending time with her boyfriend, he's the anchor to her wild personality and she doesn't know what she would do without him.
-Warn weather, not summer heat, but late spring warm weather.
-She absolutely loves the water whether she is swimming, fishing, on a boat, or just near it. She just loves it for some reason and believes maybe she was a mermaid in another life.
-Singing and dancing, she has an angelic voice and isn't afraid to show it. But dancing, she hides that from almost everyone and it usually only occurs when she's alone or drinking.
-The rain, she finds it very calming, just like being by water.
-Tea, she finds it disgusting and doesn't know how anyone could drink it.
-Talking about her family or past, just don't bring it up.
-Snow or cold weather, she absolutely hates the feeling of being cold and she gets cold easily so it's rough.
-Seafood, despite loving fishing, she absolutely hates seafood and refuses to eat her catches.
-People that try to hold her back, hence why she cuts them all out of her life.
-Blake is very good at getting people to loosen or lighten up and have a good time. She's learned to forget her problems and the assholes, and it rubs off on the people around her.
-Fighting, growing up she's learned how to defend and protect herself, and actually saved up enough money to enroll herself in classes just in case.
-Singing and dancing, like I mentioned earlier she is a fantastic singer and isn't afraid to show it. But, she is more afraid to show off her dancing skills despite being a natural on the dance floor.
-Blake is very intelligent like I said earlier, she excelled in every possible aspect at school to make up for the terrible home life. She is also very fit because of this, having joined things such as softball, soccer, cheer, and basketball.
-Talking about her family and/or past, it causes her to grow anxious and nervous and she will probably have a mental breakdown if you forced her to talk about it. None of her friends know her past and she prefers to keep it that way.
-Despite being very carefree on the outside, Blake does have PTSD and certain smells, places, or sounds will trigger flashbacks from her childhood. She dreads these moments and tries to handle them on her own, she hates anyone seeing that side of her.
-Blake relies on being carefree and having fun to get by, if you take either of those aspects away from her life, she's unsure of what she'd do.
-Knives, she's absolutely terrified of them, she can use them when cooking but barely and just prefers to stay away from cooking now because she doesn't want to handle a knife.
The Sensible One
Blake was a single child growing up. Right off the bat her father spited her for not being a boy, hence the name 'Blake'. Her mother was a nurse and because of such, was hardly ever home. Blake's father was a truck driver, but one day when she was 3 he royally screwed himself out of a job. He ended up being a 'stay at home Dad' and a drunk. They barely scraped by with her mother's money she made from being a nurse and had to live in government housing. After her father lost his job, her mother had to pick up even more hours at the hospital. She was really only ever home to sleep and eat a quick meal. Blake's father started acting out in anger towards Blake, throwing bottles at her, shoving her, little things like that. By the age of 10 she had found herself in the routine of coming home from school and dragging his drunk passed out self to his bed as best as she could for being only 10. Blake was basically on her own for meals, and had actually become a great cook. Once Blake was 14 and hit high school, the abuse became worse. Pushing her down the stairs, threatening her with knives, slapping her across the face once even busting her lip. Blake's mother had never noticed the abuse, and Blake was too afraid to speak out about it. Once Blake was 16 her father finally drew the line for her. She came home from school, expecting him to be passed out on the floor again, but as she walked through the door was surprised when he lashed out at her with a knife, catching the length of her thigh. He claimed he thought she was an intruder. But she had had it. Blake packed up her stuff without another word and left. She lived between friends and on the streets for a few days until she scraped enough money from the waitressing job she had to rent herself an apartment. She has yet to go back and speak with her mother or father, too afraid of the outcome as she didn't even say bye to her lovely mother. She now works on a horse farm after a few years of making her way up the ladder of positions and now makes really good money, and moved into her own condo.
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