cнapтer 6
A/N: I'm on an updating roll as you could see lol
"Hey you? Hey? Wake up."
"Huh? What..."
Poe's eyelids fluttered open and he found himself staring right into the face of a man. He looked nervous, sweat visible upon his brow.
"Who are you?"
"I'm here to help you escape."
His eyes widened as the cuffs holding his wrists up to the wall fell. Poe clicked his wrists a couple of times before facing the person who saved him.
"What's your name?"
"I can't call you that...you're not a part of the knights of starkiller anymore, are you?"
"Aw cut it with the formality," Poe laughed. "I'm Poe the way and you're name is now Finn."
"Finn..." he muttered the name under his breath quietly, quite liking the way it sounded coming from his mouth.
"I like it!"
"Good, now do you know where we could find something to get out of here?
"Okay so where do I start...?"
Ben picked up one of the portions unwrapping the packaging and pulling out two packets of instant oatmeal, the same stone hard meat from earlier this morning, some limp vegetables, and instant bread.
"Okay so let's start with the bread first..."
He went to pick the packet up scanning it for instructions. There wasn't any.
"How the hell do you do this?"
Ben opened up the package carefully, coughing when the powder came up and went up his nostrils. He made a face before remembering how Rey prepared the food a few days before.
Ben hadn't paid much attention but he remembered her putting some sort of powder into a bowl of water, maybe this was that powder.
He smirked at his genius thought before filling two small bowls with water, separating the packet in half Ben simply watched in awe as the powder soaked up the water, rising up into small roll.
"Yes! I did it."
He savored the small moment of victory before realizing he still had vegetables and oatmeal to heat up.
"I better get some more respect by the time I get back. This is too much..." Ben grumbled under his breath, struggling to turn the stove on.
Eventually a flame erupted up from the stove and he almost burned his hand completely off. Startled him jumped back, landing hard against Rey's mat.
"Stupid stove..."
After about ten minutes of playing with the controls he got the flame to a reasonable height and was able to put a pot onto the stove.
"I'm guessing water goes first...then the oats..." Ben carefully put the two ingredients in, wincing almost immediately after the water was put, the droplets splashing up from the pot and almost burning him.
"Now I think I'm supposed to mix it..."
His eyes scanned around the small shelter stumbling upon a thin wooden looking paddle.
"This looks to be about right."
Nodding he watched as the oats and water slowly became a creamier but still runny consistency. Sighing he picked up the pot to pour the broth like substance into the bowls.
It took several tries and a couple of burns but in the end most of the oatmeal had ended up inside the bowls.
After the whole ordeal Ben decided to leave the vegetables be, feeling that if he touched that stove again he'll burn something off.
If Rey wanted cooked vegetables she could make them herself, this was an important mission and coming back with severe stove burns would be quite a story to live down.
"Stay calm, stay calm..."
"I am calm," Poe made a face.
"I was talking to myself."
Finn muttered holding Poe's hands behind his back as if he were a prisoner that had to be transported somewhere. But he wasn't, the two were about to escape.
"Over there."
He gestured to the two person speeder that sat in the back corner of the hall.
"Got it."
The duo ran towards it, Poe taking a seat as driver and Finn settling in the seat next to him, shaking with pure fear.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah fine."
"Good. Because it's going to be quite a drive..."
Poe didn't respond instead he smirked, pulling down at the gas lever hard and causing the speeder to crash through the glass roof of the base.
"You know you didn't have to do that right? I could've opened the roof for you."
"I know that but it's more fun this way," he laughed. "Hang on buddy, it's only going to get faster from here."
Poe pulled a couple more switches before the two sped off into the horizon, to the sound of Finn's screams of both fear and excitement.
"Ben? I'm home."
Rey walked into view, eyes landing on a very defeated looking Ben. He looked at her almost ashamed.
"I tried to make lunch."
"What do you mean you tried?"
"This stupid portions don't come with instructions!"
She laughed at the almost ridiculousness of the situation.
"Well how about this? I can teach you how to make the portions after we eat."
"Okay, but don't get mad if lunch tastes weird."
"What do you mean?"
"The only thing I knew exactly how to make was the bread but I'm pretty sure I put either too much or too little water."
"Portions aren't that hard to mess up."
She attempted a comforting smile before reaching for the two plates, handing one to him.
"You want to eat outside or in here?"
"I think in here..." he groaned. "Those stupid portions took too much of my energy."
"Okay, sounds good but when we are done I have a surprise for you outside."
"Oh, really?"
Ben nodded and the two started to eat. It only took one bite for the gagging sounds to ensue.
"Ben, I mean this in the nicest way possible but how could you mess up instant bread? I was able to make it perfectly when I was a child."
"I don't know!"
"Well I have a lot to teach you then," she let out a small laugh. "I'll show you how to make a portion tomorrow, meanwhile I have something to show you."
He followed her outside and BB-8 beeped at Rey in greeting.
"Close your eyes and hold out your palms."
Ben did as he was told and soon felt a small item fall into his hands. Opening his eyes up, he could barely contain his shock. It was the locket, the one he traded in yesterday except it was shining almost looking brand new.
"H-how? W-why?"
Rey simply shrugged. "It seemed to be a big deal to you so I thought I should get it back and maybe make it look nicer."
"I thought I told you it wasn't important, that it was nothing?"
"I know when people are lying."
"Well then, in that case I have something for you."
Ben went back inside reaching for the necklace he had gotten the night before.
"Close your eyes and put your hands in front of you."
She followed his instructions as he clasped the necklace around her neck.
"You could look now."
Rey looked down and smiled.
"Thank you! I-I love it."
She turned around and hugged him not exactly knowing why. Rey wasn't the type to go around hugging people, but in the spur of the moment she threw her arms around him.
And he soon felt himself return the embrace.
A/N: another update from yours truly!! I hope you liked the chapter <3 I have some homework to do right now but I'll probably be updating once again because why the heck not
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