Me: ... Hi, my Lovelies... *Gets pelted with sharp poisonous rocks* OW! HEY!!! I WAS ABOUT TO APOLOGIZE!!!
(Throw more things here. Free of charge. Free of later anger. You won't be charged for the hospital bills.)
Me: *Sighs* So, uh... Over half a year since an update, huh? SORRY!!!!
(Feel free to throw stuff again)
Honey: On that note, ladies, gentlemen, and Grimm, please welcome our new co-host, KitkatChan!
KitkatChan: Hi! I'm Beryl!
Icy: We also are being joined by moonsilverwarriorcat, also known as Obsidian.
Obsidian: Hi!
Ruru: Straight into it then! First dares are by Glilasi
I dare Crystal to be handcuffed to Gold for two chapters
Emerald has to fist fight one Pokedex holder of his choice
Techno: Sorry, Crys. You know the rules... Actually you don't, but point is, you can deal with it.
Crystal: Why?! *Falls to ground with anime style tears*
Black: >:3
White: I'm lost.
Beryl: Next is by Silveryo
I dare Ethan to randomly come in for no reason and have a fist fight with Silver
I dare Gold and Crystal to go in a closet for 24 hours with no one else.
I dare Silver to become a Pancake
Obsidian: YES!!! FOOD!!! ... I'm hungry...
Pokespe: What???
Me: Um... Nothing. *Whispers* The fun part of them being unable to read the dares.
Pokespe: ???
Ethan: 'Sup?
Silver: Who are you?
Honey: You can fight him.
Silver: *Beats him up*
Ethan: X(
Ruru: Gold, Crys, go in the closet.
Techno: 'Cause MangaQuestShipping is like, third place for the most shipped shipping.
Red: What is a shipping?
Obsidian: Haven't we been over this?
Me: We wipe certain parts of their memories from time to time... Must've been the wrong memory... Why was I given the job to clear people's memories?
Honey: It's funny that way.
Silver: Why can't I move?
Everyone Else: Pft... HAHAHA!!!
Silver: What is it?
Dia: *Drooling* Talking... Food...?
Silver: What???
Beryl: Pft... Um... Next set is by me... Pft...
1. Ask Ruby if he remembers Mirage Island. If not, Sapph gets to burn the hat and it won't come back. Don't tell him that part.
2. For every time Crys calls Gold a pervert, Gold gets to kiss her.
3. Every boy must kiss Yellow. If not, I get to come in with my almighty golden sword and kill them
Sapphire: So... Ruby. Mirage Island... Do you remember?
Ruby: What?
Sapphire: *Rips hat off head*
Sapphire: *Throws in Lava Pit*
Me: ... I thought we got rid of that...
Honey: It's so cool though!
Icy: Okay, so, Gold and Crys are still in the closet, which for some reason, will not open, so, we'll just make that a from here on out thing.
Ruru: Um... Just having her kiss everyone would be boring, so, Beryl, you have our full permission to kill the boys.
Beryl: YEAH!!! *Takes out sword* Prepare to die. *Laughs evilly*
Boys: RUN!!!
§Due to Extreme Violence, This Part Must be Cut From The Program§
Techno: Okay... So, now that all the boys are dead, let's move on.
Beryl: Next set is by Blazegirl121
1. Everyone try to survive the hunger games
2. Gold gets to kiss a girl of his choice and then that girl can slap him if she wants
3. Red kiss Yellow on the lips :3 <3
4. Green becomes a girl for ten chapters and on the fifth and tenth chapter he gets a special visitor
5. Same for Gold (After the kiss)
6. Silver and Gold get handcuffed for two chapters
Obisidian: Let's go to the room!
White: Why do you have a room that replicates outside?
Me: 'Cause author powers.
Honey: Hello participants, I will be your host today, and welcome to the in-fanfiction replication of the Hunger Games.
Blue: And you're not participating because...
Honey: Because you need someone to revive you, unless you would prefer to stay dead.
Pearl: If it means being done with playing this stupid game of truth or dare. I mean, have you seen the layout of the first couple chapters? They're completely horri- *Dies*
Platinum: Who did that?!
Pokespe: *Looks at the hostesses*
Hostesses: *Lowers weapons* Never insult a writer's work. You will suffer a quick but painful death.
Honey: Right... Let the games begin!
§Also Must be cut for Extreme Violence§
Icy: So, long story short, us hostesses teamed up and killed all the pokespe members with our author powers.
Ruru: It was highly entertaining.
*Gold and Crys comes out of the closet*
Techno: Wow, it's been a day already?
Beryl: Gold, kiss someone.
Gold: Yeas~~~! *Kisses Crystal*
Crystal: *Slaps him* Not here you pervert!
Obsidian: Red, kiss Yellow. Now. I order it.
Red: *Kisses*
Both: *Blushes* (A/N: Cause my phone is upstairs, I'm lazy, and can't make the blushing face on a laptop)
Me: Green, you're a girl now! POOF!!!
Green: *Winces* Did you have to yell "poof"?
Honey: Yelling is way more fun than the sound effect.
Everyone Else: True
Icy: Gold's a girl too, and... Oh! SIlver, go stand next to Gold for a second?
Silver: *Sighs then walks over* *A puff of smoke later* Take. The. Handcuffs. Off.
Ruru: You and Crystal will be free in two more chapters.
Techno: Next set is by me!
I dare Diamond to eat a cake the size of Mount Everest
I dare everyone to play all the FNaT games and then for all the animatronics to come to life and attack everybody except the hostesses
I dare Silver to be transformed into a MLP pony for two chapters (If he refuses, kill him and then turn him into the pony)
May I also have a rocket launcher that launches animatronic nightmare foxes?
Beryl: Okay, Dia, there's a gigantic cake outside, it's all yours.
Diamond: YAY! *Runs outside*
Obsidian: While he's doing that, you guys go down that hallway, up the stairs, turn right, and into the computer room. Shouldn't be that hard. The door is made of glass. Have fun!
§Lots of Screaming Later§
Me: So. How was it?
Blue: I am never going in that room again.
Honey: Ugh! You all are the same! "I don't have to listen to you!" or "You can't control me!" and "I have free will!!!" WHEN WILL YOU UNDERSTAND WE HAVE AUTHOR POWERS!!! WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT!!!
Pokespe: ...
Icy: Um... moving on then... *Turns Silver into a My Little Pony pony*
Gold and Crys: *Falls face first cause handcuffed*
Ruru: ... Whoops... Anyways, here's your rocket launcher, and your animatronic repellant, we'll be on the top floor. Have fun!
Techno: YEAH! *Animatronics come*
Pokespe: *Screaming* *Running*
Techno: *Sprays herself with repellant* DIE!!! *Fires rocket launcher repeatedly*
Emerald: *Killed first*
§La la la, all of Pokespe Died§
Hostesses: *TELEPORTATION!!!*
Beryl: Looks like they all suffered a violent death.
Obsidian: Looks like Techno had way too much fun.
Techno: They thought they could run... But they had nowhere to run to...
Me: Okay... LIVE CHILDREN!!!
Red: Aren't half of us older than you?
Me: I don't care if you're older than me, I'm calling you child.
Honey: Next set is by Serena_Marcesa
I dare all the dexholders to throw in hell after that I want ALL OF YOU WITHOUT REBORNING should throw in zillions of herobrines. and then I wanted to be part of the rest of the chapter and to kiss ruby on the lips.
Icy: I don't think we can do the no revival, cause we do need characters for the rest of the chapter, but the rest we can do.
Ruru: Have fun in hell everyone!
Pokespe: Wait, what?
Yellow: Why's it so hot here???
White: This would make an interesting story line for a movie...
Silver: I can't exactly do that, see, I'm a horse. Therefore I walk on four legs. Not two. Me not human right now.
Crystal: *Burned Alive*
Everyone Else: *Burned alive slower*
Techno: Honestly, I feel bad about the ways we kill them sometimes.
Beryl: Yup. Time to face herobrines. *Spawns in full sets or enchanted diamond armor*
Obsidian: Let's do this. *Poofs in sunglasses*
Herobrines: We will kill you all. It's in our coding.
Honey: Maybe this was a mistake.
Icy: So thats... Twelve dead?
Ruru: Looks like it.
Techno: Still went better than I thought it would.
Obsidian: That was pretty fun, actually.
Honey: I agree. Just the enjoyment of killing herobrines' was really fun. Even though their bodies are laying all over the place.
Me: Enjoyment of killing them??? You didn't kill any of them! Half the time you were screaming for help, in which you would bite the back of the herobrines leg, and wait for someone to come and finish it off! FIVE OF THE TWELVE DEAD DIED PROTECTING YOU!!!
Icy: Not to mention that Beryl and I almost died helping you out.
Blue: Did you have to bite me, Honey? When I was trying to help? RESULTING IN MY DEATH?!?!?!
Honey: I thought you were a herobrine. You smell like one.
Blue: ...
Ruru: Um... Please welcome in Serena_Marcesa, AKA Serin.
Serin: I'm really excited to be here!
Techno: Since Ruby is still eating the mountain sized cake-unless he ate so much his stomach exploded-you can kiss him when he gets back.
Beryl: Next set is by Chickenpoofer
I dare all the girls to wear clothing that their crush picked out for them (Ruby go all out for this one!).Truth: Who of the guys would make the best girl looking at the following things;StyleEmotion thingsSoftness (In personality... Duh!) And... You can't vote for Ruby. That would be unfair. You ARE allowed to vote for yourself but you wouldn't want to. The person with the most votes will become female for a few chapters (You decide how many)-I dare everybody to play Undertale from start to finish, then write a oneshot of any shipping and explain why they picked that shipping.
Obsidian: RUBY~!!! COME BACK!!!
Ruby: Yes?
Obsidian: Dress Sapphire. Other children, dress your crushes.
Red: What?
Blue: Green, have you always had this good a fashion taste?
Serin: Um... Have you seen his outfits?
Me: Okay, the voting box is in the center of the room, there's a giant pile of paper over there, and Sapphire's strangling Ruby, GO!
Everyone: *Votes*
Honey: And the votes add up to... *Drum roll sound effect* Pearl!
(A/N: I couldn't pick so I used a website to pick for me)
Icy: Everyone, please go back to the computer room to play Undertale
§Le Time Skip§
Pokespe: That was AMAZING! It's so entertaining and fun and lakdfhasdlfiuhe!!!
(A/N [Again, yes]: I am unable to play Undertale in this instance due to not having the right software installed on my laptop cause my chromebook does not support microsoft and I'm regretting paying for the chromebook in the first place. Therefore I don't know of any of the shippings or characters and would be incapable of writing a oneshot where the characters actually sound like themselves, and I don't know their names, so here's a crappy one.)
§Basically a Fanfic That Sums up Most Non-Angst Oneshots Ice Has Read Recently§
Character of your choice 1 (CC1): I really like you.
CC2: I like you too. *Small smile*
CC1: You don't get it.
CC2: I bet I do. *Smirks*
CC1: *Kisses CC1 on impulse 'cause their smirking make them irresistible*
CC2: *Kisses back*
CC1: *Pulls away scared* *Speaks in a rushed voice* I'm so sorry I didn't mean to it's just I've had these feelings towards you for a really long time and I just couldn't help myself-
CC2: *Calls CC1's name*
CC1: *Doesn't hear CC2* -I'll leave now! You'll never have to see me again-
CC2: *Interrupts with passionate kiss*
CC1: *Slowly melts into kiss*
CC2: *Pulls away with heartfelt smile* I love you.
CC1: You're just saying that out of pity...
CC2: *Kisses CC1 with more feeling* *Pulls away, resting forehead of CC1's forehead* *Whispers* I love you. I always have.
CC1: ... I love you too...
§End of Fanfic§
Me: Way to drop the L-Bomb way to early.
Ruru: That's an opinion.
Techno: Silence, Ice. You wrote it.
Me: Based off of one shots I've read recently.
Beryl: ... Right... So if I'm not mistaken, Serin still hasn't kissed Ruby.
Serin: YEAS!!! *Grabs Ruby* *Kisses* *Faints*
Obsidian: Next is by me~~~!
I daaaaaaaareeeeeeeeEVERYONE TO GO TO HOGWARTSJust cuz I'm too lazy to write a fic about itAlso, the Dexholders discover a new species: DEMIGODS.
Everyone: *Teleported to Hogwarts* *Goes to get sorted*
Me: If any Harry Potter fans actually want an official test to find their house, J.K. Rowling has made official tests on her website called Pottermore where you can make an account to find out your house and even what wand you would have.
Honey: We will start with us hostesses, 'cause we kewl.
(A/N: Fellow hostesses, I only know Obsidian's house cause she told me, so I'm gonna put all your houses as the same as hers. If you take the pottermore quiz and it says differently, let me know and I'll fix it)
Ruru: First, lets see what each house values, shall we?
Gryffindor - bravery, daring, nerve, chivalry
Ravenclaw - Witt, intelligence, wisdom
Hufflepuff - Patience, loyalty, fair-play
Slytherin - Cunning, ambition, resourcefulness, determination, schrewd
Ice - Hufflepuff
Honey - Hufflepuff
Icy - Gryffindor
Ruru - Gryffindor
Techno - Gryffindor
Beryl - Gryffindor
Obsidian - Gryffindor
Serin - Gryffindor
Red - Gryffindor
Yellow - Hufflepuff
Blue - Ravenclaw
Green - Ravenclaw
Gold - Gryffindor
Silver - Ravenclaw/Slytherin
Crystal - Ravenclaw
Ruby - Hufflepuff
Sapphire - Ravenclaw
Emerald - Hufflepuff
Platinum - Ravenclaw
Diamond - Hufflepuff
Pearl - Hufflepuff
Black - Gryffindor
White - Ravenclaw
Cheren - Ravenclaw
Bianca - Hufflepuff
X - Ravenclaw/Gryffindor/Slytherin
Y - Gryffindor/Hufflepuff
Lack-Two - Hufflepuff
Whi-Two - Ravenclaw
Techno: We better not see anyone commenting that someone doesn't deseerve a house because everyone in it is weak, or because only evil people come from it, or because it spawns crazies.
Beryl: First off, Ravenclaw. Luna Lovegood. She is epicness. Secondly, Hufflepuff, Nymphadora Tonks, Cedric Diggory, both strong. Sadly both died, but that NOT THE POINT OF THIS!!!
Obsidian: Lastly, look at Snape. He was secretly watching over Harry throughout the whole series. Not every Slytherin is evil.
Serin: Introducing; Demigods!
Red: What's a demigod?
Honey: They full of epicness.
Icy: We are all demigods.
Ruru: Yup
Me: Before we go, I wanted to say that we have a new rules for this book. Recently someone had commented saying they wanted to ban the use of author powers and revival for up to the next twenty chapters, and not allow the use of portals. I was iffy about having no author powers for one chapter, let alone up to twenty. This is because I then have to rearrange the comments just so we can get through as many as possible without all the characters dying, but even then I couldn't get through all of them and they had to be moved into this chapter. It restricts other people for what they can comment and makes it extremely difficult to actually write and make the story interesting. I know I said in the beginning that there are no rules, but now the only rule is you can't ban author powers or revival. There has also been the issue of dares that are way too long. Please try not to comment truths or dares using the max amount of characters twice. Plus, if I can't understand what you wrote, and when I ask you won't explain it, or don't explain it by the time the chapter has been written, it will not be included. I'm sorry if you think this is mean, but it just makes everything too difficult.
Techno: Remember to comment your truths and or dares.
Beryl: Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Obsidian: Come back for the next one... Or don't... We don't really care.
Serin: Bye!
Honey: IceQueen2002 does not own pokespe, RWBY (find where the reference is), Five Nights at Freddies, Undertale, Herobrine (Not in any way related to minecraft, strangely enough), Minecraft, or anything in relation to Harry Potter.
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