New Host
Special: Guess who's back!!! Yes it the one and only special!!
Gold: where did you get your name form? It sounds Linda weird.
Special: the author names me this name. Then why are you needed Gold? It sounds weird to be named after a color~
Sapphire: * laughs* look at him!! He just got toasted!
Special: Well new host! Welcome out new Host who will join us in torturing you!
Red: wait! So we were being tortured all along?!
Green: you finally found out Red. Took you long enough...
Blue: You are so dense and naive.
Red: I am not dense! I am sharp!
Special: then what is love and what a crush.
Red: Love is... a feeling?
Pokespe but Red: ...........
Special: Well Yes but more specific....
????: Can I come in now???
Special: Oh Yes! Sorry I forgot to introduce you.. * sweat drops*
Green: wow here comes another demon who is gonna torture us....
Silver: Can I escape right now.....
Dia: Go ahead only you will end up here again in bruises and blood... * eats a rice ball*
Black: Who is that?? * points at the mysterious person*
Blaze: New host.
Angel: Well looks like we well have more fun torturing you guys since we are back now~
Blade: Hello. We are all back again.
Kip: That was the best vacation ever but i rather torture you guys instead.
Elesia: Who missed us~
Vanessa: Wow everyone is back right on time for the new host!
Special: Well the new host is RS64!!!! Welcome him!!!
RS64: Well I have some dares so let get started!
Pokespe: NO!!!!!!!
RS64: Well my dare is White and Black to do seven minutes in heaven but for one hour!
Blaze: * push black and white into the closet*
1 hour later
Kip: * opened the closet door*
Black: * sleeping on Whites lap*
White: * patting Black*
Special: Well here is a dare for all the pokespe to do a Pokémon battle! Well good luck Guys!!
6 hours later
Special: So who won?
Pokespe but Red: * points at Red*
Host: Not a surprise....
Gold: I WAS SO CLOSE IN WINNING! Only if Yellow didn't Beat me!
Blue: Greenie beat me
White: Stop yelling and Crystal you are really strong!
Platina: Sapphire is really strong.
Silver: I cant believe I let nee-san win. I shouldn't have let my guard down.
Blue: I have my way slivy~
Elesia: Well my dare now! FNAF! My partner is Sword!
Special: * make Sword and Lyra appear* well the teams are like this
Red and Yellow
Green and Blue
Gold and Crystal
Sapphire and Ruby
Blaze and Silver
Platina and Diamond
Pearl and Emerald
Vanessa and Blade
Sword and Elesia
RS64 and Angel
Kip and Special
Everyone: * playing FNAF*
After the game
Special: This was interesting.....
Pokespe: * nods* ..........
Angel: Ah next dare everyone. Let forget everything we just was... ok?
Pokespe: Ok!
Blade: Well my turn now everyone including us host have to to share one wish they want and can make them true.
Special: Well I want to see all the pokespe to get marry!
Pokespe: What kind of wish is that!
Special: Well we make this wish happen! * proof the pokespe into a wedding dress / tuxedo *
Boys but Ruby: * in a tuxedo*
Girls but Sapphire: *in a wedding dress*
Kip: Ah... why is Sapphire in a Tuxedo not a wedding dress??????
Vanessa: Also... why is Ruby in a wedding dress not a tuxedo???
Blaze: ....... Good question! So Special why?
Special: Maybe....... because... of their personality???
Blade: If makes sense actually
RS64: Yup since their personalities fits their suit right now
Blaze: But if tradition that girls wear dress not Tuxedo * change Sapphire and Ruby's suit*
Special: Now that the wedding! So do You Red, Green, Silver, Gold, Ruby, Diamond and Black take Yellow, Blue, Lyra, Crystal, Sapphire, Platina and White as your wife.
Called Boys: Yes I do.
Blaze: Now do you Yellow, Blue, Lyra, Crystal, Sapphire, Platina and White take Red, Green, Silver, Gold, Ruby, Dia and Black as your husband?
Called girls: Yes I do
Host: Now we call you wife and husband you may switch rings
Called Girls and Boys: * switch rings and blushes*
Host: * takes pictures and cheers*
Special: Well this message is to the other host! Tell me your wish and I will do it on the next chapter!
Red: I wish for a Pokémon battle against the host. Even though I might lose I still want to try it.
Host: Ok it on!
After the battle
Winner: Red
Special: That a rough battle. I am more of a contest type then battle.
Red: You did great.
Gold: Red you won the devil girl by 2 to 6. You literally beat her with 2 Pokémon.
Special: Who you calling devil girl!
Gold: I didn't say a name girl.
Vanessa: You know she is the only person who got beat 2 to 6?
Gold: ...... Ah. Oh.... Gotta run! Mom is calling me for dinner! * runs away*
Special: Never call me that nickname again!!! Next wish!
Blaze: * teleport Gold back*
Gold: why am i back again!
Green: I want to see the host have a Pokémon battle that one on one.
Host: Another one?!
Green: Yes. This gotta be interesting
Host: Ok..
After another Pokémon battle
Winner: Special
Special: I actually won? Am I dreaming! * pinch Gold* I am dreaming!
Gold: You are pinching!
Special: * lets go and sweat drop* I guess it my lucky day!
Blue: My wish is Greenie would make all my wish come true in the next 5 whole chapter!
Green: No way..
Blue: Please~
Blade: You have to it a dare.
Yellow: Ah I wish... I can be friends with all the Pokémon in the world.
Vanessa: Ok! Your wish is gonna come true! * uses power to make Yellow's wish come true*
Gold: I wish for SSG to serve me for 5 whole chapter!
Crystal: No way! Why would i do that!
Gold: Since it a dare~
Crystal: I wish i can cancel Gold's wish
Gold: No can't do that!
Blaze: Sorry Gold but crystal's wish is coming true
Silver: I wish Gold can be a little bit smarter
Special: Well let teach him now... Blaze you will teach him ok?
Blaze: o-ok * grab Gold and goes into a room and learn him*
Ruby: I wish sapphire can be more girly like she was when she was small
Sapphire: I wish Ruby will be less girly like he was when he was small
Angel: Your wish is heard! * turn sapphire more girly and Ruby less girly*
Emerald: I wish i can be tall
Kip: Wish head * put Emerald on his neck* look you are tall now!
Elesia: True so True.
Dia: I wish I can eat at a all you can eat buffet ~
RS64: I have a ticket there * hand Diamond the ticket*
Dia: Thank you~
Pearl: I want all the host to do a Comedy routine!
Host: Oh god...
After the comedy routine
Special: That was fun?
Elesia: I feel embarrassed...
Pearl: Special your routine with RS6 was so funny!
Sapphire: I like Blade and Vanessa's more!
Red: Angel and Kip's was great!
Blue: I like Elesia and Swords was great~ they would make a great couple~
Elesia: WHAT?! Not possible! *blushes*
Blue: look who's blushing~
Gold: * walks out with Elesia* what did we miss?
Platina: A comedy routine
Gold: Aw man I did!
Platina: I wish to have a Pokémon battle with Special-san. Do you mind?
Special: S-Sure!
After the Pokémon battle
Special: Wow I won! Great job Platina
Platina: thanks
White: I want everyone's Pokémon to do a Pokémon show!
Everyone but White: What?!!!!
White: Come on please.
Everyone but White: Alright....
After the performance
Ruby: That was fun!
Red: I still don't understand what it means to have Pokémon perform?
Blue: You will understand someday
Black: Well I wish that all the boys to have a Pokémon battle!!!!
Boy: Oh it on!!!
After the Pokémon battle
Winner: Red
Gold: I can't believe I lost to silver again!
Silver: I lost to Green....
Dia: I lost to Black~
Perla: I can't believe I lost to Dia
Black: Red you are really strong!
Green: .. I lost to Red again.. I gotta become stronger
Kip: Wow I lost to Green...
Blade: I lost to Gold.. but we still did great..
Special: Well let do our next dare!
Pokespe: when will we get a break!
Vanessa: It for Red, Yellow and Gold to do a Family Drama!
Red, Yellow and Gold: * starting a family drama*
Host and rest of the pokespe: * eating popcorn and watches it*
Special: * filming the whole thing*
After the family drama
Blue: Great drama! * laughs*
Blade: I dare everyone I say what they dislike. I dislike sports
Special: I dislike being left out when out people are having fun
Red: I dislike mirrors
Green: Losing..
Blue: Bird
Yellow: Battles
Gold: Silver...
Crystal: Can't catch a Pokémon
Silver: Gold
Ruby: Battle
Sapphire: Contest
Emerald: People calling me short
Dia: not being able to eat food
Pearl: not being able to do comedy
Platina: Losing my friends
White and Black: N
Host but Special and Blade: * says what they dislike*
Special: That all for today! RS64 your turn to do the ending!
RS64: The owner doesn't own pokespe.
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