Host Yellow
Special: I am back! Now author is gonna join us for some dares!
Miyu: Well hellos guys nice to see you all again!
Pokespe and host: Hello.
Miyu: Well first dare is for you guys to write a litter to your crush! So get writing uses author power to make everyone write the letter.
Everyone but Miyu: What!!! * starts writing a letter*
30 minutes later
Miyu: * collects the letters* well I gotta send these letters later~
Everyone but Miyu: WHAT NOW! Don't send them!!
Miyu: To bad on with the dare well let continue with the dare that has to do with clone Ruby!
Angel: * make clone Ruby appear*
Clone Ruby: LET FIGHT!
Sapphire: Oh Two Rubie!
Clone Ruby: Is that you Sapphire? I thought you are still gonna wear this fancy dress!
Sapphire: I changed! Now I like to battle wanna battle me!
Clone Ruby: Yes!
After the battle
Winner: Clone Ruby
Sapphire: Rubie you are so strong! You gotta train me! * smiles*
Clone Ruby: Ok.
Ruby: * jealous*
Special: * giggles* Ruby is jealous of Ruby~
Clone Ruby: Why is there another me? He looks really girly
Gold: * laughs*
Ruby: At least I have better fashion sense then you
Vanessa: Ruby you are just yelling at yourself you know that right. *makes the clone disappear* well my Dare are that I get to keep Yellow to myself. Dia and Platinum to do 7 minutes in heaven instead of 7 minutes it will be 7 hours! Everyone to play the pocky game not the host. Everyone including the host to have a battle. Special and Miyu to be tied to the tree with no host or author power. Green does anything Blue says and Yellow be the host!
Miyu and Special: Tie to a tree!! You have to be kidding me!
Vanessa: Well to bad time for the dare! *Tie Miyu and Special to a tree then runs and hugs Yellow*
Lavender: * push Dia and Platina into the closet*
7 hours later
Everyone but Dia and Platina: * asleep*
Gold: Ah!!!!!!!
Everyone: * wakes up* what happened!
Vanessa: I forgot! * opened the closest and see Dia hugging Platina while sleeping*
Blue: Well Greenie~ Please get me a drink~
Green: No...
Blue: but the dares says you have to do whatever I say~
Green: * goes and grab the drink and hand it to Blue* here
Vanessa: Well now the Pokémon battle * untie Special*
Gold: Yay! Let battle now!
Pokespe and the host: * send out their Pokémon*
5 hours later
1st place: Red
2nd place: Yellow
3rd place: V-chan
Red: The battle was fun!
Yellow: I can't believe I am in second.
V-chan: Yellow you are strong! Now special you have to be tied up again! *tie Special to the tree*
Special: * tie to the tree again and sigh*
Yellow: Well let continue on with the dares
RS64: Well I dare everyone to have their baby stuff for 5 whole chapter. * make everyone's baby stuff appears*
Yellow: We have a dare on the boys being burn by Fire Pokemon. The boy host have to do it to.
Boys: What now!
All the girls: * send out their Fire Pokemon* Use flamethrower/ Blast burn.
Boys but Kip and Blade: * gets revive*
Urufu: now the next dare is for Franticshipping, Mangaquestshipping, Commonershipping, Specialshipping, Agencyshipping and Oldrivalshipping to do 7 minutes in heaven and before you go in you have to take an extreme love potion. * give the pokespe the love potion*
Red and Yellow: * drinking the potion and gets push into the closet*
Angel: * push Red and Yellow into the closet*
Green and Blue: * drinks the love potion and gets push in the closet*
Kip: * push Green and Blue into the closet*
Gold and Crystal: * drinks the love potion and get push into the closet*
Blaze: * push Gold and Crystal into the closet*
Sapphire and Ruby: * drinks the love potion and gets push into the closet by Blade*
Blade: * push Sapphire and Ruby into the closet*
Dia and Platina: * drinks the love potion and gets push onto the closet by Lavender*
Lavender: * push Dia and Platina into the closet*
Black and White: * drinks the love potion and get push into the closet by RS64*
RS64: * push Black and White into the closet*
7 minutes later
V-chan, Blaze, Urufu, Elesia, Angel and Kip: * open one of the closet door*
Pokespe but Pearl, Emerald and Silver: *making out*
Host but Special: * takes pictures*
Yellow: We are done now. Thanks for the dares everyone. * smiles* V-chan please do the ending
V-chan: Ok! PokespeYellow doesn't own Pokespe!
Miyu and Special: V-chan just you wait!
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