Host Gone?!
Blue: Where is Special! We have to tell the readers who the winner of the voting is!
Special: *walks down the stair with bed hair* Your too loud Black. *yawns* I was having a great dream. Now everyone welcome back to Pokespe Truth or Dare.
Red: That was the most boring start of the chapter I have ever seen in the book.
Silver: Agree. It's even more boring than just saying the usual title without any drama...
Special: Hey! I was staying up all night doing work also sorting the dares out. Give this host a little more time to sleep would you!
Ruby: Ok we will let you sleep tomorrow but! Let get your hair all straightened up now. It's a mess! *freaks out and starts brushing Specials hair*
Special: Calm down Ruby. I won't die just because I have bed hair *hair doesn't straighten one bit* leave it be. Let get this story started. BTW Blue. I plan to do tell everyone who won the voting on the day I assigned. So today is a normal Truth or Dare day.
Blaze: Gold. Today is your lucky day your wish from last chapter has been granted by at least 2 people. Now fight Ruby:
Idol: To make this chapter fun you may battle him 2 times!
Ruby: No!! My pokemons will get all dirty!
Kip: *teleport everyone to the court* Who's the referee this time.
Special: *standing at the court*
Emerald: Apparently Special again. I wonder who will win.
Special: This is a 6 on 6 battle between The Pervert and The Prissy Boy! Now send out your pokemon and Start!
Gold: Hey who you calling a pervert!
Ruby: Now who is a prissy boy.
Special: I didn't state any names~
Vanessa: Looks like our 2 fellow dexholders has just admitted that they are a pervert and prissy boy.
Rudy and Gold: .... I hate you Special! *sends out their pokemon and starts battling*
Special: Love you~
1 hour later
Special: Winner is Gold! Now the second battle is still Ruby against Gold and still a 6 on 6 so now start!
Ruby: Again! But my pokemon are all dirty! They need to be clean right now!
Gold: At least let us heal them before we battle!
Katie: * send all the pokemon to the pokemon center* 3 hours later we will battle again. Now next dare.
Mimi: They next dare was supposed to be Gold against Red. Oh well let skip that and do the other ones.
Kai: We got a dare for the pokespe ships to draw their partner.
Fortune: *hands out notebook* Have fun and when your done hand it in to us host.
1 hour later
Host: *looking at the pictures*
Special:.. Gold.. Red.. please take art lessons.
Gold: Come on we spend 1 hour drawing it so at least appreciate it a little.
Mimi: But Gold.. your spend 1 hour why is Crystal a stick figure in the picture.
RS64: Red please don't just stop drawing mid way it was turning out pretty... eh.. good I guess..
Red: Sorry I got distracted half way drawing by Yellow.
Vanessa: Oh~ We forgive you this time.
Mimi: Alright next dare! All the girls to take "Tomboy or Girly Girl" test.
Special: *hand all the girls a laptop with a test already up* Take it and tell what you got.
10 minutes later
Blue: I got Girly Girl
Yellow: Tomboy
Crystal: Tomboy
Sapphire: Tomboy
Platinum: I got Girly Girl
White: I got Tomboy.
Girl Host but Special: *say what they get*
Special:.. Can I not say it...
Girls: You have to! We all said ours.
Special: Alright! I got Girly Girl! Happy now.
Girls: Yes we sure are.
Blade: so the next dare is to show Yellow and Gold, Red and Crystal their ship. *open a laptop and starts searching for the pictures*
Everyone: *circle around Blade*
Gold:... I.. don't want what to say..
Yellow: Why does picture of me and Red-san show up even though the keywords were me and Gold.
Urufu: That proves that a lot of people ship you and Red. Now put next dare is most likely not in favor by a few host.. Everyone has Gold personality for the next 3 dares.
Special and Zuraxy: Why his personality out of all the other ones!
Blaze: *turn everyone's personality into Gold personality*
Special: How next dare. The take a vote in their favorite and least favorite person. Then the people's favorite and least favorite are hooked up to a lie detector and every pokespe gets a ask one question. *passes out paper* Think carefully~
10 minutes later
Pokespe: My brain hurt....
Elesia: *tally up the votes* Alrighty so Yellow won for favorite and Gold won for least favorite.
Lavender: *hook Yellow and Gold up to a lie detector* Now ask your questions.
Red: Yellow who do you like.
Yellow: Red-san of course~
Blue: Gold who do you love with all your heart and might~
Gold: Crystal of course~ *winks at Crystal*
Crystal: *blushes* Gold are you a pervert.
Gold: Of course got! *lie detector starts beeping*
Sapphire: Gold are you stronger than Green
Gold: Of course. *lie detector starts beeping again*
Green: Yellow why did you start your journey.
Yellow:... I forgot *lie detector starts beeping*
Blue: Yellow~ it no use lying right now~
Yellow: Alright. It was to find Red-san.
The rest of the pokespe: *ask their question*
Gold and Yellow: *answer the question*
Special: 1 more dare before this awesome personality it gone~
Riot: Next dare is for all the host but the original two to stay for he rest of the chapter than everyone to have yellows personality.
Special: *change everyone's personality back and starts banging her head on a wall* That flirt and pervert personality doesn't fit Yellow!!
Sam: So by original that means the first two host.
Host but Special and Blade: *disappears*
Special: Alrighty so for everyone's personality to be Yellow's let do that next chapter since we have a few battles in this chapter~
Blade: Oh yea. Ruby will have to make outfit for everyone.
Ruby: Yas! *starts making the outfits*
Blade: While Ruby makes those clothing out next dare is for Yellow and Red to reach to their ships that written as a fanfics.
Special: *show Red and Yellow the fanfics*
15 minutes later
Red: Wow so in the whole book I didn't notice Yellow's feeling at all.
Yellow: *blushes* I-I didn't know people write such stuff.. it kinda embarrassing.
1 hour and 25 minutes later
Rudy: Finish. *hand everyone's their dress* Go and dress up now!
Everyone: *went in the dressing room and change*
Sapphire: I don't like this!
Gold: You always amazed me Prissy Boy. I have never seen any boy who can make such perfect clothing.
Ruby: Thanks Gold-san. Everyone looks absolutely Fabulous now Special you should come out.
Special: Over by dead body! I ain't gonna come out in this no matter what!!
Blade: Special just come out. Even Sapphire who hates dresses is wearing one plus remember this is a dare.
Special:.. Still no! This is too embarrassing!
Blue: Guys help me get her out. Boys grab the door while Crystal, Sapphire and Me will pull her out by force.
Boys: Ok. *pulls the door opens*
Blue, Crystal and Sapphire: *pull Special out by force*
Special:.. I hate you all.. why am I the only one wearing a kimono.
Blue: *takes a picture* Now I can blackmail Special~ hehe.
Green: Blue only do that if you have a death wish.
Blue: True I feel like she has more blackmail items on us than we have on her. Someone give us a dare that will allow us to tease or blackmail her!
Special:... Now the battle! Red against Gold *teleport everyone to the battle field* This is a 6 on 6 Pokemon battle between the Pokemon champion Red and Gold now battle begin!
Red and Gold: *sends out their pokemon*
1 hour later
Special: The winner is Red again. Now if we may.. let end this chapter now.
Gold: The answer is No. we don't end it this time until we reach 2,000 word counts so good luck.
Special: *sigh and a evil smile appear* Well, Well, Well~ Since Gold ask for this I think it would be my please to give you some of my dares that I have always wanted to do~
Blade: Gold you just ask for a death wish.
Special: Alright first dare! Green and Silver to dress up as a magical girls and speak these following lines~ *hand them a piece of paper*
Green and Silver: No way on each am I gonna say such line!
Blue: Greenie~ Silvy remember it a dare~
White: We even got you a perfect outfit that matches your name! *hand them the outfit and push them into the dressing room*
Green and Silver: *comes out after getting dressed up in the outfit* I hate you... Special..
Special: love you~ now say the lines and just telling you. If you say it plain and bored like then you have to redo it 50 times. *starts filming*
Green:.... Kira Kira Kiran! Mahou no Shojo Greenie sanjo! If you do any bad things I will take place as your mom and punish your!
Silver:... Kira Kira Kiran! Mahou no Shojo Silvy sanjo! I will use my magic and smile to heal you all up! *force a smiles out and winks*
Green: I am Greenie and this is Silvy.. w-we are the protector of this earth and.. *throws the magic wand at the ground* Like I would say such line!!
Blade: And cut!
Special: *stop the film* Green it was getting pretty good.
Silver: I am so happy you snapped there Green. I seriously didn't want to say my line.
Special: Come on. It isn't that bad. Here I can even read it out loud *takes Silvers paper* 'I am the magical and pretty protector of this earth. I will not accept anyone who destroys it so! Mafu Mafu Nya Nya Kiran! Mahou Shojo Silvy transform!' Now say it Silver. *films it*
Silver:.... I-I am the...... magical and pretty.. protector of this earth. I will not! Accepted anyone who destroys it so! M-Mafu Mafu N-Nya Nya Kiran. Mahou Shojo Silvy transform!....
Blade: *pat Green and Silver on the back* You guys did a great job.
Green: I never want I experience such shameful thing again.. my pride is seriously broken right now..
Silver: Same..
Special: next dare. Since Green and Silver did the pervious one dare that is actually quite embarrassing you guys are gonna skip this one dare!
Green and Silver: For real?!
Special: Yes this dare is a Double pokemon battle with no substitutions.
Green: Why do we get to skip this dare!
Special: Reasons~ Now the team~
Red and Blade
Blue and Gold
Crystal and Emerald
White and Diamond
Sapphire and Platinum
Special and Yellow
Pearl and Black
Ruby: Looks like I will be the ref. There is the list of who's gonna be going up against who.
Red and Blade vs. Pearl and Black
White and Diamond vs. Crystal and Emerald
Special and Yellow vs. Sapphire and Platinum
Ruby: so whoever finish their fight first will battle against Pearl and Black. Now battle begin!
2 hours later
Ruby: Finally battle. Specials and Yellow against Red and Blade. Send out your pokemon and let the battle begin!
Yellow, Special, Blade and Red: *sends out their pokemon*
Gold: Who do you bet is gonna win Green. Silver.
Green: I am getting on Red and Blade
Silver: Same goes for me.
Gold: Than I will go with Strawhat Gal and Lady Teaser.
45 minutes later
Ruby: Winner Special and Yellow.
Special: Yay! *hugs Yellow* Let do the ending Yellow since we are near 2000 words!
Yellow: Alright. Let do it Special.
Special and Yellow: PokespeYellow doesn't own pokespe!
With the rest of the Host
Host: Wow apparently we were only there for half a whole entire chapter
Katie: It seems like they have fun but... really why did we disappear off into the clouds and hide here who the whole time staring at them do dares.
Vanessa: For fun of course.
Prism: I guess it kinda nice to have a day off at times but isn't it kinda boring.
Mimi: Can't be helped. It was a dare but at least we will be back next chapter.
Host: Yay!
Special and Blade: *pops out of nowhere* Boo!
Host: *jumps backward* Not nice scaring people like this.
Special: It at least better than spying on us for a whole entire half of a chapter you know.
Elesia: Hate to admit it but.. Good point anyways~ shouldn't we end the chapter. It over 2000 words you know.
Special: Oh yea. Well bye~ Yandere Simulation Next chapter~ looks like I already know who the winner is without even the last 9 day of voting...
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