Guest Host
Special: Welcome back to Pokespe Truth or Dare. Your humble Host is back with another chapter. We will have a guest host today!
Pokespe: A what?!
Blade: Guest host.
Gold: I though we aren't having any more host.
Special: Guest host wont stay with us permanently. She or He will be here for a few chapters.
Black: Who thought of this crazy idea?
Special: Blame the author not me.... I wasn't me ok....
Everyone but Special: It was her idea...
Special: Time to get this story on the road!
Gold: no!!! Save me!!
Silver: Gold even if you call for a god or even goddess they won't even come. We all tried that.
Crystal: Even if they do save us we will still be torture the next chapter 10 times worst...
Special: Don't worry I will make this chapter end as quick as we can. Well now welcome guest Tundra.
Angel: Guys don't worry this times dares are quiet normal in some point of view...
Pearl: None of these dares are even near normal?!
Elesia: Well we got a dare for Blue to be Green's Servant and every time Special talks Green have to kiss Blue.
Special: Oh this is gonna be fun~
Green: * kisses Blue* Blue get me a drink
Blue: * gets Green his drink and hand it to him*
Dark: Next up is my dare. The pokespe to kiss who they would date if they were gay.
Red: * kisses Green*
Green: * kisses Red*
Gold: * kisses Silver*
Silver: * shrugs and kisses Gold*
Ruby: Can you make Wally appear....
Kip: * makes Wally appear*
Ruby: * kisses Wally*
Emerald: * kisses Ruby*
Diamond: * kisses Pearl*
Pearl: * kisses Diamond*
Black: Make N appear please.
Vanessa: * make N appear*
Black: * kisses N*
Special, Blue and Vanessa: * takes picture*
Shot: Now my dare. It for Gold and Crystal to do the pocky game upside down. Silver to climb Mount Everest.
Silver: I am off. * goes to Mount Everest and starts climbing it* It gonna take a long time to get up there.
Crystal and Gold: * starts bitting the pocky until they kiss*
Special: We can do another dare while we wait for Silver. Galaxy your turn.
Galaxy: Ok. Well I dare Gold.... A. Turn into a Magikarp, B. Fell off a cliff, C. Die from suffocation.
Gold: Easy! I pick A!
RS64: Gold substitute the A, B, C with 1, 2, 3.
Gold:.... Spare me... I did nothing other then read Special's dairy... oops I shouldn't have said that...
Special: Gold~ Your dead meat when this chapter ends~ *crack her knuckles*
Dan: * turns Gold into a Magikarp*
Gold: Karp! Karp!
Galaxy: * grabs Gold by the tail and throw him off a cliff* Have a fun journey.
Gold: Karp! Magikarp!!!
3 hours later
Urufu: * at the bottom of the cliff* Looks like he die from suffocation after all. *Revives Gold and turn him back to normal*
Gold: I am alive again.
Lavender: We are not done with the dares yet.
Mimi: we have a dare for Yellow to call a random number and ask if Reds there.
Yellow: * calls a random number* Hello is Red there?
Special: * goes outside and answer the call* Yas~ we kidnapped him~
Green: * kisses Blue*
Yellow: You kidnapped Red-san!
Red: Yellow I am over here.
Yellow: Red-san you escaped on your own?
Katie: Yellow Ref has always been here. That random number was Special's phone number.
Special: * laughing outside secretly*
Riot: Next dare is for Crystal to write 4 nasty comments to some YouTuber.
Crystal: * goes on YouTube and starts writing the most nasty comment she can come up with*
Fantasy: We have a date for Silver and Blue to lip Sync to the song Shake it off, by talon swift. Where is Silver anyways?
Prism: Probably still climbing Mount Everest.
Dark: * turns into the news channel.* ah guys.. there was an avalanche in Mount Everest..
Shot: Don't tell me Silver's cover underneath those snows...
Gold: That a definite..
Special: * teleports Silver back and revives him*
Silver: what happen? Where am I?
Kai: You are back in the house of tortures.
Sapphire: You were underneath the snows caused by an avalanche.
Silver:... Ok... what the dare now.
Natania: the dares if for you and Blue to lip sync the song Shake it off, by talon swift.
Blue and Silver: * starts lip sync to the song*
After the song.
Patty: That was awesome. I am impressed.
Galaxy: Well next dare is for Blade to kiss Special on the lips. * evil laughs* If you try to run I will tell Mew to use psychic on you can't move.
Special: * sigh* It no use running....
Green: * kisses Blue*
Blade: * kisses Special*
Special: Next dare.
Green: * kiss Blue*
Gold: Can't you blush of at least turn red?!
Special: Blush? I won't blush in front of you guys mainly you Gold. Cause if I do some people will tease me and you know who you are.
Green: * kisses Blue*
Idol: Next dare is for Gold to be put in the shark cage underwater.
Sam: * put Gold in the cage and throw the cage into the ocean*
Gold: * looks at the shark that around the cage*
2 hours later
Tundra: * teleport God back and revives him* Well that all for today.
Special: Gold do the ending and I give you 5 seconds to run.
Green: * kiss Blue*
Gold: PokespeYellow doesn't own Pokespe!! Help me God! Goddess! Mom! Silver! Crystal! Any host! Anyone!! * starts running away*
Special: * chase after Gold* Your dead meat!!!
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