Game Truth or Dare
???: Welcome back to- *pass out from being hit by a frying pan*
Blue: Guys I did it!
Silver: Who is this person? Should we tie him or her up just in case? Nya~
Black: *tie the person up to a tree*
Special: *jumping down the steps of the stairs with a cloth around her mouth* mmmfh! mmmmfft mfmtmt!
Green: What? Nya~
Special: mmmmfft mfmtmt!
Red: *untie the cloth* what were you trying to say.
Special: I was trying to say 'untie me now!'
Gold: Alright so who is this and why were you tied up?
Special: So I was in my room trying to set up today's dare plan but sudden this idiot decided to tie me up and rip the paper into million of pieces!! Now change of plans!
Pokespe: Thank you mysterious person you save us.
Blade: Well you guys are technically not saves. Don't forget this is Special your dealing with, she has more crazy plans in her mind than you can ever expect.
Vanessa: Plus she never said we aren't doing any dares today~
Black:.... NO!!!!!!!!
Host: No yelling Black!
White: It sure has been a long time since he screamed like that.
Pokespe but Black: Agree. It been a long time
Gold: Wait.. if she said change of plans then.. what are we doing this chapter then?
Special: It a new edition of truth or dare I thought of. We will play some games and whoever wins will get to chose the dare on the dare list.
Blue: So as long as we win we it will be fine.
Green: Don't make such conclusions so fast. There is something up on her sleeves and you know it. Nya~
Special: Look who's talking~ well your right~ in this dare list it all dares it involves you guys mainly so is host has no lose! *evil laugh*
Pokespe: Should have was that coming!
Fortune: Too late. Now let start with a simple card came. *passed a poker card to everyone until the whole deck is out*
Sam: Who starting?
Emerald: You can start. Anyways I was wondering.. how in the world are we gonna play this card game when like 3 card deck is combined all together?!
Sam: Well we did take out all the jokers in the other card other than one deck so we will be find *takes a card from Idol* .. eh! Joker on my fist try!
Idol: Hehe~ thank for taking the joker away *takes a card from Silver* Yay two six *sets the two six card down*
Few minutes later
Special: *looking at Gold with a cracky smile* Say Gold~why don't you just give up~ it just a game after all~
Gold: Why don't you give up if you say it just a game.
Special: Well I has certain reasons why I can't lose. *looks at the two card in Golds hand and picks a random one* Yesh!! It a King!!
Gold: NO! I lost!!
Special: yes! I ain't last! Yes!!
Everyone but Special and Gold: .... Their battle.... is so childish....
Silver and Green: Nya~
Blue: Since I won~ let me pick the dare I want~
Patty: *hand Blue the list* Here is the list.
Blue: *looks through the list* I pick the dare where Red and Yellow have a crush on each other again and have to go on a date!
Vanessa: *snaps her finger to teleport Red and Yellow out on their date* Done! I hope they have so much fun~
Zuraxy: Next game we will do a hide and seek contest. The person who survives the longest win and the ghost will be the loser of the pervious game. So that means it you gold.
Gold: Me!! Why?! I am one man and I have to find all you guys. It gonna take forever.
Host: Correction. Your a boy, not a man. It more like your not really entitled to the word man in our point of view.
Gold:... well that hurt you know.
Special: Gold we all love you *mumbles* I think...
Kaite: What Special is trying to say is that you will always be a little boy in our point of view cause you are too childish and not mature enough for your age.
Gold:.. Kaite that line you just said makes you sound like a mom.
Kaite:..... Your finding all of us. End of conversation. Count to one hundred while we all hide.
Golds: E-Eh!!
Zuraxy: Turn around and start counting!
Gold: *turns around and starts counting* 1!..... 2!... 3!...
Everyone else: *runs away and starts hiding in random places they think it a save*
Few minutes later
Gold: 98!... 99!... 100!!! Ready or not here I come! *starts running all around*
Time skip to after this hide and seek game~
Gold: *out of breath* F-Finally... I found you all.
Kai: I though my spot you wouldn't ever find me in my spot.
Green: I gotta agree. How did you even manage to find all the host?? Nya~
Gold: Well. After we have been with them for 5000 chapters I am pretty sure you will at least have a hint on where their hiding.
Crystal: Gold, we have only been with them for 50 chapters
Gold: Well it seems like 5000. Apparently Special survive the longest. So she wins.
Special: Yay! I pick the date where Gold and Crystal have to kiss!
Gold: Finally! A dare I actually don't have to die in!!
Crystal:... Do we have to kiss?
Lumi: Yes. It a D-A-R-E remember. You have two choices Crystal. You either kiss him ok your own will or we will use our power and make you guys kiss by accident~
Crystal: *grab Gold by the collar and kisses him while blushing badly*
Gold: *kiss back*
Blue and Vanessa: *takes pictures*
Special: *filming the whole thing*
Gold and Crystal: *pulls away and looks away from each other blushing*
Shot: I think it about time we get back to the normal truth or dare way.
Dark: Yep we should. We have more dares to get though and by this pace if we don't change it back it will be more than 2000 words.
Green: So? We wouldn't mind it being 2000 more words. Nya~
Special: Well.. your not the one typing. Well we're going back into the usual truth or dare style. Fire the dares Host!
Prism: All the Pokespe to battle Red, Green and Blue. Yellow can get out of this. *teleport everyone to the battle field*
Sun: So how does this battle work?
Fantasy: So it gonna be a three on three battle with no substitution. The host can participate if they want but I think we will sit out on this one.
Special: If everyone goes it will take forever so us host will sit out on this one unless we have be sub in for someone.
Riot: So Red, Green and Blue and change their Pokemon after each round if they want to. Mega-Evolution and Z-Moves are allow. The winner will be announced when Red, Green and Blue's Pokemon have all been defeated.
Rakutsu: This seems fun. Does the winner an reward?
Katie: No but we can make an expectation on having an reward on whoever wins. It not like it gonna hurt and moreover, I like it will get you guys fire up more.
Special: Alright then. The reward will be that the winner gets to have Host power for a whole chapter!
Pokespe: For real?!
Green and Silver: Nya~
Special: I never take back on my words so now~ get ready to battle!
Y: Ah.. we have a problem. I just counted everyone who's gonna be battling Red-san, Green-san and Blue-san. It turns out we have an odd number that won't split evenly.
Mimi: Since there's 17 of you, all you need is one more person. Who's willing to go in and battle?
Host: I rather watch this intense battle.
Mimi: Well Gold, your lucky today. Since you like to battle why don't you battle two times.
Gold: Yay!
Sapphire: But I also want to battle them again!
Black: Same goes for me!
Lavender:.... *sigh* Why are they fighting over this when the Pokémon battle hasn't even started? Should we teleport... W-Wally here?
Urufu: Looks like that the only choice we have to stop them from fighting over this small thing *make Wally Appear*
RS64: Wally your be joining everyone in this Pokemon battle. So the rules are like this *repeats everything said before* Oh! Good news you to Green and Silver. You can return to your normal self for this dare.
Green and Silver: .......... *secretly happy*
Wally: Ok. I will do my best.
Special: Alrigh! First group will be the Johto Trio! Send out your Pokemon and let this battle begin!
Kanto and Johto: *sends out their Pokemon*
Host: Battle Begin!
An hour later
Blaze: Red, Blue and Green wins this round! Good try guys. It was a close one.
Gold: That was so close!!
Crystal: We were so close in winning.
Silver: We need to train more.
Blade: The next battle will be the Hoenn against Kanto. Send out your Pokemon and let this battle begin.
Hoenn and Kanto: *sends out their Pokemon*
45 minutes later
Angel: Winner! Kanto Trio! Great battle guys.
Sapphire: Thank.
Ruby: I need a brush! Water and Towel right now! My Pokemon are so dirty!
Angel:... *sigh* All the beauty tools are inside. You need to stop freaking out over such little thing.
Ruby: Little thing! As a coordinator, it isn't a little thing! I- *gets push inside by Kip*
Kip: Yeah we know. You have already complaint about this so many times during the book that even I can memorize everything you say. *push Ruby inside*
Ruby: But this is my fi-
Special: Just go and make your Pokemon beautiful again. Next battle will be the Sinnoh Trio against the Kanto! Send out your Pokemon!
Kanto and Sinnoh: *sends out their Pokemon*
Elesia: Battle begins!
40 minutes later
Elesia: Winner.... *drum rolls* Kanto Trio!!! Nice try. You can do it next time. Well next we have Black, White and Rakutsu against the Kanto Trio. Send out your Pokemon and let see another amazing battle!
Kanto, Black, White and Rakutsu: *sends outs their Pokemon*
45 minutes later
Vanessa: So close... the winners are Green, Blue and Red!
Special: That their 4th win in a row right?
RS64: Yes. If their don't win then who will?
Special: Good question. Next battle we will have X, Y and Faitsu against Red, Green and Blue! Send your Pokemon!
Kanto, Kalso and Faitsu: *sends out their Pokemon*
1 hour later
Prism: So so so close... Winner is still our battle field king/queen. The Kanto Trio.
Sam: Last battle round! Moon, Sun and Wally against our kings and queen of the battle field. Let see who's gonna win.
Alola, Kanto and Wally: *sends out their Pokemon*
55 minutes and 30 seconds and 11 milliseconds later~
Special: ... Our.. Winner who's gonna get the rewards is............. *drum rolls*
Special: The Kanto Trio! Next chapter you will have powers! Congratulations!!!!
Red: I had a lot of fun battling everyone.
Green: You guys trained your Pokemon well.
Blue: Great job you guys. Even if you didn't win. You can always try next time.
Special: let us host give you hugs all around of applause.
Host: *claps their hand together*
Vanessa: Next dare~ I get to kill Gold~
Gold:... oh no.. *starts running away*
Special: *hand Vanessa a knife and a sword* Have fun~
Vanessa: I will be off~ *grab the knife and sword, runs after Gold* Get back here!
Gold: No!!! I ain't stupid enough to stop running if I know I will die!
Vanessa and Gold: *continue their run and chase*
Idol: Next dare will be for Blue and Green to go on a date and Green have to comply to all of Blue's command.
Green: Heck no Nya~

Blue: Let go on a date now Greenie~
Green: N- Yes..... wait! Why did my mouth move on it's own! Nya~
Idol: *looks away whistling*
Green: You.. Nya~
Blue: Let go Greenie! *drag Green out*
Special:.. Elesia, Blaze, Blade, Fantasy, Shot, Dark, Kai... spy on their date and report back to me on how epic it is~ remember.. do everything you could to make sure they have an 'exciting' date~
Elesia, Blaze, Blade, Fantasy, Shot, Dark and Kai: Yes ma'am *goes out and spy on Blue and Green*
Patty: Next dare is for Sapphire and Ruby to Battle. *teleport the two to the battle field* This is a Pokemon battle between Sapphire the wild girl and Ruby the prissy boy! Battle begin!
Sapphire: *sends out Pokemon* Who ya calling Wild Girl!
Ruby: *sends out Pokemon* I ain't a prissy boy!
Sapphire and Ruby: *starts battling*
back with everyone that inside.
Mimi: It boring waiting for them to finish battling.
Special: Well let all take a nap while we can~
Vanessa: *comes back holding a Gold's dead body* All done.
Special: Since were all gonna be taking a nap now. Why don't we leave Gold dead for a while until we wake up?
Crystal: I guess that would be fine. I guess we don't have to be worried about someone drawing on our face while we're asleep.
Katie: Well then let all sleep
Everyone in the room: *goes to sleep*
A few hour later
Blaze: That was fun. *opens the door to see everyone cover in blood* ... did a killer suddenly appeared in the house and killed them all?
Elesia: Seems like it.
Blue: *pop out of nowhere* There no way a killer could kill all of them. If one dies than the other host will revive them.
Blade: Where did you pop out of.
Green: *appears out of nowhere* That not a question you should ask now. Let try to save them while we ca-
Special: *opens eyes and look over towards the door* Oh guys. Welcome back!
Blaze, Blade, Elesia, Fantasy, Shot, Dark, Kai, Green and Blue:..... ZOMBIE!!
Green: Nya~
Special: Who you calling Zombie! I ain't dead yet!
Shot: Then why is there flood everywhere?!
Special:.. I think one of us was sleep walking and accidentally grabbed Gold and swung him like a bat. His blood spilled everywhere and.. it ended like this. *snals finger to cleans all the host and Pokespe up that cover in blood*
Vanessa: What with the loud screaming of Zombie? Is an zombie apocalypse happening right now?
Kai: Ah no and I hope it never happens
Special: Guys let end this now *yawns* Time to do disclaimer. Sun and Moon. Do the disclaimer.
Moon and Sun: How does the disclaimer go?
Kip: Can't blame them for not knowing. We haven't done the disclaimer for a while.
Special: Well then.. Red, Green, Blue and Yellow. Do this ending now.
Kanto: PokespeYellow doesn't own Pokespe.
Special: before we ends~ right now we have a total of 24 girls and 21 boys that including the pokespe. 45 people in the book so far so... yay~ everyone dare are gonna appear sooner it later so please wait. Well bye now!
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