Chapter 3: Hello Brocko!
While on the way to Pewter to see Brock and his fiancé, Lily, Ash stopped at a key spot in his travels. The river bank where he met Misty.
"I remember it like it was yesterday." Ash stated to Pikachu.
"Pikachupi Pika pik chu." (Misty saved us that day.)
"You got that right. If she wouldn't have fished us out of that river we would have most likely drowned. Or worse, we would have survived and lived our lives without Misty."
These words startled Pikachu. 'Did he just say he would have rather died then not have met Misty?' Pikachu asked himself in his head.
He was just about to ask Ash about this when all of a sudden he took a small piece of fabric out of his bag. When he unraveled the fabric it contained a small fishing lure.
"Pikachu pika pi chu pi?" (Are those what I think they are?)
"Yeah. These are both the handkerchief and fishing lure Misty gave me before we split up." Tears began to build up in his eyes.
Pikachu was shocked that he still had these items from so far in the past, but before he could ask any questions Ash stood up and started to walk towards Pewter more determined to get there than ever.
1 and a Half Hours Later
Ash was standing outside the Pewter City Gym staring at the doorway, both excited and afraid to go in.
"What if he hates me Pikachu?" A frown shot across Ash's face.
"Pik pik pika chu chu pikachu pi pi pikachu?" (If he hated you then why would he ask you to be his best man?)
Ash looked back at the double doors. He was about to go in until he looked over and saw the doorbell to his right. This gave him an idea and a smirk appeared on his face.
"Hey Pikachu. Follow my lead." Ash said chuckling to himself.
Brock POV:
"Hey honey, watcha doin?" I questioned my fiancé in a loving way before wrapping my arms around her waste, while she cooked breakfast.
"Just cooking my soon-to-be-husband some scrambled eggs." Lily said in a sensual voice.
"Well ain't that nice. What's the occasion?"
"I didn't know there had to be a special occasion for me to make my fiancé breakfast." She then turned toward me and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Well you don't. But we can always make it special." I said in my sexy voice.
"Hahaha." She giggles. "I don't know about you, but I like the sound of that."
I pulled her into a kiss. It was one of the most passionate kisses we've had in a while. I then start to make my way down to her neck. Just when I was about to make my next move...
"DING DONG!" The doorbell rang
"Come on! Can't I ever get a break?" I exclaim. Lily just giggles and turns back around to focus on breakfast.
"Duty calls." I start towards the door to initiate the first gym battle of the day, but right before I could turn around Lily grabbed me the collar and pulled me in close.
"Okay baby. Hey maybe you can close the gym early tonight and I can let you have that break you want so badly." Lily said in a seductive voice.
"That's a deal." I brought her in for one last kiss. "How did I ever get so lucky to have someone like you in my life."
"Well your rugged good looks and perfect personality are two key factors there." She said, while bringing me into a hug.
"DING DONG!" The doorbell rang again.
"Coming!" I yelled so they could hear me.
"Love you Brock." Lily gives me one last kiss before I make my way to the front door.
"Love you to sugar."
Once I get to the front doors, I open them up and find out that there is no one there. So I close them and start making my way back to kitchen.
'Maybe we can finish our little... training session before my first battle.' I snicker to myself after that thought, but just as I rounded the corner...
"DING DONG!" The doorbell rang again.
I made my way back the to doors, opened them, and once again there was no one there.
"Daa-aa-a... darn teenagers." I correct myself in order to avoided the beating that would occur if I cursed again.
'That was a close one.' I exclaim in my head, while a sweatdrop appears on my forehead.
I head back inside once again and just as I round the corner...
"DING DONG!" The doorbell chimed again.
"That's it!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I rush to the front doors and opened them. To my immediate surprise there is a Pikachu sitting on the front lawn. I walk out there and pick him up, oblivious to what was about to occur.
"Hey buddy are you lost." I ask the Pikachu as I tickle the top of his head.
"Chaaaa!" The Pikachu exclaimed.
"You know you remind me of this Pikachu I used to know that belonged to my best friend."
"Wow! I didn't think you thought of me as your best friend." I hear from behind me.
This causes me to jump up with fright. A sweatdrop formed on my forehead when I realized what just happened. I turn around and Ash was on the ground dying of laughter.
"Jesus Ash!" I exclaim. I started to chuckle lightly. "You scared the sh*t out of..." Before I could finish my sentence I realized the huge mistake I just made.
"BROCK TAKESHI HARRISON DID YOU JUST CURSE!!!" I hear my fiancé scream from inside the gym.
"Y-yes." I am completely frightened of what is to come next.
"You know that break we were talking about earlier?"
'Please God no.' I thought in my head.
"You can official mark that as CANCELLED!" I let out a sigh after hearing this.
I look over to Ash who has got up, dusted off, and is staring at me with an apologetic expression on his face and a sweatdrop on his forehead.
"Sorry about that Brock." Ash said, clearly knowing what she meant by "break".
"It's okay Ash. At least your not as dense as you used to be." We both start to laugh.
"Hey the ball-and-chain is fixing breakfast this morning if you want any." I joke in a low voice so my fiancé doesn't hear.
"That sounds nice." And with that we walk inside to eat and catchup on life.
Ash and I set up on the couch after breakfast and start to talk about what had been going on in each other's lives.
"So what brings you both here Ash?" I ask.
"Me and Pikachu just wanted to check up on an old friend. Isn't that right buddy." Ash began to rub Pikachu on the head.
"Chaaaa!" Pikachu exclaimed clearly agreeing with Ash's statement.
Ash looked back at me. "Plus I heard about the proposal. I'm so happy for you Brock."
"Thank you Ash. Lily is exactly what I needed to complete my life and I thank God everyday for bringing her to me."
"You said it buddy. Man, speaking of God, it's been forever since I've been to church."
"Hey if you ever want to go with Lily and I you are more than welcome to. Besides you know how Waterflowers are with going to church." I then nudge him with my elbow with a smirk on my face.
"Yeah I know. I remember one time Misty and I actually went to Church one morning in Viridian. It was pretty nice too."
"Man I miss when we used to travel together. Having no worries except for each other and the road ahead." I said reminiscing the good old days.
"Yeah I know what you mean. With me though I could care less about the traveling. I just want us to be together again." A frown formed on Ash's face.
Whether he knew it or not, I knew what he meant by "us". It didn't bother me though. I know what its like to be in love. The only thing I don't get is the not knowing it part.
"Well I better head out before it gets dark Brock. I need to get to Cerulean to see Misty as soon as possible." Ash said in a determined voice, while trying to wake the sleeping Pikachu in his lap.
'Or maybe he has figured it out.' I told myself in my head. A small smile found its way to my face.
"What for? You just got here."
"Man you sound like my mom." He said chuckling. "I just want to catch up with all of my friends as soon as possible."
'Maybe not.' I thought.
"Why? So you can disappear for another 6 years." I started to laugh, but I realized how harsh that sounded and I immediately regretting saying it.
Ash just looked at me with nothing but anguish and hurt in his eyes.
"Hey I'm sorry man. I didn't mean it like that."
"No it's alright dude. I deserved that. I haven't been a good friend here lately all because of some stupid dream. Well now that it's all over things are going to change." Ash said with tears threatening to run down his cheeks. "I promise I will be a better friend to you. To everyone!" Ash yelled finally breaking down. I brought him in for a hug.
"Hey it's okay Ash I get why you left. We all do. And we're happy that you accomplished your dream and we're even happier now that your back." I said reassuringly, which cheered him up.
"Now about you going to see Misty. You won't be able to see her in Cerulean."
"Why not?" Ash looked at me puzzled.
"Because she's here in Pewter staying at the hotel in town. She has been helping me plan the wedding these past couple of weeks and she decided to close the gym down to do so." Hearing this makes Ash ecstatic.
"Well great! I need to go see her right now!" Ash exclaims, clearly happier than he has been in a while.
"Woah slow your role. The thing is Misty, Tracey, Gary, and I are meeting at a cafe in town to hang out tomorrow." I explain to Ash. "Maybe we can surprise everyone with a visit and knock three people off your list of visits at once."
"Well that sounds... Wait did you just say..." and before Ash could finish I stopped him knowing exactly what he was going to ask.
"Yes Gary is going to be there. But trust me when I say this. He is a better person now. Ever since him and Violet got together, he has really changed." I explain to Ash, knowing he wouldn't believe me until he saw this with his own eyes.
"If you say so." Ash said sarcastically, while simultaneously rolling his eyes.
'Told you.' Brock thought to himself.
"Well if that's the case then it sounds great! I just need a place to stay."
"I'll see what I can do."
I then put a finger up telling Ash to give me one second.
"Hey honey is it okay for Ash to stay in the guest bedroom till tomorrow?" I yell across the house so Lily can hear me.
"Sure, I don't mind! Hey Ash!"
"Hey Lily how have you been!"
"Good just spending time with Brock before the wedding! Well I'm going to bed! Goodnight!" She then heads back into our room to call in for the night.
"Goodnight!" We both yell
"Well make yourself at home." I tell Ash, motioning him to his room for the night.
"Thank you so much!" Ash exclaims. He starts to yawn. "Man all that traveling to get here is really putting an effect on me. I think I'm going to call it a night"
"Alright pal. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Brocko"
'I missed that nickname.' I thought to myself before leading him and the sleeping Pikachu in his arms to the guest room and returning to my room on the other side of the house.
'Man I can't believe how much we have aged since Ash and I first met. Time flies doesn't it.' I thought to myself before walking into my bedroom.
I walk in and notice my fiancé on the bed with rose peddles everywhere.
"Hey honey?" She asks in a sexy voice.
"Yes my River Lily?"
"About that break." She then put her finger up and gestured for me to come closer.
I slam the door shut and locked it, grinning from ear to ear. You can guess how the rest of my night went after that.
And that's Chapter 3. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and please stick around for the fourth chapter. Once again this is Tex signing off. Peace!
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