"Ash, hurry up! We need to get on the road if we want to make it to the Indigo Plateau in time for the party and your official introduction!" Misty called out to her boyfriend from downstairs. She was at the front door, car keys in hand, waiting for him.
"Almost done Mist! Give me another minute or two!" Ash reached over and grabbed his suitcase. "Why don't you go ahead and start the car!"
"Okay Babe! Don't be too long!" Misty warned before closing the front door behind her and getting in the car. Once Ash was sure that she was out of the house, he rushed to the closet and grabbed the velvet box hidden in the top corner.
'I definitely don't want her to see you just yet huh?' Ash thought as he opened the box for confirmation that the diamond ring was still there. When it was revealed that it was, Ash hid the velvet box inside his suitcase and made his way out of the room, down the staircase, out the front door, and loaded his suitcase into the back of the car.
Ash then got into the car and looked back to where Pikachu was sitting. He smiled at him before reaching over and buckling his seat belt. When he was done, however, he realized that they weren't moving. He looked over to Misty and noticed that she was staring out of the front window, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings.
Ash reached over and shook her shoulder lightly. It managed to bring her back into the real world and she looked at Ash. "You okay Misty?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Ash." She stated reassuringly. However, despite her earlier statement, she looked down and started to cry.
Ash reached his left arm around her neck and rested his right hand on her thigh. "Hey, don't cry. What's the matter? You know you can tell me."
What puzzled Ash was that Misty looked up with a smile on her face. "I told you I'm fine. In fact, I've never felt better." Misty brought Ash into a sudden hug. "I just can't believe this is all finally happening. I was beginning to think it never would." Misty smirked at Ash while wiping the tears from her eyes.
"HEY!" Ash yelled.
"What? You know I was just kidding." Misty began to laugh.
"It still hurt though." Ash mumbled to himself.
This only made Misty laugh even more and it made Ash furious. He then forcefully grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss. Misty was a little shocked at first, but soon settled into the kiss and was soon in total bliss. The kiss was one of the most passionate and pleasuring kisses that she had ever been a part of and she never wanted it to end. The intensity of the kiss never ceased to increase and their tongues were soon exploring each other's mouths.
Despite how much Misty enjoyed the kiss, Ash suddenly pulled away and smirked. Misty, at first, didn't register what had happened and it took her a couple of seconds to process everything. After she had finally gotten herself together, Misty wiped the drool from the sides of her mouth and proceeded to beat Ash over the head.
Ash could only laugh through the pain as he desperately tried to block the incoming blows from the steaming redhead next to him. "Just call that payback for what you said." Ash grinned.
Misty glared at Ash for a few seconds before buckling her seat belt, starting the car, and beginning the long drive to the Indigo Plateau. After a few more seconds of silence, Misty spoke up. "I'll show you payback smart ass. I'll make you wait longer than marriage if you keep messing with me."
"Give me a break!" Ash exclaimed. "By the time we get back home from the wedding, you will be begging for it."
Misty wheezed at this and started to die of laughter, almost driving off the road in the process. "Y-you..." She couldn't even speak properly because of how intense her laughter was. "Y-you r-really think t-that?" She asked while wiping the tears from her eyes. At this point, she had brought the laughter down to a light chuckle and was able to talk normally again. "Because, if I remember correctly, I didn't grope your manhood while we were making out last week."
Misty noticed that Ash was dead silent after she said this, so she looked over for a second to check on him. She noticed that he was staring out of his window and, when Misty thought back to what she had said, she realized just how harsh it had sounded.
She reached over and placed her hand on his knee and sighed. "I'm sorry Ash. I didn't mean for that to sound so rude." She looked over again and saw that Ash was looking at her now and she smiled at him before looking back toward the road. "I'm not mad at you about that anymore. I hope you know that. I also understand why you did it. I wish we could take the next step to, but we just simply can't." She leaned over and rested her head on Ash's shoulder. She then looked up and into his eyes for a second and smirked. "Not yet at least."
Ash smiled at this and rested his hand on her thigh again. "I love you Mist."
"I love you too Ash." She paused for a second and sighed happily. "Now how about we lighten the mood and listen to some mus..." Before she could even finish her sentence, Ash was already at work putting a music disk into the radio.
"I GET FIRST PICK!" Ash exclaimed.
"Alright, but it better not be any of that rap shit you listen to sometimes!"
"First of all, it's called hip-hop and, second of all, what's wrong with it?" Ash smirked. He already knew and heard it a hundred times before, but it got on Misty's nerves and he deeply enjoys doing that.
"Ash you know why! It's literally nothing but cursing for 5 minutes straight, or at least the people you listen to! I get that I do my fair share, but that is a whole different level!"
"Alright, fine! We shall listen to something else." Ash smirked. He just had a brilliant idea. Pikachu saw his grin and knew what was about to happen, so he covered his ears.
Ash took out the hip-hop CD and put another one in its place. He pressed play and awaited the eruption that was about to come from every stereo in the car. Suddenly, heavy metal began to play and it was so loud that it made Misty jump.
"But Misty. Why don't you like this? It matches your personality perfectly." Ash joked.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?" Misty started to hit Ash, swerving all over the road in the process and kept yelling at him to turn off the dreaded music. This would be a fun car ride to say the least.
And that's all folks! I hope ya'll enjoyed it and I'll talk to ya'll in the next one. Peace!
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