Miracles and Surprises
"Infernape is unable to battle!" The referee announced. "Crobat is the winner of this round! Ash, you may now choose your next Pokémon!"
Ash looked down to his belt and gulped. Agatha had taken down three of his Pokémon at that point, while Ash had taken down only two of her's. However, even though he was losing, the battle wasn't decided yet and he could potentially turn it around in his favor. He just needed a small miracle.
Ash looked to the Pikachu on his shoulder. "Think you can do something here buddy?"
"Pika pi!" Pikachu exclaimed as he bounded out to the arena, eager to make up for his horrible loss against Bruno. He took his stance and the battle was ready to commence.
"Crobat, use Poison Fang!" Agatha called out to her Pokémon.
The bat swooped down and brought out its fangs, eager to sink them into its opponent.
"Pikachu, counter attack with Iron Tail!" The electric mouse dashed forward and jumped into the air. Before Crobat could get close enough to sink its fangs into his flesh, Pikachu's tail turned to steel and he smashed it into the top of the Pokémon's head.
Crobat hit the ground hard and was struggling to get back up. 'This is it!' Ash thought. 'This is what we needed!'
"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt and put it down for good!" Pikachu looked back at Ash and nodded before jumping into the air to unleash the devastating electric attack.
"Crobat, move out of the way!" Agatha cried. Unfortunately, Crobat didn't hear in time and the super effective attack hit with full force.
Crobat cried out in pain before fainting. The Pokémon was already injured from its fight against Infernape and Pikachu's combination of Iron Tail and a super-effective electric attack was enough to do him in.
"Crobat is unable to battle! Agatha may now choose her next Pokémon!"
Agatha reached for her next Pokéball and threw it out. "Arbok, I choose you!"
The snake formed from the bright red light that came from the Pokéball and coiled up into a ball. It hissed at Pikachu and prepared for the first attack.
"Pikachu, use Volt Tackle!" Ash called out. Pikachu listened and began to build up speed as he ran. Once he reached maximum velocity, electricity started to form around him until he was completely surrounded by it.
"Arbok, use Leer!" The Pokémon shot up and stood as tall as it possibly could. He gave Pikachu a sinister look and as soon as he saw Arbok the move took its effect. The fear that started to course throughout his body caused Pikachu to lose focus and trip on himself, sending him flying across the stadium and hitting the ground.
Pikachu got back up and backed away from Arbok. The opponent's last move, Leer, caused Pikachu to become scared and lowered his defense in the process. The move lasts for a while and if Ash can't think of something in time then Arbok could easily take Pikachu out.
"Pikachu, use Double Team!" Ash thought that if he could distract the Arbok for long enough then the effects could potentially wear off in time for Pikachu to take him out.
'It's worth a shot.' Ash thought.
Pikachu looked back at Ash and nodded. He then split into his copies and made them run straight at Arbok.
"Arbok, use Acid and take them out!" The snake shot the toxic goo in front of him and managed to take out all of the copies at once. "Now use Wrap on Pikachu!"
'Come on!' Ash thought. 'We only need a little more time!'
"Pikachu, use Quick Attack and run from him!" Ash screamed. Arbok was just about to grab Pikachu when he bolted in the opposite direction.
Despite the snake's best efforts, Pikachu was significantly faster than it and he continued to run circles around Arbok to avoid being captured. after a while, Ash noticed that Pikachu was beginning to slow down.
"Come on Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed. "I know you're tired, but you have to keep it up! I know you can!"
Pikachu was determined to not let Ash down again and powered on. Leer only had a little while longer before the effect would wear off, but Pikachu was becoming more tired by the second.
Eventually, Ash knew what was coming. Pikachu had slowed down too much for it not to happen.
"Arbok, he's slowed down! Catch him with Wrap!" Arbok did as he was told and waited for the right moment. When that moment finally came, the snake shot forward, grabbing Pikachu and wrapping him up in the process.
"SQUEEZE HIM TILL HE FAINTS!" Agatha screamed. Arbok started to squeeze Pikachu harder and harder. Pikachu cried in pain but refused to back down.
"Come on Pikachu. We only need a little while longer." Ash whispered.
Despite Pikachu's cries of agony, Arbok continued to tighten his grip. However, right when everything was thought to be lost, the fear in Pikachu's eyes went away.
Pikachu, despite being on the brink of fainting, heard Ash and mustered up everything he had left to give.
"Pika... CHUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" Pikachu managed to unleash the most powerful Thunder attack he had ever released and fried the Arbok. Once the devastating attack was over, Pikachu could feel Arbok's grip loosen, eventually dropping him to the ground.
Pikachu stood up and walked a few steps before stumbling and falling back down. Ash rushed out to the arena and picked up Pikachu.
"You did great buddy. I think you might have just won this fight for us." Ash whispered into his ear.
"GOOD JOB YOU TWO!!!!" The two looked over and saw Misty giving them both a thumbs up. They both gave one back and smiled
Pikachu looked up and cuddled into Ash's chest and cooed as Ash took him back to his side of the battlefield and laid him down to rest.
"Both Pokémon are unable to battle!" The referee announced. "Each trainer has two Pokémon left! Trainers, choose your next combatants!"
Ash reached to his belt and unleashed one of the strongest Pokémon on his line up. "Garchomp, I choose you!"
The Pokémon had evolved from the Gible that he captured during his early adventures a few years ago, while Ash was on one of his journeys. When he returned, Ash decided to start training him and he eventually became one of the strongest Pokémon he had ever owned.
The crowd roared at the sight of the Psudeo-Legendary. During the finals at the Indigo League Conference, Garchomp was able to wipe a full team of 6 by itself without the help of any of Ash's other Pokémon. It was one of the many examples of how successful a trainer Ash really is and Garchomp immediately became a crowd favorite after that point.
Some people even say that he beats out Ash's Charizard in power, which is saying a lot! Agatha looked at Garchomp and one expression came to her face. One of worry.
"Dusknoir, I choose you!" Agatha threw out her Pokéball and the Pokémon formed.
The two Pokémon took their battle stances and the referee made his announcement. "The battle may commence!"
"Dusknoir, use Shadow Ball!" The Pokémon built up a purple ball of energy in its hands before shooting it in Garchomp's direction.
"Garchomp, use Dragon Tail to hit it back!" Garchomp took his stance and waited for his moment. As the ball of energy grew closer, Garchomp's tail started to glow green. Once the ball got close enough, Garchomp reared back and hit it with his tail like a baseball and increased the speed and lethality of the attack tenfold.
Before Agatha could even make an attempt at warning her Pokémon, the Shadow Ball crashed into Dusknoir. The impact caused a massive explosion of dark energy and sent the Pokémon flying into the stadium's wall.
Dusknoir laid on the ground for a few seconds before attempting to get back up. Garchomp looked back to Ash who simply nodded. Garchomp already knew what to do. He just needed Ash's permission first.
Garchomp started to glow a bright blue as he dashed forward at lightning speed. Dusknoir had just got back off the ground when he was pummeled by a fully charged Dragon Rush. The ghost-type Pokémon fainted on contact and was sent back into the wall.
The crowd went absolutely nuts. They had never seen a Pokémon take down an Elite 4 member's Pokémon that fast before. Apparently Agatha hadn't either because she was absolutely speechless.
She returned the fainted Pokémon and then reached down and grabbed her last Pokéball, holding it in her hands until the referee gave the go-ahead. "Dusknoir is unable to battle! This means that Ash has two Pokémon left, while Agatha has one! Agatha you may now choose your next and final Pokémon!"
She tossed the Pokéball into the air and caught it before throwing it toward the arena full force. "This is it! Gengar, give it all you've got!" The ghost-type stuck its tongue out at Garchomp before taking a battle stance.
Ash thought the battle was ready to begin, until, suddenly, Agatha pulled up her sleeve and revealed a mega stone.
"Gengar, I call upon you to release your full power! I call upon you to... MEGA EVOLVE!!!" She yelled as she pressed the stone on her bracelet.
Gengar was immediately consumed by glowing light and evolved into Mega Gengar. Ash saw this and turned his hat backward. This was going to be a difficult fight to say the least.
"Are you two ready?" The referee asked. The two trainers simply nodded. They were too focused to speak.
"Then I don't see why this battle should be held out any longer! Let the battle... COMMENCE!"
"Gengar, use Confuse Ray!" Gengar planted himself to the ground and shot the ray toward Garchomp.
"Garchomp, use Dig to dodge it!" Garchomp jumped up into the air and dove into the ground, dodging Gengar's attack in the process. He would be staying underground until Ash gives the signal.
"Stay vigilant Gengar!" Agatha reminded her Pokémon. "He could come up at any..." Suddenly, Ash gave his next move.
"Garchomp, come up and use Flamethrower close range!" Garchomp immediately shot out of the ground and landed directly behind Gengar. Garchomp was about to unleash his attack when the unexpected happened.
"Gengar, use Ice Punch!" Gengar's fist became encased in ice as he whipped around and gut-punched Garchomp. The devastating attack sent him skidding backward about 20 feet until he finally came to a stop before dropping to his knees.
'Garchomp can't take to many super effective hits like that!' Ash told himself in his head. 'Another good hit like that and Garchomp is sure to go down!'
"Garchomp, you okay buddy!" Ash called to his Pokémon. Garchomp looked up and smirked at Ash before getting back on his feet and taking a battle stance.
Misty got to her feet and began chanting. "GARCHOMP! GARCHOMP! GARCHOMP!"
Just like in Ash's first battle, Misty managed to get the chant to spread and the entire stadium was eventually screaming for Ash and his Pokémon.
Brock looked over and started to laugh at Misty. He went to look away until he noticed something on her ring finger. For the first time in his life, his eyes opened up wide and his mouth dropped to the floor.
"WAIT, WHAT!!!!!!!!" Delia, May, Dawn, and Serena all screamed together.
Misty glared at Brock, which told him everything he needed to know. She was going to kill him.
Brock chuckled nervously and got up from his seat. "I-I'm going to g-go get something from the c-concession stand!" He exclaimed as he ran from Misty's rath. Misty just rolled her eyes as she looked back to her future husband's battle.
"Garchomp, use Sandstorm!" Garchomp obeyed and built up a massive wind storm that caused the whole arena to be consumed by sand.
Gengar was currently getting whelped by the sand and couldn't see. "Gengar, use Psychic and get rid of this sand!"
Gengar's eyes began to glow as he dispersed the sand away from the arena. Suddenly, it was revealed that Garchomp was right behind him.
"Garchomp, use Crunch!" Ash commanded. Garchomp grabbed Gengar and bit down on his shoulder. The dark-type attack was super-effective and did major damage against Gengar.
"Gengar, get him off of you!" Agatha yelled to her Pokémon. Gengar desperately slung Garchomp around to try and get him off. After a few attempts, Gengar was successful and threw him off.
Garchomp landed and awaited Ash's next command. "Garchomp, use Dragon Rush!"
Garchomp glowed a bright blue and then rushed forward in a blaze of speed. As he grew closer, Agatha made her move.
"Gengar, slow him down with Icy Wind!" Gengar sucked in air and unleashed a heavy breeze of cold air and ice toward Garchomp.
The dragon-type rushed into it headstrong and immediately started to slow down. The ice and cold winds were taking their toll on Garchomp and were draining his health pretty quickly.
Garchomp looked over and saw the thousands of fans jumping up and down screaming his name. He then saw all of his friends practically falling over the barricade cheering him on. Lastly, he looked over his shoulder and saw Ash.
He could hear Ash cheering him on louder than anyone else. Then he made his decision. He was going to persevere. For his fans, his friends, and, most importantly... for Ash."
Garchomp looked forward and started to roar. Despite the supereffective attack currently effecting him, Garchomp built up the speed and power behind his attack. Suddenly, the energy around him transformed into the shape of a dragon.
"Gengar, dodge it!" Agatha cried. Gengar turned around and tried to run, but he was soon engulfed by the attack's energy. There was a massive explosion that sent dust and fire flying into the air.
Once everything settled, Gengar was shown to be back in his normal form face first in the ground, while Garchomp held him to the ground with his foot.
"Gengar is unable to battle!" The referee called as the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. "That means that Ash Ketchum and Garchomp are the winners!"
Ash ran over to Garchomp and hugged him. "I couldn't have done this without you buddy." Ash whispered.
Suddenly, Garchomp scooped Ash up and sat him on his shoulder. They laughed as they both put up a fist and cheered along with the crowd.
After receiving their applause, Garchomp let Ash down. He walked up to Agatha and shook her hand. "That was a spectacular battle young man! I need someone like you to take my spot next year for sure!"
Ash gasped at this. "Your retiring?"
The old lady chuckled and patted Ash on the back. "I think you have more important things to worry about with a certain Fiancé." She pointed toward Misty who was walking up to Ash.
Ash looked at Misty and then back to Agatha. "Wait, how did you..." The old lady only laughed as she turned around and walked away. Ash laughed along with her before turning around and embracing Misty.
"Only three more left," Misty whispered into his ear. "then your all mine."
The two giggled with each other and stared into each other's eyes. Ash then leaned in a brought her into a kiss. As he was kissing her, Delia came up from behind and smacked her son in the back of the head.
"OWWW! What the hell was that for?"
"When were you planning on telling me about the engagement?" Delia questioned hostilely.
Ash looked at Misty and crossed his arms. "I thought we were going to wait until AFTER facing the Pokémon Master!"
"Don't be mad at me!" Misty exclaimed. "That was all Brock!"
"BROCK!?" The culprit himself was standing behind Ash as he screamed this. He started to back away slowly but was blocked by Garchomp.
Ash turned around and saw him. He was about to attack him when he had an idea. He smirked and looked up at Garchomp.
"Garchomp, use Flamethrower on big mouth over here." Ash said while pointing at Brock. Garchomp smirked back as he looked down at Brock. Brock put both of his hands up and started to back away from the massive Pokémon.
"I'm sorry Ash!" Brock exclaimed. "Just please call him off!"
Ash took a second to pretend to think and looked back at Brock. "I don't think I will."
Brock stopped and chuckled nervously before turning around and taking off in a full sprint. Ash, Misty, Delia, and the rest couldn't do anything but laugh as Brock ran around the arena to avoid being burnt to a crisp by Garchomp.
And that's all folks! I hope ya'll enjoyed it and I'll talk to ya'll in the next one. Peace!
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